@Richi Cool

  • Richi?

    1.21 Gigawatts! Heavy...
    There is no spoon
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return
    But Arod, the horse of Rohan, refused the way, and he stood sweating and trembling in a fear that was grievious to see. Then Legolas laid his hands on his eyes and sang some words that went soft in the gloom, until he suffered himself to be led, and Legolas passed in. Ich grüße Mieke (*halbtotknuddel*), cappuchina (*knuff*), Sakura (*knuddel*) und alle die mich nicht grüßen. (Fühlt euch jetzt schläääächt! :p )

  • Ähem...Was ist ein ICQ??? :rolleyes:

    :hehe [GLOWORANGE]NöffNöff[/GLOWORANGE] :hehe
    :dance *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* :dance

  • So, ein Programm wo du mit anderen Chatten kannst. Ist ganz lustig. auf www.icq.com kannst du es downloaden. Dann kriegst du eine Nummer.

    1.21 Gigawatts! Heavy...
    There is no spoon
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return
    But Arod, the horse of Rohan, refused the way, and he stood sweating and trembling in a fear that was grievious to see. Then Legolas laid his hands on his eyes and sang some words that went soft in the gloom, until he suffered himself to be led, and Legolas passed in. Ich grüße Mieke (*halbtotknuddel*), cappuchina (*knuff*), Sakura (*knuddel*) und alle die mich nicht grüßen. (Fühlt euch jetzt schläääächt! :p )

  • Aha. Aber ich brauche ICQ doch garnicht, ich
    kann doch auch ohne dieses programm chatten
    (Ich meine, ich habe das Programm garnicht
    und KANN chatten)!

    :hehe [GLOWORANGE]NöffNöff[/GLOWORANGE] :hehe
    :dance *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* :dance

  • Wie denn?

    1.21 Gigawatts! Heavy...
    There is no spoon
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return
    But Arod, the horse of Rohan, refused the way, and he stood sweating and trembling in a fear that was grievious to see. Then Legolas laid his hands on his eyes and sang some words that went soft in the gloom, until he suffered himself to be led, and Legolas passed in. Ich grüße Mieke (*halbtotknuddel*), cappuchina (*knuff*), Sakura (*knuddel*) und alle die mich nicht grüßen. (Fühlt euch jetzt schläääächt! :p )

  • Keine Ahnung!Da bin ich überfragt!Ach, und...
    Schau' mal in deine Maibox :):rolleyes: .

    :hehe [GLOWORANGE]NöffNöff[/GLOWORANGE] :hehe
    :dance *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* :dance

  • Hab ich. Jetzt guck du mal in deine. :)

    1.21 Gigawatts! Heavy...
    There is no spoon
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return
    But Arod, the horse of Rohan, refused the way, and he stood sweating and trembling in a fear that was grievious to see. Then Legolas laid his hands on his eyes and sang some words that went soft in the gloom, until he suffered himself to be led, and Legolas passed in. Ich grüße Mieke (*halbtotknuddel*), cappuchina (*knuff*), Sakura (*knuddel*) und alle die mich nicht grüßen. (Fühlt euch jetzt schläääächt! :p )

  • Ich wohne in Schleswig-Holstein, komme aber
    aus Hannover(Niedersachsen).

    :hehe [GLOWORANGE]NöffNöff[/GLOWORANGE] :hehe
    :dance *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* :dance

  • Ich wohn in NRW. Schleswig-Holstein ist doch ziemlich weit weg.

    1.21 Gigawatts! Heavy...
    There is no spoon
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return
    But Arod, the horse of Rohan, refused the way, and he stood sweating and trembling in a fear that was grievious to see. Then Legolas laid his hands on his eyes and sang some words that went soft in the gloom, until he suffered himself to be led, and Legolas passed in. Ich grüße Mieke (*halbtotknuddel*), cappuchina (*knuff*), Sakura (*knuddel*) und alle die mich nicht grüßen. (Fühlt euch jetzt schläääächt! :p )

  • Guck mal nach deinen E-Mails.

    1.21 Gigawatts! Heavy...
    There is no spoon
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return
    But Arod, the horse of Rohan, refused the way, and he stood sweating and trembling in a fear that was grievious to see. Then Legolas laid his hands on his eyes and sang some words that went soft in the gloom, until he suffered himself to be led, and Legolas passed in. Ich grüße Mieke (*halbtotknuddel*), cappuchina (*knuff*), Sakura (*knuddel*) und alle die mich nicht grüßen. (Fühlt euch jetzt schläääächt! :p )

  • Hallo?

    1.21 Gigawatts! Heavy...
    There is no spoon
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return
    But Arod, the horse of Rohan, refused the way, and he stood sweating and trembling in a fear that was grievious to see. Then Legolas laid his hands on his eyes and sang some words that went soft in the gloom, until he suffered himself to be led, and Legolas passed in. Ich grüße Mieke (*halbtotknuddel*), cappuchina (*knuff*), Sakura (*knuddel*) und alle die mich nicht grüßen. (Fühlt euch jetzt schläääächt! :p )

  • Hallo! Jetzt schau DU mal in deine Mail-Box!

    :hehe [GLOWORANGE]NöffNöff[/GLOWORANGE] :hehe
    :dance *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* :dance

  • Ich hab keine Mail bekommen. :confused: :confused:

    1.21 Gigawatts! Heavy...
    There is no spoon
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return
    But Arod, the horse of Rohan, refused the way, and he stood sweating and trembling in a fear that was grievious to see. Then Legolas laid his hands on his eyes and sang some words that went soft in the gloom, until he suffered himself to be led, and Legolas passed in. Ich grüße Mieke (*halbtotknuddel*), cappuchina (*knuff*), Sakura (*knuddel*) und alle die mich nicht grüßen. (Fühlt euch jetzt schläääächt! :p )

  • Ich habe auch keine Ahnung! Ich habe dir doch
    eine geschrieben?! :confused: Ich schreibe dir sofort eine neue ;) !

    :hehe [GLOWORANGE]NöffNöff[/GLOWORANGE] :hehe
    :dance *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* :dance

  • Geht auch jetzt? (Telefon) :rolleyes:

    1.21 Gigawatts! Heavy...
    There is no spoon
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return
    But Arod, the horse of Rohan, refused the way, and he stood sweating and trembling in a fear that was grievious to see. Then Legolas laid his hands on his eyes and sang some words that went soft in the gloom, until he suffered himself to be led, and Legolas passed in. Ich grüße Mieke (*halbtotknuddel*), cappuchina (*knuff*), Sakura (*knuddel*) und alle die mich nicht grüßen. (Fühlt euch jetzt schläääächt! :p )

  • Etwas verspätet, aber guck mal in deine Mailbox ;) .

    :hehe [GLOWORANGE]NöffNöff[/GLOWORANGE] :hehe
    :dance *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* :dance