Beiträge von katie

    System Of A Down - Roulette

    I Have A Problem That I Cannot Explain
    I Have No Reasons Why It Should Have Been So Plain
    Have No Questions But I Sure Have Excuse
    I Like The Reason Why I Should Be So Confused

    I Know, How I Feel When I'm Around You
    I Don't Know, How I Feel When I'm Around You
    Around You

    Left A Message But It Ain't A Bit Of Use
    I Have The Pictures, The Wild Might Be The Deuce
    Today You Called, You Saw Me, You Explained
    Playing The Show And Running Down The Plane

    I Know, How I Feel When I'm Around You
    I Don't Know, How I Feel When I'm Around You
    I, I Know, How I Feel When I'm Around You
    I Don't Know, How I Feel When I'm Around You
    Around You

    I, I Know, How I Feel When I'm Around You
    I Don't Know, How I Feel When I'm Around You
    I, I Know, How I Feel When I'm Around You
    I Don't Know, How I Feel When I'm Around You
    Around You, Around You, Around You…

    My Chemical Romance - I'm not okay (i promise)

    Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say.
    I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way.
    For all the dirty looks, the photographs your boyfriend took,
    Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?

    I'm not okay
    I'm not okay
    I'm not okay
    You wear me out

    What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems?
    (I'm not okay)
    I told you time and time again you sing the words but don't know what they mean
    (I'm not okay)
    So be a joke and look, another line without a hook
    I held you close as we both shook for the last time take a good hard look!

    I'm not okay
    I'm not okay
    I'm not okay
    You wear me out

    Forget about the dirty looks
    The photographs your boyfriend took
    You said you read me like a book, but the pages are all torn and frayed

    I'm okay
    I'm okay!
    I'm okay, now
    (I'm okay, now)

    But you really need to listen to me
    Because I'm telling you the truth
    I mean this, I'm okay!
    (Trust Me)

    I'm not okay
    I'm not okay
    Well, I'm not okay
    I'm not o-fucking-kay
    I'm not okay
    I'm not okay

    Alles Gute an die heutigen Geburtstagskinder ;)

    MuRdErDoLl_W, laReine (31), JackTF (29), Naze (24), Carrie (19), People=shit (18), escura (17), devil-desann (17), *Sübbi* (16), lillith (15), RedLight (15), kulli91 (14), Chilli1992 (13)

    Ich wünsche der Jasmin einen wundervollen Tag und ich hoffe du wirst reichlich beschenkt :)

    Green Day - Cast away

    I'm on a sentimental journey
    Into sight and sound
    Of no return and no looking back or down
    A conscientes objector to the
    War that's my mind
    Leaving in the lurch and I'm
    Taking back what's mine

    I'm on a mission
    Into destination unkown
    An expedition
    Onto desolation road
    Where I'm a...

    Castaway going at it alone
    Castaway now I'm on my own
    Castaway going at it alone
    Castaway now I'm on my own
    Lost and found, trouble bound

    I'm riding on the night train and
    Driving stolen cars
    Testing my nerves out of the blvd.
    Spontaneous combustion in the
    Corners of my mind
    Leaving in the lurch
    And I'm taking back what's mine

    I'm on a mission
    Into destination unkown
    An expedition
    Onto desolation road
    Where I'm a...

    Castaway going at it alone
    Castaway now I'm on my own
    Castaway going at it alone
    Castaway now I'm on my own
    Lost and found, trouble bound

    KoRn - Here to stay

    this time i´m taking it away,i´ve got a problem
    when they getting in the way,not by my side
    so i take my face and bash it into a mirror
    i wont have to see the pain,...pain,....pain

    this pain is elevating,as the hurt turns into hating
    anticipating i will fight the feelings again

    my hurt inside is fading
    this shit´s gone way too far
    all this time i´ve been waiting
    oh i cannot breath anymore
    for what´s inside awaking
    i´m not,i´m not a whore
    you´ve taken everything and
    oh i cannot breath anymore

    my mind´s done with this
    so hey,i´ve got a question
    can i throw it all away?
    take back what´s mine
    so i take my time
    driving humbly down the line
    each cut,closer to the pain

    this pain is elevating,as the hurt turns into hating
    anticipating i will fight the feelings again

    the hurt inside is fading
    this shit´s gone way to far
    all this time i´ve been waiting
    oh,i cannot breath anymore
    for what´s inside awaking
    i´m not,i´m not a whore
    you´ve taken everything and
    oh,i cannot breath anymore

    i´m here to stay(bring it down)
    bring it down!
    gonna bring it down
    gonna break it down
    gonna break it

    this pain is elevating,as the hurt turns into hating
    anticipating i will fight the feelings again

    my hurt inside is fading
    this shit´s gone way to far
    all this time i´ve been waiting
    oh i cannot breath anymore
    for what´s inside awaking
    i´m not,i´m not a whore
    you´ve taken everything and
    oh i cannot breath anymore

    give anymore

    System of a Down - know

    Cursed Earth, Cursed Earth, Cursed Earth, Cursed Earth.

