Beiträge von katie

    Ich wünsche heute allen Geburtstagskindern alles Gute zum Burzeltag :rosen

    Sammassam (43), Winterblume (42), mihoshi1de (25), Jennifer (23), VolleWindel (22), BaBy2oo4 (22), Beda2000 (21), Turok (20), Phönix (19), mysterious-kat (19), ChocolateFlake (18), Laurent (15), Carmina (15), Cookie (12)

    ganz besonders Laurent, ein super DSler :D
    meld dich mal wieder ^^

    ich kann nur sagen: WOW ;)
    also ich finds klasse, das du wieder mit einer neuen Story angefangen hast. ^^
    und wie immer gefällt mir die Geschichte wirklich sehr gut. :)
    ach, auf was für nen Konzert gehst du denn? :D *neugierigbin*


    ohh...das ist wirklich schei*e auf gut deutsch gesagt xD
    ähm...also ich find das echt blöd, aber du kannst ja nichts dafür.
    Das ist wirklich sehr schade, das du nicht mehr weiter machen kannst.
    Aber ich hoffe, das du irgendwann nochmal mit einer neuen Story beginnst, also ich würde mich darüber sehr freuen. ;)


    Iced Earth - brainwashed

    And so we begin with another sun
    The earth's enslaved with hypocrites
    They lay their heads to rest at night
    Say a little prayer and all is right

    Christ it's nothing personal
    You've got to see
    They twist and turn your words
    For their own needs
    They're brainwashed puppets
    The almighty crutch
    Cowards of reality
    And their dying love

    Living life in total lies
    Judging others
    Believe that I say or burn in hell
    Bow down your head
    You won't feel so bad
    Do as I say or burn in hell

    Close your eyes, look deep inside
    Master of the ignorant
    Master of the lies
    Judgment day is close at hand
    Generate that blasphemy
    Master of the damned


    Now behind your reflection
    Lies the one who knows the truth
    Your conscience will condemn you
    On judgment day you'll lose

    It seems very odd to me
    How you sin and feel so free
    And all you have to do is say
    Forgive me ... I believe

    Lies, foolish lies
    Behind your brainwashed eyes
    Lies, foolish lies
    Behind your brainwashed eyes

    Judge me not my shallow friend
    Lest ye be judged yourself
    You abuse the words you preach
    You mold them for yourself
    Brainwashed hypocrisy
    Justifies the life you lead
    Forgive me father I have sinned
    Lay my head to rest again

    Living life in total lies
    Judging others
    Believe what I say or burn in hell
    Trust in me, say yes I believe
    Do it now or burn in hell

    The Offspring - A Thousand Days

    Ask me no questions and I'll tell you
    I'll tell you no lies
    When all is said and done
    Does it really matter who's wrong or right
    Don't ask me for a reason, I cant explain
    Why hurt one other again and again
    As I lie bleeding here I still
    Still reach for you

    A thousand days
    Have passed away
    A thousand days
    Were captured in her eyes

    Your eyes are open now but you know
    It's still hard to see inside
    When action and intention
    Are two separated things
    Now I somehow wish I could explain
    Why we hurt one another again and again
    Like someone on his dying breath
    I still reach for you


    Forever we've been
    Trapped by our hearts
    Trapped by our minds
    I'd like to leave
    I'd like to win at love

    But I just can't let it go
    And I just can't watch it slipping away
    And I just can't let it go
    And I just can't stand another minute

    Maybe now someday our shattered live
    Will mend themselves again
    But now a million miles away
    I wish I still could
    And though I somehow know, I can't explain
    Why we hurt one other again and again
    Like someone on his dying breath
    I still reach for you

    Guten Morgen zusammen ;)

    ich war gestern auf dieser SWR3 Party hier in Wissen.
    Das war schon ganz gut.
    Nur musste ich so früh gehen, was mich doch ziemlich angekotzt hat, weil ich mit nur einer Person zurück fahren konnte und an diese musste ich mich dann auch halten. ><
    Naja, heute wird wieder ein langweiliger Tag. xD Trotzdem wünsche ich euch allen einen schönen erholsamen Sonntag. :)

    deine Story zu lesen lohnt sich wirklich auf jeden fall ;)
    ich nehme mir immer zeit deine fortsetzungen mir durchzulesen, weil du immer ziemlich schnell weitermachst. ^^
    naja, mach schnell weiter :D


    Lacrimosa - Apart

    So - hast - du - gesagt
    Das - ich - weiter gehen soll

    Ich habe deine Augen gesehen
    Sie strahlten wie Sterne für mich
    Und dann sah ich Deine Liebe
    Eine leere Halle

    Dich zu küssen war wie
    Die Vergangenheit zu küssen
    Dem wollte ich nachgehen

    Ich fühlte mich zugehörig
    Zugehörig zu etwas
    Das ich immer
    Versucht habe zuz erreichen
    Ich fühlte mich zugehörig
    Zugehörig etwas zu etwas von Dauer

    Ich erträumte Deine Art
    Sie hat mich
    Manchmmal erstaunt
    Und dann sah ich Deine Ziele
    Ein schrecklicher Wahnsinn

    Dich zu berühren war wie
    Eine Flamme zu berühren
    Dem wollte ich nachgeben

    Ich fühlte mich ...

