Da ich momentan mal wieder eine Simsspielphase habe, habe ich mir überlegt doch mal selbst einige Recolours für die Standart-maxis Skintones/Augen zu erstellen. Mein Problem ist eben, dass ich in diesem Bereich noch sehr wenig Erfahrung habe, wie allgemein im Umgang mit SimPE...
Auf MTS2 habe ich ein Tutorial gefunden und komme damit soweit auch ganz gut klar, habe bei der Übersetzung und bei einigen Fachbegriffen aber noch ein paar Probleme. Ich zitiere hier mal die Anleitung, alles, was ich bisher nicht verstehe ist rot markiert.
Zitat von Replacing Default Textures Tutorial 2005-08-31.docAlles anzeigen
This should also work for any texture in the game, try it out if you run into any problems, post it back here
Needed for this to work:
1. SimPE (This was written with 0.46c) Get it from the Main Site or from here where you may be able to get a more up-to-date version.
2. NVidia DDS Utilities – Get them here
As always, check for newer versions as they may work better or fix bugs
First off, a diagram as to where everything in the program is to speed things up
L – Whenever I say “left window” or similar this is the window I mean
R – Whenever I say “right window” or similar this is the window I mean
1 – Underneath is the “Clone” button
2 – Underneath is the “Create Resource” button
3 – Underneath is the “Filter” button (expanded in this picture)
4 – Underneath is the “Plugin” tab
5 – Underneath is the “Resource” tab
Open SimPE
Open Sims07.package (or whatever package the files you are replacing are in)
Click on "Name Map" in the left window, then select "Name Map" in the right box and then click the "Plugin" tab at the bottom if not already selected and a list of texture names with the addresses for each particular file will come up.
**Note: The reason for clicking “Name Map” in the left instead of “Texture Image” is that “Name Map” includes all the texture names used by the game which may include entries that “Texture Image” omits since those are just the files used for textures.**
Next Search for the files you want to change
Example: afbodynaked-nude-s1_txtr
When you find it copy down the SECOND hexadecimal group, in this one, 0xFF084205, you can ignore the 0x1C0532FA
Repeat for all needed files (Wie finde ich hier die richtige?)
Now Click on "Texture Image" in the upper left window, then in the "Filter" Area (Which is the magnifying glass on the toolbar on the far right of the screen) put that hexadecimal number you got from the previous step in the box that says “Instance Filter” which is the second box down (I would recommend typing them in Notepad or another program first and pasting, it would be quicker)
Click on the resulting texture image in the right box, then change to the "Resource" tab in the lower area, and copy the "Instance (High)", "Group", and "Instance" hexadecimal values, you will need these for the package file you will be creating.
Repeat this for every image you want to replace, just remember to give yourself note what textures the values are for, then do File->Close in SimPE when done to close the package file.
Start a new SimPE File, File->New
Next on the toolbar, click the create resource button, then click the newly created resource icon in the left window, then in the right window a new icon should have appeared, click on that and then click the “Resource” tab on the bottom, in the drop down box, select “Texture Image” and fill out the “Group”, “Instance (High)”, and “Instance” Field to match the texture you are replacing.
Then save the file so you can continue editing that entry, other wise you won’t be able to. I also suggest restarting SimPE at this point so it will actually say “Texture Image” in the left top box instead of the generic resource that you got when you created it.
Next select the Texture Image in the right box and click on the “Plugin” tab on the bottom. Right-click on the checkerboard and choose “Build DXT…”
Open the image and in the levels box put
1 if image is 1x1
2 if image is 2x2
3 if image is 4x4
4 if image is 8x8
5 if image is 16x16
6 if image is 32x32
7 if image is 64x64
8 if image is 128x128
9 if image is 256x256
10 if image is 512x512
11 if image is 1024x1024
After that in the Filename box that you can type in which should now say “Unknown”, put the actual texture name of what you are replacing.
Example: “afbodynaked-nudecut-s1_txtr”
Then right-click on the image to the right and redo the “Build DXT…” Steps we just did, then click commit and Save the file, save it twice just to be sure, I have had problems with that in the past.
Then do File->Close, then reopen your file and redo the “Build DXT…” steps again for the third time and commit and save again.
Afterward if you need to replace more textures and are just replacing same size textures, like with skin body files, just right-click and select “clone” now you just have to change the hexadecimal addresses under the “Resources” tab to match the next texture’s, then go to the “Plugin” tab, change the filename to match the next texture file you are replacing, make sure you have the highest resolution image in the set selected, the do the “Build DXT…” step for the next image. But the great thing is that since you cloned the last file you did you only have to do the “Build DXT…” the one time then commit and save.
**Note: I have only tested this with same size skin files (all 1024x1024 for example) I am not sure if cloning will work with the same affect with different resolution files.**
I know doing the “Build DXT…” multiple times sounds like a bunch of useless repetition, but for some reason it is the only way to get the files in without image degradation, plus you no longer have to use TXTR Extractor to create the TXTR files separately.
Once done with all the textures you want to replace, put the *.package file in your “My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads” folder
Bei weiteren Fragen werde ich hier editieren, nur kann ich ja jetzt noch nicht sagen, wie weit ich den Rest verstehen werde, wenn ich erst bis zur rot markierten Stelle (also nicht sehr weit) gekommen bin...
Es wäre echt toll, wenn mir da jemand weiterhelfen könnte!
Liebe Grüße,
die Gwen