    I will never feed off the evergreen luster of your heart all because we all live in the valley of the walls
    when we speak we can peak from the windows of their mouths to see the land the women chant as they fly up to the sun.

    You never think you know why,
    Know, You never think you know why,
    Know, You never think you know why,
    Know, Ever think you know why,

    Books all say different things while people flap their yellow wings trying
    to soar by being a whore of life and almost everything the sheep that ran
    off from the herd may be dead but now's a bird able to fly able to die able
    to break your cursed earth

    You never think you know why,
    Know, You never think you know why,
    Know, You never think you know why,
    Know, Ever think you know why,

    On the other side, on the other side, the other side,
    Do you ever try to fly, Do you ever try to fly?
    Have you ever wanted to die, you ever want to die?

    Don't ever try to fly, don't ever try to fly,
    Don't ever try to fly, unless you leave your body on the other side,
    Never try to die, you ever try to die.

    Know, You never think you know why,
    Know, You never think you know why,
    Know, You never think you know why,
    Know, Ever think you know why, Know.

    Ich wünsche heute auch allen Geburtstagskindern alles Gute zum Burzeltag ;)

    Snuggles, Funky, Tusnelda, dating_max (18), JackyTC (18), L@WIN (18), Yasmin013 (15), Simsbiene (15), dancegirl2002 (14), Louise (11)

    Ganz besonders Snuggles und Sina :) ich hoffe, ihr habt heute einen wundervollen Tag

    Michael Jackson - Earth Song
    Michael Jackson - Bad
    Michael Jackson - Thriller
    Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
    Michael Jackson - The way you make me feel
    Michael Jackson - Beat it
    Phil Collins - Easy Lover
    Phil Collins - Take a look at me now

    Hoobastank - The Reason

    I'm not a perfect person
    There's many things I wish I didn't do
    But I continue learning
    I never meant to do those things to you
    And so I have to say before I go
    That I just want you to know

    I've found a reason for me
    To change who I used to be
    A reason to start over new
    and the reason is you

    I'm sorry that I hurt you
    It's something I must live with everyday
    And all the pain I put you through
    I wish that I could take it all away
    And be the one who catches all your tears
    Thats why i need you to hear

    I've found a reason for me
    To change who I used to be
    A reason to start over new
    and the reason is You

    and the reason is you
    and the reason is you
    and the reason is you

    I'm not a perfect person
    I never meant to do those things to you
    And so I have to say before I go
    That I just want you to know

    I've found a reason for me
    To change who I used to be
    A reason to start over new
    and the reason is you

    I've found a reason to show
    A side of me you didn't know
    A reason for all that I do
    And the reason is you

    Zitat von *krassblatt*

    Also mir is das relativ egal..muss mich ja ganz nach Caro richten da ich an dem weekend bei ihr bin :D
    halb 12 wäre schon ok denke ich mal^^

    LG Carina

    stimmt, du musst dich nach mir richten. Also ich denke auch, dass halb 12 vollkommen in Ordnung ist. Mit dem Preis und wie wir dorthin kommen, gibt es kein Problem :)

    Zitat von Der_wilde_Engel

    Werden dann dort auch Fotos gemacht, für die die nicht kommen können oder einfach nur so zum angucken?

    Natürlich werden wir Fotos machen und diese hier auch reinstellen. ^^ Also ich nehme auf jeden Fall meine Digicam mit.

    Schandmaul - Sonnenstrahl

    Ich wäre so gerne
    ein kleiner Sonnenstrahl,
    ein kleiner Lichtblitz,
    Lichtblick am Horizont.
    Eine Gute-Laune-Bringer,
    ein Friedensbote und
    ein Freudenspender, Glücksversender,
    ein Lächeln ohne Grund.
    Ich wäre so gern
    ein kleiner bunter Fisch.
    Ein Flossenschwinger, Wasserpanscher,
    voll von Lebenslust.
    Ein Lebenskünstler, Glücksgeniesser,
    leben für den Augenblick,
    geplantes Ablenkungsmanöver
    von deinem Problem.
    Ich wäre so gern
    ein grosser, grüner, starker Baum.
    Ein Berg, ein Fels in Sturm und Brandung,
    warmer, sicherer Hort.
    Die starke, feste Schulter,
    Spender für Geborgenheit
    die Rückendeckung, Sicherheit,
    Vertrauen für alle Zeit.
    Ich würde dich dann verfolgen,
    stets deinen Weg erhellen,
    alle Schatten vertreiben,
    alle Hindernisse fällen.
    Und wenn alles grau ist,
    in deinem See der Seele,
    wäre ich der einzige Farbklecks,
    Hoffnungsschimmer nur für dich.
    Doch zu meinem Bedauern,
    werde ich davon gar nichts sein,
    denn ich bin stinknormal
    und habe lediglich nur Schwein,
    dass du an mir was findest,
    drum versuche ich zumindest,
    vom Sonnenstrahl vom Fisch vom Baum
    ein Stück für dich zu klauen.