anbetungstempel für die einzig wahre göttin, der Kittÿhäschen liP hab thread

  • Lest alle die SB!! :D

    hab ich doch, hab ich doch! Ich finde, Dingens sollte zum Tempelpaladin befördert werden, wegen mutiger Taten!

    Kitty: ich hab ja extra gesagt "ich glaube..."...

    schnüff! Bin doch so ne Arme und muss trotz meiner Zahlenphobie den ganzen Tag rechnen... da geht sowas schonmal in den Wirren der Bankwüste unter... :umGnadewinsel

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • Woah Plechi bissu hüpsch.

    find ich auch! Hab mich aber nicht getraut, es zu sagen! Tolle Augen, Blechi!!!

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • Louise: bin schwarz und kursiv, weil ich wohl Goldmember bin... (muss dabei immer an Austin Powers denken)...

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • boah, Olli!

    ihr seht mich im Garten verschwinden... es raschelt...

    Hier, für Olli und Kitty:

    für jedes einen Lorbeerkranz (denn Karma darf ich im Moment nicht vergeben... zu viel in 24 Stunden, gönn Dir eine Pause, sagt das Forum:-( )

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • :anbet :anbet

    es soll sich für Euch ja auch lohnen, mich zur Kräuterengelin befördert zu haben!

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • s'Keral, hast du was gegen rückenschmerzen xD?

    danke für die kränze :hug

    olli :anbet

  • Melisse zum Einreiben... Olliiiii! Bitte mit dem Inhalt dieser Flasche die Göttin massieren!

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • Guten Morgen, liebe Gemeinde und ehrenwerte Göttin, ehrenwerter Gott!

    Gut geschlafen? Wie geht's Kittys Rücken, Dingens' Herz und agains Schnupfen?

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • hier, ein Kräutertee, der hält Dich warm.


    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • wenn ich genug Punkte hätte, würde ich Dir ein Geschenk kaufen... :-)

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • Kitty! Olli! Endlich! Maaaaaaaaaann, war das öde bis gerade!

    Seid gegrüßt! :anbet

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]