Beiträge von ^*BluCantrell*^

    Zitat von Sunny-Chan

    Hab grad en Stück bei RTL gesehen,da waren Elli und Denise mit uuultra langen Haaren (das steht Elli voll *hr*)...und beide haben se Beatiful von Xtina gesungen ^^

    Das hab ich auch gesehen. Ellie und Denise haben lange Haare!! Wow!!!

    Zitat von Ruby

    Ich wünsche den heutigen Gebutstagskinder alles Liebe

    Wuschelchen, Viktoria S. (49), asragir (38), Moona (21), melle87 (17), Krüschi (16), xhala (16), SasseBritta (16), Lillilia (16), Lumpi (16), Pinky (15), simmo (14), MarronStern (14), Big_Bims (13), ^*BluCantrell*^ (13)

    Ganz besonders aber BluCantrell,... du wirst heut 13 Jahre! :wink

    Thx Ruby!! *hdl* :knuddel

    Liest mal vor!!!
    Typen statt Schablonen-Stars

    Muss Denise abnehmen, wenn sie im Showgeschäft Erfolg haben will? Sollte Elli ihr Punker-Image ablegen und Röcke tragen, um die Charts zu stürmen? Am 27. November hatte Daniel sich nach der 1. Mottoshow in der 'Bams' bereits dazu geäußert: "Ich finde es klasse von ihr, dass sie Frauen Mut macht, die keine Idealfigur haben. Elli hat das gewisse Etwas!"

    » Hier erfährst du alles über Elli
    » Infos, Bilder und Videos von Denise
    Fakt ist, dass weder zu Denise noch zu Elli das zuweilen etwas mageren Popstar-Image passt. Marktkenner und DSDS-Juror Thomas Stein ist keinesfalls überrascht. "Der Trend geht hin zur Normalität. Die Leute haben sich satt gesehen an den Schönen und Schlanken", erklärt der Musik-Experte in der 'Bild'. Eine Beobachtung, die sich bei Pop Idol-Gewinnern aus vielen Ländern bestätigt. In den USA gewann in der zweiten Runde Schwergewicht Ruben Studdard und räumte bereits mächtig in den US-Charts ab.

    » Alle Infos zu Ruben
    » Hier geht's zu Michelle

    >>>>>>In England gewann die pfundige Michelle McManus die zweite Staffel. Auch sie belegte mehrere Wochen Platz 1 der UK-Charts und erhielt für 10 Millionen Anrufe in der Finalshow sogar einen Eintrag in das Guiness-Buch der Rekorde.<<<<<<

    Und nicht zuletzt "Superstar weltweit"-Gewinner Kurt Nilsen (Foto) ist ein klassisches Beispiel dafür, dass im Musikgeschäft Typen gesucht werden - und dafür gibt es keine Schablonen.

    » Zu Kurt und "Superstar weltweit"

    "Elli und Denise sind natürlich keine Schönheiten. Aber man muss doch kein Model sein, um Erfolg zu haben. Was zählt, ist letztlich Stimme und Persönlichkeit. Und die haben sie", meint auch Superstar Alexander in der 'Bild'. Bei genauem Hinsehen ist die Musikgeschichte voll mit Weltstars, die durch irgendwelche Besonderheiten so gar nicht dem Popstar-Klischee entsprechen: » Aretha Franklin, » Barry White, » The Mamas & The Papas, » Alice Cooper, » Kiss, » Elton John, Joe Cocker, Meat Loaf, Missy Elliott...

    Baby, can't you see I'm calling
    A guy like you should wear a warning
    It's dangerous
    I'm falling
    There's no escape
    I can't wait
    I need a hit
    Baby, give me it
    You're dangerous
    I'm loving it
    Can't calm down
    Losin' my head
    Spinnin' 'round and 'round
    Do you feel me now?
    With the taste of your lips
    I'm on a ride
    Your toxic tongue slippin' mine (Ohh Ohh)
    With the taste of the poison paradise
    I'm addicted to you
    Don't you know that your toxic?
    And I love what you do
    Don't you know that your toxic?
    It's getting late to give you up
    I took a sip from a devil's cup
    Slowly, It's taking over me
    Tonight Can't calm down
    It's in the air and it's all around
    Can you feel me now?
    With the taste of your lips
    I'm on a ride
    Your toxic tongue slippin' mine (Ohh Ohh)
    With the taste of the poison paradise
    I'm addicted to you
    Don't you know that your toxic?
    And I love what you do
    Don't you know that your toxic?
    Intoxicated now
    With your lovin' now
    I think I'm ready now
    Intoxicated now
    With your lovin' now
    I think I'm ready now

    Yeah Yeah Yeah...Hmm Hmm...Superstar...Aha...Oooh

    People always talk about (eh oh eh eh oh)
    All the things they're all about (eh oh eh eh oh)
    Writing on a piece of paper (paper)
    Gotta feeling now see you later (later)

