Hey Leutz!
Wärt ihr so nett und würdet mal meinen englischen Text durchlesen und mir sagen, was ich daran verbessern könnte?
Wäre nett von euch!
Danke schonmal im Voraus!
In Germany the kindergarten is voluntary (freiwillig) and is visited with the finishing of the year of one's life (Lebensjahr). After the Kindergarten the children go with the finishing of the 6. year of one's life to the Grundschule. There they learn 4 years long and after it they decide with a recommendation of the Grundschule (Grundschulempfehlung) whether they change to the Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium oder Gesamtschule. But with the change to the Gesamtschule no recommendation of primary school is necessary. On resuming schools (weiterführende Schulen) pupils must repeat the school year by having two times a five (2 mal eine 5) in to subjects or one time a six (1 mal eine 6) in one subject. The schooltime amounts to (beläuft sich auf) 13 years and ends consequently/thus (somit) with the 19. year of one's life. German schools are often half tag schools (Halbtagsschulen) which end at 13 o'clock and have only one or two times weekly instructions in the afternoon. Up to the Oberstufe which have usually each day instructions in the afternoon. Carrying school uniforms is no obligation. Work are divided (eingeteilt/benotet??) into the marks 1-6. and in the Oberstufe into the points 0-15. Up to the first school year you receive Halbjahreszeugnisse and Ganzjahreszeugnisse in a form of a text which not come in (eingehen) on the school achievments but also with the social behavior of the pupils. The first obligation foreign language (Pflichtfremdsprache) is usually English it begins in the 5. class and is teached up to the respective closing (jeweiligen Abschluss). In the Realschule you has the possibility of selecting a second foreign language starting from the 7. class. On a Gymnasium is it obligation. Besides on the Gymnasium can be selected a 3. foreign language . There are three different closing: Hauptschulabschluss, Realschulabschluss, Abitur. The Abitur makes the study at a academy/college respectively (bzw.) at an university possible.