Der Ultimative Unterhaltungsthread

  • kann ich mir vorstellen...mich hat das licht gewekt aber egal

    [CENTER][SIZE=3]it's[/SIZE][SIZE=3] like seeing a Ramones shirt in a sea of Jonas Brothers junk[/SIZE][/CENTER]

  • Mich hat auch das Licht geweckt.... Als ich krank war hat meine Katze mich um 0:00 geweckt!
    Pöse Katze! xD

    [SIZE=3]kätzchenschwester. ♥[/SIZE]

  • Hi Kitty!:anbet
    In der Nacht als meine Katze mich geweckt hat hatte ich eine Temperatur von 39,9 °c

    [SIZE=3]kätzchenschwester. ♥[/SIZE]

  • guten mooooooooooorgen!!

    [CENTER][SIZE=1]"You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this.
    Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."[/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=1]David Nicholls 'One Day'[/SIZE]

  • moin kittü.... guck auch ma in ♥chen thread :)
    moin confi :hug

    [CENTER][SIZE=1]"You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this.
    Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."[/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=1]David Nicholls 'One Day'[/SIZE]

  • ich hab gerade heraus gefunden das ich am selben tag wie biene geburtstag hab xD

    [CENTER][SIZE=3]it's[/SIZE][SIZE=3] like seeing a Ramones shirt in a sea of Jonas Brothers junk[/SIZE][/CENTER]

  • uuhz wie cool:) und der wäre? isch happ am 21.6. *freuz* sommeranfang^^

    [CENTER][SIZE=1]"You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this.
    Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."[/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=1]David Nicholls 'One Day'[/SIZE]

  • mäännnnooo... ich überlege ob ich meinen nick ändere.....:denk

    [CENTER][SIZE=1]"You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this.
    Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."[/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=1]David Nicholls 'One Day'[/SIZE]

  • okayyy okay okay :D

    [CENTER][SIZE=1]"You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this.
    Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."[/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=1]David Nicholls 'One Day'[/SIZE]

  • genau!Bleib so!Danke für die Herzis Susiiii :hug
    Ich hab am 30.04 geburtstag :) (‼24‼ Tage)Dann bin isch 12 (Is klar)

    [SIZE=3]kätzchenschwester. ♥[/SIZE]

  • uiiiiiiiii das muss ich mir merken:)

    [CENTER][SIZE=1]"You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this.
    Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."[/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=1]David Nicholls 'One Day'[/SIZE]

  • ach wieso, 12 is ja fast genauso....^^
    teenager is ja ers mit 13 x]

    [CENTER][SIZE=1]"You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this.
    Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."[/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=1]David Nicholls 'One Day'[/SIZE]