das hatte ich auch einmal!
ich sach nur neu anfangen
bei mir war es auch das mein roller im meer gelandet is!
mein roller is schrott und muss den ganzen tag im kanal rumlaufen-.-
aba dann hatte ich neu angefangen und alles war wedde jut
Beiträge von AcIdGiRlY
das wurde schon in einem anderen thema beantwortet!
guck ma ein bissl rum
;)Pia -
jojo direkt nebn dem eingang vom kanal
Halli Hallo!
1.Ich hab ein Problem wie schlag ich den Dirk bei GBA KO?
2.Wo ist denn das verdrehte Huhn?
bitte helft mir!
Pia :hypo -
:motz <ich versuch den ganzen tag den Dirk KO zu schlagen aba es geht net!Wie geht das denn? >
:anbet <helft mir bitte!>:heule <was meinen die denn mit fang das verdrehte huhn???>
ich würde mich sehr freuen wenn ihr mir helfen könntet!
Das is das level wo man in der villa am meer (villa haha ich hab das ding in 2 tagen mit sachen vollgekrämpelt) is!
:up <ich verlass mich auf euch!>
:hammer Acidgirly
:gutenacht -
es gibt keine Cheats für GbA leider
Acidgirly -
Für mac gab es sowas das man die PS spiele spielen könnte aba das is voll schrott!Monitor und fehrnsehr haben verschiedene größen
man sieht kaum was weil der monitor zu klein is
das bild is verzehrt
also ich würd dann lieba ne PS2 kaufen,die is ja net mehr so teuer! -
Was soll die kacka!
Warum können die net auf eina site einfach direkt alle cheats eingebn!
Ich such imma und guck jeden tag auf 16cheatsseiten(llangsam wirds nervig)aba überall steht der gleiche shit!
Na denn da muss man durch-.- -
dacht nur so
wie kann man den dirk schlaghen
sry hab mich verkraggelt nono man muss alle missionen machen dann kann man erst chillen -
Für GC
Cheats im Pausenmodus eingeben (schnell)10.000 Simoleons (*) R2, L1, R1, L2, Kreis
* Wählt den Gnom aus um das Geld zu erhalten. Aktiviert diesen Cheat um die
anderen Codes zu erlaubenalle Objekte freischalten L2, R2, Pfeil nach oben, Dreieck, L3
alle Orte freischalten R2, R3, L3, L2, R1, L1
Beginne indem du den 'Gnom aufdecken' Cheat durchführst * (den sag ich euch unten!). Sei Schnell! Alle cheats müssen innerhalb einer Satzzeitmenge durchgeführt werden - gewöhnlich 1 1/2 sek.okay der gnom aufdecken cheat ist
runter L1 Z R1 <- ->restliche cheats:
unlock all locations: runter Z R1 L11 Z
unlock all objects: runter Z hoch hoch R1
Für PS2
Cheat gnome:
Pause time, then quickly press R2, L1, R1, L2, Left, Circle. A Sim voice will say something to confirm correct code entry. A gnome should appear near the house that your Sim is at. Select it for 10,000 Simoleons.All objects unlocked:
Enable the "Cheat gnome" code. Pause time, then quickly press L2, R2, Up, Triangle, L3. A Sim voice will say something to confirm correct code entry.All visit locations unlocked:
Enable the "Cheat gnome" code. Pause time, then quickly press R2, R3, L3, L2, R1, L1. A Sim voice will say something to confirm correct code entry. Note: This code can be entered any time after your Sim wakes up at Mom's House after the initial "Dream Sequence".
Information in this section was contributed by Jeff Jett.Hint: Boosting a low budget:
At Mom's house, Mimi's place, or Dudley's trailer, buy things until your budget drops below $100. Wait about an hour. When the phone rings, answer it. You will get free money. Repeat this as necessary.Hint: Raise motives:
To help raise motives in later levels, move back to Mom's house. The Artificial Love will make raising motives easier.
Information in this section was contributed by Lupin III.Hint: Raising skills:
While living with Mom, do not run out and get a job after you have completed the first few goals. Instead, stay around awhile and use that time to build skills. Mom will nag you, but just select "Okay" and keep doing everything else. Make sure to keep yourself happy and entertain/talk/joke with Mom to keep your relationship up to par. When you have your skills where you want them, move out. This will make things much easier. You will then be able to concentrate on your job and relationships, rather than skill building.
Information in this section was contributed by Scarlet.Notice that when you are at your Mom's house at the beginning, your Sim's energy and social do not go down, and will remain at the halfway point. Using this, you can raise your skills faster. First, have breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Then, use the toilet, take a bath, watch television for fun and comfort, then finally work on whatever skill you want. After repeating this routine before having breakfast, lunch, or dinner, clean up the plates. Do not call a maid or anything else, as it is a waste of money. For extra money, do creative skills on your paint set and sell your paintings when done. This will give you a lot of money when you are done with your skills. Do all goals except getting a job. Do not sleep or talk to your mom while doing this. When done with Cooking, Mechanical, Creative, and Charisma, buy a chess table for Logic. When you are done with those skills, sell the chess set (whole refund). Then, buy the weight lifting machine for the Body. When done with all skills, get a job and move out.
