Beiträge von Delphy

    v1.3 update:

    v1.3 - Fixed overflow problem loading very large obj files (base character meshes)
    - Added ability to import bone details from other meshes into the current one
    - Added ability to edit Bone Names
    - Added ability to edit Bone Weights

    So basically you can make meshes that have bones in them now (character meshes)

    You could always get one of the GamePacks (like the q uake 3 Tempest plugin) for Gmax, export to .md2 and use Milkshape to export to .obj


    Hrm, which error comes up again? It worked fine when I tried it with the file you attached so must be a different error. Are you talking about an error in GMax or in my program?

    What format does GMax export to? From my recollection it's a custom format (*.gmax)?

    If Gmax only saves in the one format then you'd need to convert it using other software.


    I fixed some issues with 3ds Max generated obj files (and a few other bugs). Download v1.2 and see if that helps.


    Please check your Windows decimal seperator as I noted in my previous post. This should be set to "." and then you need to reconvert any meshes you converted previously.


    If you find your OBJ files look corrupted when importing them into Milkshape, please check Control Panel -> Regional Settings -> Customise -> Decimal Seperator. Make SURE this is set to a full stop "." and not a comma ","


    I've completed work on v1.1 of the Singles Mesh Convertor / Creator. This new release allows you to now create Singles objects from OBJ files, and means lots of custom downloads should soon follow!

    See for more details and to download this.

    It is recommended you grab this version *and* reconvert any existing AMS files to OBJ if you have the older 1.0 version.

    I'll be creating a section for people to upload custom objects and outfits in a minute. (Remember you have to register and login to be able to upload custom files)


    Übersetzung eines müden Powersurge:

    ich habe die Arbeit an Version 1.1 des "Singles"-Mesh-Converters/Creators abgeschlossen. Diese neue Version ermöglicht es Euch nun, "Singles"-Objekte aus OBJ-Files zu erstellen, was bedeutet, daß es bald viele selbstgemachte Downloads geben sollte.

    Unter kann man mehr erfahren und das Programm herunterladen.

    Falls Ihr die ältere Version 1.0 habt, ist es empfehlenswert, sich diese neue Version zuzulegen und alle existierenden AMS-Dateien ins OBJ-Format zurückzukonvertieren.

    Ich werde gleiche eine Sektion erstellen, in der man eigene Objekte und Outfits hochladen kann (dran denken, daß Ihr Euch registrieren und einloggen müßt, um Dateien uploaden zu können).


    Verdammt, ich hab auch schon flüssiger übersetzt.... :rolleyes

    Powersurge, Thanks for the translations.

    I do actually check here once a day or so, but becuase I don't know any German I have to browse through a translator which hurts my brain after a while :D

    As for OBJ files... any good 3d program will read them. I tested in Milkshape, and got fully textured models working however. However, you may need to increase the "emissive" material property in order to see the textures. Singles Meshes don't have an emissive value so it's set at black, which some 3d programs dont like.

    You can also use a program like 3dex (Deep Exploration) to view the OBJ files and convert them in 3d studio, etc.

    As Powersurge said, I can be found on the International forums or on my website.


    I'm working on mod tools at the moment.

    I already have a program that converts the binary WMS files to the more human readable AMS files, and I'm currently working on converting *those* into either a milkshape plugin or just straight OBJ files which could then be converted into anything else.

    Should be the end of the week approx.

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    Fat Man:

    I heard this privately from Rotobee - they did not post on the forums themselves, I only passed on the information after checking it was okay to do so. Hope that clears it up.

    Powersurge, thanks for the extra translation :D

    German translation via Google:
    Ich hörte dieses privat von Rotobee - sie gaben nicht auf den Foren selbst bekannt, nach der Überprüfung sie, ich überschritten nur auf die Informationen waren okay, so zu tun. Hoffen Sie daß freie Räume es oben


    I dont speak German, so you'll have to bear with me :)

    I'm fairly active over on the International Singles forums ( but realise that not everybody reads that.

    I'm currently working on a Milkshape plugin for the Singles mesh files, which will enable us to add/change new outfits, characters, objects and more!

    German translation via Google:
    Ich bin ziemlich aktiver Over auf dem internationalen Singles Foren aber feststelle, daß nicht jeder den liest.

    Ich arbeite z.Z. auf einem Milkshape, das für steckbar ist, Singles Ineinandergreifenakten, die uns zu den neuen Ausstattungen, zu den Buchstaben, zu den Gegenständen und zu mehr add/change ermöglichen!

    German translation via Powersurge ;):
    Ich bin ziemlich aktiv drüben im internationalen "Singles"-Forum, aber ich glaube, das liest nicht jeder.

    Ich arbeite zur Zeit an einem Milkshape-Plugin für die "Singles"-Mesh-Files, das es uns erlauben wird, Outfits, Charaktere und Objekte zu erstellen/zu ändern (und mehr).

    The details can be found on:

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