Hallo Leute
Wir sollten in Englisch 2 Fragen beantworten und dar unsere Englischlehrerin dies morgen einsammel und benoten will würde ich mich sehr freuen wenn jemand meinen Text durchgucken und berichtigen könnte, denn irgendwie komme ich immer mit den Zeitformen durcheinander....
Also hier der Text:
Geoffrey imagines that his parents and his sister are waiting on the small station platform and would be pleased to see him after so long. He thinks that they are all talking at once and asking him endless questions about what life had been abroad. He aso expect that is mother newly baked scones and that he is laughing a lot when having tea-time with his family.
The reality is not like Geoffrey imagine. When he arrived he saw no familar face. After a while he met his father who told him that his mother couldn't come because she had a stroke about a month ago and is very poorly. Besides his sister couldn't come too, because she must looking after Geoffreys mother and so they drove home in silence. At home Geoffrey met his sister. She looked worried and no once asked Geoffrey questions about his experiences abroad.
So the reunion wasn't like Geoffrey imagine. He thougt he would laugh and have fun with his family but in reality it was a very dreary meeting.
I think some events one looks forward are disappointing because we just imagine good things. Our expectations are to promising. Sometimes real life isn't very well and so we are disappointing. We should be more realistically and so some events maybe will be good surprises.
So das wars. Wie gesagt mit den Zeitformen ... Ich glaub Präsens wär am besten aber irgendwie bekomm ich das manchmal einfach nicht auf die Reihe. :angry :rolleyes
Naja ich hoffe mir kann möglichst schnell jemand helfen, denn ich muss das ja morgen schon abegeben...
Gruß Betti