Information in this section was contributed by Eddie.Hint: Jock career:
To successfully complete the Jock career, you need to have all Body points, 4 Cooking points, and 5 Charisma points. You will also need six friends. A quick way to complete this is go to Mom's house and buy something to work your body (for example, a treadmill, pool, etc.);a bookshelf or something similar to the gourmet cooking stove; and something for your charisma (for example, a microphone or a mirror). Do that, then build your skills and move to the different houses so you can complete a goal and unlock something. You will eventually get to Malcolm's mansion.
Information in this section was contributed by Dragonslave2191.Hint: Skipping work:
In Bustin' Out mode, you can skip work by moving back into Mom's house. While you live with Mom, the bus will not arrive, and you do not have to work. This is useful if things are not going so well and you need some time to "restore" your Sim.
Information in this section was contributed by Sebuzzie.In Bustin' Out mode, you can skip work by changing jobs before the bus arrives. Later, you can just change back to your old job. This is useful if you are about to get fired. Note: You will only get fired if you skip work two or three times in a row.
Information in this section was contributed by Sebuzzie.Hint: Never work:
In Bustin' Out mode, the people who you live with (who you can control) cannot get fired. If you want them to stay home, just let them. This can be very useful if you need them to clean up, or need them to do some other things.
Information in this section was contributed by Sebuzzie.Hint: Get a bigger room:
When at Dudley's trailer, go to the master bedroom. Then, sell the door that leads to the smaller room so that there is just a wall. Next, make a door at the top right corner so that there is a place you could walk into the smaller room. Then, decorate both rooms' wallpaper and carpet to be the same and you will have a bigger room.
Information in this section was contributed by Asaints8.Hint: Raising a baby:
When you have a baby, do not play with it ever, as it does nothing. If you feed it then sing, it will stop crying for a couple of hours.
Information in this section was contributed by Dragonslave2191.Hint: Fishin' For Profit book:
To get the Fishin' For Profit book go to Nikki Nack's store (open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.). After you buy it, find O'Phil Mclean. Give it to him and he will give you a job. Note: You must get the goals from him first. To do this, talk to Salty. Later in the game, you will be offered by Nikki Nack to buy the Waterfront Villa for 3,000 Simoleons.
Information in this section was contributed by Asaints8.Hint: Throw an art opening:
When you move to Studio 8, one of the goals is to throw an art opening. In order for the art opening to be successful, you have to purchase a Sculpting Block and sculpt it first. Then, have the party and it will be successful. However, before you can purchase the Sculpting Block, you must complete the goal that will give you access to it.
Information in this section was contributed by ADTS.Hint: Dead plants:
When a plant is dead, do not throw it away. You can sell the dead plant for as much as a new plant costs.
Information in this section was contributed by Sebuzzie.Hint: Easy money:
When you go to a house and do not have much money, trade in all the wallpaper and buy the cheap version. You can get a good amount of money. You can do the same thing with the tile.
Information in this section was contributed by Robert Dalton.When you move into a house, sell all the wallpaper and tiles. Then, change the tiles to grass and the wallpaper to nothing.
Information in this section was contributed by Sam petryszak.Instead of working, you can get a workbench from the "Building Skills" section in buy mode. When your Mechanical skill is at its best, you will get 100 Simoleons for each gnome you make. It only takes about five seconds to make each gnome, and you can make about thirteen gnomes at once. Note: Your Sim will only make gnomes when in a good mood.
Information in this section was contributed by RedCarrera4S. -
R2, L1, R1, L2, Left, Circle
für ps2 -
dafür muss man ein cheat eingeben
eins pro haus und das hat nüx mit den missionen zu tun sondern für geldi und objektis und naja eben so ein "cheat"gnom
aber nichts passiert
wieder passiert nichts!
ich bin verzweifelt!
wofür bist du den da?
bist du kein cheat gnom?!
helft mir!
hat sich was komisch nagehört aba ich brauch hilfe!Schrott Gnom ich weiß ich soll nich immer alles auf andere schieben *g*:D -
was meinste mit 2 (sims)tagen ganz normal beendet o__o
war das spiel dann vorbei oda was? -
ich hab die sims brechen aus 2x (einmal gba und ps2) und ich saß ganze 3tage lang am gba danach hatte ich 1tag die übelsten kopfschmerzen und das will ich nich noma machen nur wegen so einer story deswegen brauch ich cheats weil ich nie so gut bei solchen spielen bin ich verlier öfters die geduld:)
ich wollt ma fragen ob es die sims 2 auch für mac gibt
Pia -
Ich hab auf 16 cheats seiten nachgeguckt und überall steht das gleiche
sry hat sich erledigt aba wie kann man den gnom auswählen?