Beiträge von Usher

    Was muss ich hier machen? Sorry für langen Beitrag.
    To create a new career by cloning a object (tutorial)

    The group IDs for jobs are:
    Adult Teen/Elder
    Athletics: 0x7FC82329 0x7FBDC3E8
    Business: 0x7F1575B2 0x7F83EF68
    Criminal: 0x7F5AA90E 0x7FCC33D4
    Culinary: 0x7FF8F9B6 0x7F6E636C
    Law Enforcement: 0x7F05D903 0x7F3969B0
    Medicine: 0x7F0E5D6B 0x7F98C7B1
    Military: 0x7F4C28B2 0x7FDAB268
    Politics: 0x7F162387 0x7F80B95D
    Science: 0x7F7201DA 0x7F1611D4
    Slacker: 0x7F2FD049 0x7F4BC047

    Also the schools group IDs
    Private: 0x7F2DCBC6
    Public: 0x7F647BAD

    Alternatively you can start making your career using my test careers as starting points (at bottom of post). In this case you only need to change the GUID for the object data.
    Note: TeenTestCareer should update to the Adult test career.

    Career Files

    Adult Careers consist of 104 files (a few more for the criminal career - I think because of the swag bag used by the cat burglar)
    - 86 Behaviour constants
    - 2 Behaviour Functions
    - 1 catalogue description
    - 1 global data
    - 5 image files
    - 1 Null Reference
    - 1 Object Data
    - 1 Object Functions
    - 1 Slot File
    - 5 Text Files

    Behaviour Functions:
    Init - This file seems to set some sim character attributes, not sure what but it differs greatly with each career.
    CT Career Reward - This file manages the career reward, when and what career object is unlocked. How this works is a little complicated, and rather than try descibe it here - I'll just put a link to fergusdog's bhav research

    Catalogue Description:
    The 0x0 value here is the career name used in the game

    Global Data:
    Don't Touch. This may be how the sims2 engine identifies this as a career (this is a really big guess).

    Image Files:
    The images used to represent the Sims career in the UI. One of these should be blank. Note: while simpe exports these with the jpg extension, the correct extension is in fact tga.

    Null Reference:
    Text data describing what this object is - not actually used in the game, so you don't have to change this, but you can if you want to.

    Object Data:
    You need to change the GUID to a unique number, other than that I don't really know much about this file.

    Object Functions:
    You shouldn't need to change this. The init value should be the same as the instance value of the init bhav. The main value points to a semi global bhav somewhere in the Sims engine (group 0x7F8F4EB6 I think).

    Slot File:

    Text Files:
    Only two of these seem to be relevant, one contains the career level names and descriptions, the other the text for the chance cards.
    The career level names and descriptions can be edited how you like (there's probably a maximum length).

    Career Name occur in pairs of name and description.
    0x0 Unemployed (Don't change)
    0x1 to 0x14 - Jobtitles and decriptions for male sims
    0x15 to 0x28 - Jobtitles and decriptions for female sims

    Chance Cards - Heavily related to the tuning bcon files.
    0x0 to 0xF - unknown (unused?)
    0x10 - description says debugging info
    0x11 - wild card used as Sims name in cards (Don't touch)
    0x12 - Text for the ignore button
    0x13 to 0x1E career level 2 chance card. (not 1 as this is unemployed)
    0x13 - Chance card choice A
    0x14 - Chance card choice B
    0x15 - Chance card text for male sim.
    0x16 - chance card text for female sim.
    0x17 - passing choice A for male sim.
    0x18 - passing choice A for female sim.
    0x19 - Fail choice A for male sim.
    0x1A - Fail choice A for female sim.
    0x1B - passing choice A for male sim.
    0x1C - passing choice A for female sim.
    0x1D - Fail choice A for male sim.
    0x1E - Fail choice A for female sim.
    0x1F to 0x2A career level 3
    0x2B to 0x36 career level 4
    0x37 to 0x42 career level 5
    0x43 to 0x4E career level 6
    0x4F to 0x5A career level 7
    0x5B to 0x66 career level 8
    0x67 to 0x72 career level 9
    0x73 to 0x7E career level 10
    0x7F to 0x8a career level 11

    The Behaviour Constants:
    (SimPE v0.12 or greater makes these so much easier to understand)
    These contain most of the career information, and I will describe these in groups (based on file names). These files are lists of numbers, each position in the list represents the value for a career level.
    Note: there are 11 career levels, but the first (0x0) is unemployed and its data should not be altered.
    Example: The 'Tuning - Daily Wages' file from the athletic career is a list of 11 values. The first value (0x0) is for unemployed and should always be 0. The second (0x1) is 0x009A (154 in decimal) which is the daily wage for the first career level.

    Vehicle and Outfit GUIDS - These represent the vehicle and outfits for each career level. There are twice as many numbers as there are career levels.
    The 'Outfit GUIDS' BCON lists the GUID for the object data that coresponds to each outfit. eg (taken once again for athletic career) 0x000 & 0x001 are blank (for unemployed), 0x002=EA26 0x003=8CE5 which combine to 8CE5EA26 which is the mascot outfit. 0x0000, 0x0000 refers your sims normal clothes.

    Tuning Start Hour - The time of day the Sims goes to work at each career level.

    Tuning Work Day Flags - Which days the sim goes to work. This is in binary with bit1=Monday, bit2=Tuesday, bit3=Wednesday etc..

    Tuning Hours per Day - The number of hours the sim works a day for each career level.

    Tuning Daily Wages - money earned per day at each career level.

    Skill Req ???? - The skill points required to reach that career level. These are in hundreds (ie 1 skillpoint = 100, 2 skillpoints = 200 etc..). There is also an unused Skill Req Gardening file.

    Tuning Family Friends - The number of family friends required to reach each career level.

    Motive Deltas - These are how your Sims needs will move. They appear to be signed values (ie. negative and positive) but not sure what method of signing yet (ie 1s complement, 2s Complement). There are two social deltas (family and public) and a mental delta.

    Tuning Chance Random - How likely a chance card is (Big Guess).

    Tuning Chance A/B Skill ??? - What level of a skill needed to pass the A/B choice of a chance card.

    Tuning Chance A/B Good ??? - reward for passing chance card (can be job level, money and/or skill points).

    Tuning Chance A/B Good ??? - penalty for failing chance card (can be job level, money and/or skill points).

    Life Score - Unknown

    Tuning - This is a constant file used to help set what level the career reward is unlock - see bhav section.

    Tuning PTO - Unknown (Looks like this may control if a promotion is available, but also other things - I think its binary flags)

    Meine Wünsche:
    1. Einen Körperpunkt bekommen. (+1000)
    2. Eine 6 bekommen.(In Deutschland wäre das eine 1) (+8000)
    3. Einen Job in der Informatik Karriere bekommen. (+5000)
    4. Rumschmusen mit xxx. (+100000) :häppy
    Meine ängste:
    1. xxx Macht Schluss! (-500000)
    2. Noten werden schlechter. (-9000)
    3. Jemand in der Familie stirbt. (-20000)

    Wenn du mit einem Mann um zwölf Uhr nachts durchs Fernglas guckst kommen wenn du Glück hast die Aliens und nehmen deinen Sim Mann mit. Wenn er zurück kommt ist er Schwanger und bekommt ein Alien Baby.

    Wenn du eine Familie erstellst kannste auf dem Stammbaum die beiden Bilder zussammen schieben und dann kommt die Frage Mitbewohner von ****, bzw.
    Ehemann/frau von ****.
    Hoffe konnte dir helfen.