    There's something 'bout it
    Let's keep it movin'
    And nothing's goodness
    Just give something cool cain
    Yes I really wanna rock with you
    I'm feeling some connection to the things you do (you do, you do)

    I don't know what it is
    That makes me feel like this
    I don't know who you are
    But you're my sweet some kind of superstar
    Cause you gotta eyes on you no matter where you Are
    You just make me wanna play

    Baby take a look around (eh oh eh eh oh)
    Everbody's gettin' down (eh oh eh eh oh)
    Do we thougt we proud them later (later)
    Bad boys on that best behaviour

    There's somethin' 'bout you
    Let's keep it movin'
    And nothing's goodness
    Just give somethin' cool cain
    Yes I really wanna rock with you
    I'm feeling some connection to the things you do
    (you do, you do)


    I like the way you're movin' (eh oh eh eh oh)
    I just gonna to the groovin' then (you just make me wanna play)
    If you just work into paper (eh oh eh eh oh)
    Got that feelin' now see you later (eh oh eh eh oh)

    Make ya move
    Can't we get a little closer?
    You...rock it just like you suppose to
    Play...boy I ain't got nothin'
    But I say
    You just make me wanna play

    I don't know what it is
    That makes me feel like this
    No no
    Gotta be gotta be here your superstar
    All eyes on you ooooh
    You just make me wanna say


    Sean Paul]
    Sean-A-Paul and blu cantrell (cantrell)
    remix that gona make ya head swell yo
    yo hey yo *bum* yo hey yo, Dutty

    so what's that supposed to be about baby
    ya'll free up ya mind and stop actin crazy
    reminisce about all the good times daily
    why you try pull that got me actin shady

    what's that supposed to be about baby
    ya'll free up ya mind and stop actin crazy
    sean-a-paul u'll give ya the good lovin daily
    now you try and pull that got me actin shady

    You say you love, say you love me
    But you're never there for me, yeah, mmm...hmm...
    You'll be cryin', slowly dyin'
    When I decide to leave, oh, oh

    All we do is make up (make up)
    Then break up (break up)
    Why don't we wake up
    And see

    When love hurts (love hurts)
    It won't work (won't work)
    Maybe we need some time alone
    We need to let it breathe

    so what's that supposed to be about baby (breathe)
    ya'll free up ya mind and stop actin crazy (breathe)
    reminisce about all the good times daily (breathe)
    why you try pull that got me actin shady

    You're only lonely when your homey
    Ain't got a ride or no loot, yeah, uh-huh
    Then comes the drama
    Some other girl is claimin' she's goin' out with you,


    All we do is make up (make up)
    Then break up (break up)
    Why don't we wake up
    And see

    When love hurts (love hurts)
    It won't work (won't work)
    Maybe we need some time alone
    We need to let it breathe

    so what's that supposed to be about baby (Breathe)
    ya'll free up ya mind and stop actin crazy (Breathe)
    shady shady shady shady (Breathe, Breathe)

    not again
    my girl for the fourth time
    let me make it very clear to you
    your very dear to me
    and honor of me
    share to you
    me not unfair to you
    who would u want
    for real you make me know and
    i will be there for you
    but me know im not a fear to you
    stand up like a man and not be there cuz i care for you
    long time tellin you
    no other girl can compare to you
    and if i live without
    im gonna share my life and there for you
    say you want to breathe
    im still not im exhalin'
    say you want to leave cuz this relationship failin'
    aint nobody say that it would be smooth sailin'
    girl i wana know why your bailin'

    so what's that supposed to be about baby
    ya'll free up ya mind and stop actin crazy
    reminisce about all the good times daily
    why you try pull that got me actin shady shady baby baby

    maybe we need some time alone
    so we can just breathe
    let it breathe
    let it breathe
    yeah yeah yeah yeah let it breathe yeah
    oh oh time to breathe yall...

    UND VIEL SPaß!!!
    Eckstein Eckstein alles muß VErsteck sein. 1,2,3,45678910 AUGEN AUF ICH Komme

    Ellie?? Superstar??? Na ja...Die neue Küblböck is Ellie!!!! Die neue Alexander is Denise!!! Die neue Vanessa ist Judith!!! Die neue Gracia is Aida!!! Ich bin Ellie-Hasser!!!
    Ich finde dass Denise Superstar wird. Ellie ist viel zu LEBISCH!!! Hatte ja Sex mit ihre Freundin!!!*igiit* Und Denise ist viel zu DICK!!! Sie soll ja abnehmen. Würde sagen DENISE WIRD SUPERSTAR!!! STIMME ABER NICHT FÜR DENISE!!!!Bye Elli-Hasser