Hab mal ein paar Abkürzungen für euch zusammen gesucht. Ich hoffe, ich hab nichts geschrieben, was schon von euch gepostet wurde.
ack = acknowladged
afaics = as far as I can see
afair = as far as I remember
anfscd = And now for something completely different... (Themawechsel)
ASAP = as soon as possible
atm = at the moment
ayor = at your own risk
b4n/bfn = bye for now
bb = be back
bbiab = be back in a bit
bot = back on topic
BTW = by the way
cg/grats/gratz = congrats
cmiiw = correct me if I'm wrong
FYI = for your information
gl = good luck
hf = have fun
IC = I see
IMO = in my opinion
IMHO = in my humble opinion (in dem Fall nicht so wichtig meinend)
k = okay
mom = moment
msg = message
nm = no matter
omg = oh my God
ot = off topic
ROFLMAO = rolling on the floor laughing my a§§ off
rok = real online kiss
we = weekend
wtg = way to go (sinngemäß: hast super gemacht)
Hoffe ich konnte helfen.