Schönen Guten Tag.
Ich habe letztens mal in meinen alten Englischhefter geschau tund musste wieder über die geilen Aufgaben schmunzeln. Haben damals richtig coole Aufgaben bekommen :D.
Ich hab diesen Thread aufgemacht, damit wir uns evtl. gegenseitig ein paar lustige aber auch interessante Übungen geben können um uns zu testen aber auch, um ein wenig Spaß zu haben.
Haben damals in der Schule Gruselgeschichten und so n Spaß gehabt, um uns die Grammatik besser einprägen zu können.
Die geilste Aufgabe war allerdings aus dem Themengebiet "Reported speech"
She thinks "He's boring"
She thinks that he's boring.
He will probably say "I'm sure I've seen you somewhere before".
He will probably say that he is sure he has seen her somewhere before.
so und nun nur noch die statements von den zweien =)
- He sait "I'm sure I've seen you somewhere before."
- "I don't remember ever meeting you", she said.
- "I think we met on holiday", he said.
- He said "I'll buy you a drink."
- She said 'I'm tired."
- He said "We've only just started talking".
- She thought "He's really boring."
- He said "It's still early."
- She said "I started work at six o'clock."
- He said "It's time to relax."
- She said "I have a very busy week."
- He thought "She'll be much nicer after a drink."
- She thought "I made a mistake accepting this invitation."
- He said "You'll feel much better after a drink."
- He said "What are you going to drink?"
- She asked "Waht is there?"
- He said "Which do you prefer - white wine, red wine or beer?"
- She said "What else is there?"
- He said "How do you feel about a small whisky?"
- She asked "What did you say?"
(Die hat noch nichts getrunken und ist schon weggetreten...)
- He said "What do you want in your whisky?"
- "Why does he think I wand whisky?" she wondered.
wechseln wir mal das Getränk...
- She said "Can you just get me some orange juice?"
- He said "Can I Get you a gin and tonic instead?"
- She said "Do you know where my coat is?"
- He said "Do you really want to go?"
- She said "Are you as stupid as you look?"
- He said "Did I say something to annoy you?"
- "Am I dreaming? Is he real" she wondered
(total neben der Spur...)
- She said "Have you finished?"
- He said "Do have another drink."
- She said "Stop saying that."
- She said "Please don't forget my coat."
- He said "Do stay."
- She said "Go and jump in the river."
- He said "Don't go away."
- She said "Get lost."
- He said "Please give me your address."
- She said "Drop dead."
- He said "Don't say that."
- She said "Give me my coat before I kick your theeth in."
This is living Ich hab mich vorhin so weggehauen, als ich das nochmal gelesen habe...
Ich hoffe mal, dass der Thread zur Unterhaltung aber auch halt für solche Übungen genutzt wird. Wenn ihr auch solche Übungen habt, einfach posten Wäre natürlich interessant, wenn man die alt gehasste Deutschfrage mit dem Text in Verbindung bringt "Was will uns der Autor damit sagen?"
Liebe Grüße
Ich wars