du kannst glaub ich, wenn du auf www.lallybroch.com gehst, nen link finden auf dem man gälisch lernen kann (oder du gehst nochmal ins forum, da hat sorcha nen thread über gälisch lernen gemacht).
wär schön, wenn ich es könnte, aber erstmal sollte ich richtig deutsch lernen, damit ich net nochmal durch die grammatik falle!
ach, jetzt kann ich mich wieder an die szene erinnern. bei der hab ich mich so tot gelacht... mitten im zug, als ich nach homburg gefahren bin. war voll peinlich, weil die leuts doof geguckt haben, aber egal!
hmm, seite 303 ist doch ganz gut... dann haste schon immerhin ein viertel gepackt. aber ich glaube, das reicht in den semesterferien nimmer, es sei denn du liest es ganz schnell (also du zwingst dich dazu weiterzulesen, so wie ich es gemacht hab, damit ich das buch endlich los bin)!
jo, wegen englisch: was erwartest du?? du warst in schifferstadt aufm gymnasium *tstststs* :devil
We drew apart, both a little steadier, and smiled nervously. I saw Dougal draw Jamie's dirk from its sheath and wondered why. Still looking at me, Jamie held out his right hand, palm up. I gasped as the point of the dirk scored deeply across his wrist, leaving a dark line of welling blood. There was not time to jerk away before my own hand was seized and I felt the burning slice of the blade. Swiftly, Dougal pressed my wrist to Jamie's and bound the two together with a strip of white linen.
I must have swayed a bit, because Jamie gripped my elbow with his free left hand.
"Bear up, lass," he urged softly. "It's not long now. Say the words after me." It was a short bit of Gaelic, two or three sentences. The words meant nothing to me, but I obediently repeated them after Jamie, stumbling on the slippery vowels. The linen was untied, the wounds blotted clean, and we were married.
"A blood vow? What do the words mean?"
Jamie took my right hand and gently tucked in the last end of the makeshift bandage.
"It rhymes, more or less, when ye say it in English. It says:
'Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone.
I give ye my Body, that we Two might be One.
I give ye my Spirit, 'til our Life shall be Done.'
Is tu fuil ‘o mo chuislean, is tu cnaimh de mo chnaimh.
Is leatsa mo bhodhaig, chum gum bi sinn ‘n ar n-aon.
Is leatsa m’anam gus an criochnaich ar saoghal.
Literal Translation
You are blood of my veins, you are bone of my bone.
Yours is my body, that we may be one.
Yours is my soul until our worlds end.
Is too fool o mo chuishlinn, is too cnev de mo chnev.
("ch" is pronounced as in “La Cheim”)
Is lahtsa mo vohaig, choom goom bee shinn nar n-aon.
("ao" is pronounced as in German "ue" as in Mueller)
Is lahtsa m’anam goose an creeochnich ar sao-al.
(Again, the "ch" and "ao" sounds as above.)