    Und ich brauche Liebe
    Wie nie zuvor
    Liebe gebraucht habe

    KoRn - Wake Up Hate

    We got a fucked up reason to live
    who really gives a fuck?
    we're gunna wake up hate
    we're gunna fuck you up
    I wanna break everything
    I wanna make it safe
    we're gunna wake up hate
    we're gunna wake it up
    You gotta get it straight
    we're gunna give it up
    we're gunna wake up hate
    we're gunna fuck you up
    I wanna break everything
    I wanna make it safe
    we're gunna wake up hate
    we're gunna wake it up

    I am the burden of my everything,
    an open scar
    I'll be reborn in hatred,
    feeling I can't love no more

    I've had to suffer
    I cannot wait for more.
    No loving and no praying
    All my hate is for the taking

    We got a fucked up reason to live
    who really gives a fuck?
    we're gunna wake up hate
    we're gunna fuck you up
    I wanna break everything
    I wanna make it safe
    we're gunna wake up hate
    we're gunna wake it up
    You gotta get it straight
    we're gunna give it up
    we're gunna wake up hate
    we're gunna fuck you up
    I wanna break everything
    I wanna make it safe
    we're gunna wake up hate
    we're gunna wake it up

    I am the falling of my happiness
    it is no more
    Stop loving, I’m still hating
    till I can not hate no more

    I've had to suffer
    I cannot wait for more.
    No loving and no praying
    All my hate is for the taking

    I'm, I am filthy
    wasted piece of shit

    I am disgusting
    take me, away

    We got a fucked up reason to live
    who really gives a fuck?
    we're gunna wake up hate
    we're gunna fuck you up
    I wanna break everything
    I wanna make it safe
    we're gunna wake up hate
    we're gunna wake it up
    You gotta get it straight
    we're gunna give it up
    we're gunna wake up hate
    we're gunna fuck you up
    I wanna break everything
    I wanna make it safe
    we're gunna wake up hate
    we're gunna wake it up
    We got a fucked up reason to live
    who really gives a fuck?
    we're gunna wake up hate
    we're gunna fuck you up
    I wanna break everything
    I wanna make it safe
    we're gunna wake up hate
    we're gunna wake it up

    Über das Thema Alkohol kann man sich wirklich streiten. Also wenn ich weg gehe, ist es normal das ich was Alk trinke. Aber ich trinke nicht so viel, dass ich z.B. am nächsten Tag nichts mehr vom vorherigem Abend weiß. Naja, ich finde auf Feiern gehört es schon dazu ein wenig Alkohol zu trinken und übertreiben sollte man natürlich nicht. Aber jdeder sollte selber wissen, wie weit er gehen kann. Nun, darauf anlegen muss man es ja net. xD

    ohje, was habt ihr alles in euren hosentaschen xD
    also ich mag es nicht, wenn was in meiner Hosentasche bzw. Jackentasche ist. ^^ Diese Beulen können mich schon ein wenig stören, außerdem schaut das komisch aus. *lol* Naja, wenn ich mal was in meinen Taschen habe, dann Geld, Kaugummis oder nen Schlüssel. Aber das auch nur, wenn ich keine Handtasche bzw. Rucksack mitnehme zum weggehen. ^^

    KoRn - One more time

    Always just coming in here,
    starts the game
    Why can't this puzzle be solved
    each time it happens it's
    always the same
    I look down and then start to bawl

    And all I see it burned my eyes
    burning all inside

    caught in the corners of my mind
    beginning over one more time
    taking me over (taking all that’s mine)
    one more time.

    Always this teasing
    sometimes I lose faith
    where is my strength to hold on?
    facing existence how can I relate?
    Do I stand clear or move on?

    And all I see it burned my eyes
    burning all inside

    caught in the corners of my mind
    beginning over one more time
    taking me over (taking all that’s mine)
    one more time. [x2]

    Falling through this space in time
    buried in this hurt of mine
    falling slowly like a dream
    falling through a world unseen

    why can I not break this spell?
    I'm in darkness, is this hell?
    falling towards this hole I see
    this is how it has to be.

    caught in the corners of my mind
    beginning over one more time
    taking me over (taking all that’s mine)
    one more time. [x2]

    One more time [x2]

    Slipknot - Duality

    Push my fingers into my eyes...
    It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache...
    But it's made of all the things I am today...
    Jesus, it never ends, it works it's way inside...
    If the pain goes on...
    I have screamed until my veins collapsed,
    I've waited last, my time's elapsed
    Now, all I do is live with so much fate
    I've wished for this, I've bitched at that
    I've left behind this little fact:
    You cannot kill what you did not create
    I've gotta say what I've gotta say
    And then I swear I'll go away
    But I can't promise you'll enjoy the words
    I guess I'll save the best for last
    My future seems like one big past
    You'll live with me 'cause you left me no choice

    I push my fingers into my eyes
    It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache
    If the pain goes on,
    I'm not gonna make it!

    Pull me back together,
    Or seperate the skin from bone
    Leave me all the pieces, and then you can leave me alone
    Tell me the reality is better than dream
    But I found out the hard way,
    Nothing is what it seems!

    I push my fingers into my eyes
    It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache
    But it's made of all the things I am today
    Jesus, it never ends, it works it's way inside
    If the pain goes on,
    I'm not gonna make it!

    All I've got...all I've got is insane...
    All I've got...all I've got is insane...
    All I've got...all I've got is insane!
    All I've got...all I've got is insane!

    I push my fingers into my eyes
    It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache
    But it's made of all the things I am today
    Jesus, it never ends, it works it's way inside
    If the pain goes on,
    I'm not gonna make it!