Rate the Nick, Ava and Sig!

  • Caro20034

    Nick:3.5 -Schwieriger name
    ava: 5 -cool
    sig: 1.5- ich hasse dieses Lied



    [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="White"]♥[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]S[COLOR="White"]t[/COLOR]e[COLOR="#ffffff"]v[/COLOR]e[COLOR="#ffffff"]n[/COLOR] G[COLOR="#ffffff"]e[/COLOR]r[COLOR="#ffffff"]r[/COLOR]a[COLOR="White"]r[/COLOR]d[/COLOR][COLOR="White"]♥[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="White"]steve gerrard gerrard can pass over 40 yards
    he's big and he's fucking hard steve gerrard gerrard[/COLOR][/FONT]


  • Happy4Sims2

    Nick: Net so dolle 2
    Ava: Mag se nich 1
    Sig: Sagt mir au nich so zu 1

    [COLOR="White"][size=6] & [/size][size=4] & [/size][size=2] & [/size][size=1] & [/size][/COLOR]


    [COLOR="White"][size=1] You planned to live - planned to run and to get out of here.
    now choose to starve, suffocate or maybe bleed to death. [/size][/COLOR][/CENTER]

  • Hbasch eigentlich ne sig O.o? naja egal XD

    Name: mh, 2,5 (mag lieber living wolf xD)
    Ava: 3 des is eigentlich hübsch?
    Sig: 4 (süß XD)
    So und nu schau ich mir erstmal meine sig und ava an *schonvergessenhab*

  • Miss Kitty

    Nick: nunja...is ok 2
    Ava: mag des Kätzerli nich besonders 2
    Sig: find ich triest 1
    Usertitel: wäre das sry weg würdeste 5 bekommen so aber nur 4

    [COLOR="White"][size=6] & [/size][size=4] & [/size][size=2] & [/size][size=1] & [/size][/COLOR]


    [COLOR="White"][size=1] You planned to live - planned to run and to get out of here.
    now choose to starve, suffocate or maybe bleed to death. [/size][/COLOR][/CENTER]

  • DarkEye
    Nick: 3
    Ava: hm 2.5
    Sig: 5 (Karmabettler und Blog)

    Geamt: 10.5

    Wohin gehen Gedanken, wenn man sie verliert?
    Wie klingt ein Lied, wenn es niemand hört?
    [RIGHT]Die toten Hosen - Ertrinken[/RIGHT]

  • wuhu, sie weiß es schon aber nochmal XD
    Nick: hm,echter name schätze ich also goldene mitte 2,5
    Ava: 4
    Sig: 5 *palmenlieb*
    EDIT: MH zu langsam,gut
    name: 3
    sig:4 (füße xD)

  • kleechen

    Nick: Find ich ok 3
    Ava: franzel 5
    Sig: HASENTEDDY ^^ 5

    EDIT: tooooooo lahm

    [COLOR="White"][size=6] & [/size][size=4] & [/size][size=2] & [/size][size=1] & [/size][/COLOR]


    [COLOR="White"][size=1] You planned to live - planned to run and to get out of here.
    now choose to starve, suffocate or maybe bleed to death. [/size][/COLOR][/CENTER]

  • Zitat von kleechen

    *-* endlich jemand der mein ava mal würdigt

    Ich hab das neue Album schon!! *angeb*

    [COLOR="White"][size=6] & [/size][size=4] & [/size][size=2] & [/size][size=1] & [/size][/COLOR]


    [COLOR="White"][size=1] You planned to live - planned to run and to get out of here.
    now choose to starve, suffocate or maybe bleed to death. [/size][/COLOR][/CENTER]

  • Zitat von kleechen

    uh zeig xD

    hier ^^

    [COLOR="White"][size=6] & [/size][size=4] & [/size][size=2] & [/size][size=1] & [/size][/COLOR]


    [COLOR="White"][size=1] You planned to live - planned to run and to get out of here.
    now choose to starve, suffocate or maybe bleed to death. [/size][/COLOR][/CENTER]

  • Zitat von kleechen

    das wusst ich auch schon xD ... pah

    aber is nicht so dolle...echt....

    [COLOR="White"][size=6] & [/size][size=4] & [/size][size=2] & [/size][size=1] & [/size][/COLOR]


    [COLOR="White"][size=1] You planned to live - planned to run and to get out of here.
    now choose to starve, suffocate or maybe bleed to death. [/size][/COLOR][/CENTER]

  • Vicious

    nick: 3- Klingt komisch, is aba auch funny
    ava: 2.5 - Soo doll is Spongebobnauch net
    sig: 3- irgendwie nur okay



    [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="White"]♥[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]S[COLOR="White"]t[/COLOR]e[COLOR="#ffffff"]v[/COLOR]e[COLOR="#ffffff"]n[/COLOR] G[COLOR="#ffffff"]e[/COLOR]r[COLOR="#ffffff"]r[/COLOR]a[COLOR="White"]r[/COLOR]d[/COLOR][COLOR="White"]♥[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="White"]steve gerrard gerrard can pass over 40 yards
    he's big and he's fucking hard steve gerrard gerrard[/COLOR][/FONT]


  • kleechen

    Nick: Suppaa! 4
    Ava: Noch supaara! 5
    Sig: Ebenfalls Supaa! 4 [sehr tolle Fuße ^^]

    Dat macht zusammen, öööhh.... 13 Punktschen!

    [COLOR="White"][size=6] & [/size][size=4] & [/size][size=2] & [/size][size=1] & [/size][/COLOR]


    [COLOR="White"][size=1] You planned to live - planned to run and to get out of here.
    now choose to starve, suffocate or maybe bleed to death. [/size][/COLOR][/CENTER]