Der Ultimative Unterhaltungsthread

  • ja genauuu hier is immer was los....:)

    [CENTER][SIZE=1]"You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this.
    Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."[/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=1]David Nicholls 'One Day'[/SIZE]

  • ja isch denk mal von tvtotal... der ansager war übrigens echt hübsch,......:D:D:D:D:D
    eisblumi, du hast karma :)

    [CENTER][SIZE=1]"You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this.
    Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."[/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=1]David Nicholls 'One Day'[/SIZE]

  • ooooh, Olli! Göttlich!

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • Wow, ich habe heute mal wieder hier reingeschaut und gesehen, dass es das allererste Forum war, in dem ich mich angemeldet habe.

    Registrierungsdatum: 31.08.2005

    Echt cool. Nun verabschiede ich mich aber wieder und gehe zurück in meine Heimat- Ein GTA Forum.

  • da war ich aber früher hier, und ich bin schon ewig spät dran... :P

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • hach, dann guck mal wann ICH mich angemeldet hab :D

    [CENTER][SIZE=1]"You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this.
    Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."[/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=1]David Nicholls 'One Day'[/SIZE]

  • huhu ägän :wink

    [CENTER][SIZE=1]"You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this.
    Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."[/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=1]David Nicholls 'One Day'[/SIZE]

  • muha ich bin am längsten hier : D

    *inspammerkiderinnerungschwelg* xD

    [CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Silver"]Don't want to live in a world that's dying.
    I'd rather die in world that's living![/COLOR][/SIZE]

  • wegen der Schaukel: nicht, wenn sie die im Downloads-Ordner löscht. Wenn sie sie im Spiel löscht, ist sie natürlich ganz futsch!

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • ach und, Olli: bist Du ein Kandidat für den Club der wilden Oldies, hm? :D

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • ägän.....?

    Registrierungsdatum: 30.09.2006

    [CENTER][SIZE=1]"You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this.
    Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."[/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=1]David Nicholls 'One Day'[/SIZE]

  • "ägän"... kuhl! AnniCool!

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • ach und, Olli: bist Du ein Kandidat für den Club der wilden Oldies, hm? :D

    Nein, ich scheu mich davor, dort beizutreten xD dann wird mir ja täglich bewusst, wie alt ich doch bin

    [CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Silver"]Don't want to live in a world that's dying.
    I'd rather die in world that's living![/COLOR][/SIZE]

  • da warst du ja gerade 8 O.O

    Ihr wollt das nicht wissen, was ich so gemacht hab, als Ihr geboren wurdet... :D :D :D

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • :D julä? xD ja ich hab gänseblümchen... willst du welche?

    [CENTER][SIZE=1]"You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this.
    Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."[/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=1]David Nicholls 'One Day'[/SIZE]