fragebogen ohne ende

  • ne nur ein kinderausweis *bäätsch* xD

    du ´?

    [CENTER][SIZE=3]it's[/SIZE][SIZE=3] like seeing a Ramones shirt in a sea of Jonas Brothers junk[/SIZE][/CENTER]

  • auch nur kinderausweis.... hässliches bild xD haare bis unter die ohren *schwindel* *taumel* *umfall*
    aba bald gibt's perso :) ab 15 :p


    [CENTER][SIZE=1]"You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this.
    Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."[/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=1]David Nicholls 'One Day'[/SIZE]

  • mpf* ich hab nen reise pass und einen bald abgelaufenen perso... muss morgen einen neuen beantragen da mein perso in genau 10tagen abläuft. dann lass ich mir auch glaich nen eu-pass machen, mit registrierung der fingerabdrücke, bin doch ne anständige bürgerin *liebgugg
    glaubt mir so toll ist der perso nicht, warum? viel anders ist das auch nicht...

    magst du pizza frutti di mare?

  • und wie! Wenn sie nicht kalt ist :grml

    was ist Deine Lieblingspizza?

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • klingt gut, doch... Artischocken mag ich auch drauf...
    Leider komm ich nicht mehr in die Pizzeria, in der es mir in meinem Leben am besten geschmeckt hat.

    Welche Pasta magst Du am liebsten?

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • Caprese: frische Tomaten und Mozzarella. Als Nudeln Papardelle oder Rigatoni

    Welche Nudeln sind es bei Dir?

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • welche Frage stellst Du mir? *g*

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • diese hier:

    findest du auch dass heute ein schöner tag ist?^^

    [CENTER][SIZE=1]"You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this.
    Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."[/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=1]David Nicholls 'One Day'[/SIZE]

  • bisher ja... war noch nicht in der Pause, und muss versuchen, mir Hosen zu kaufen... -->immer problematisch.

    Ich geh dann mal, bis nachher.

    Wirst Du dann hier sein?

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • wenn du mir sagst wann nachher ist^^ viel spaß!

    sagst du mir, wann nachher ist?^^

    [CENTER][SIZE=1]"You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this.
    Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."[/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=1]David Nicholls 'One Day'[/SIZE]

  • ich sag was: "NACHHER"

    bin wieder da.

    Hast Du auch Probleme, passende Kleidung zu kaufen?

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • nicht wirklich (erstaunlich bei 1,63m) ich zieh einfach das an, was ich schön finde, basta^^

    isst du auch grad was?

    [CENTER][SIZE=1]"You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this.
    Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle."[/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=1]David Nicholls 'One Day'[/SIZE]

  • nö, bin mittlerweile satt.

    Was gab's denn zu Mittag?

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]