ich hab mir vor kurzem von "killersims" einen teleporter runtergeladen, das ist so eine blaue scheibe. weiß wie der funktioniert bzw. wann ich den verwenden kann?
danke für eure hilfe!
schwuppsi <img border="0" title="" alt="[Lächeln]" src="smile.gif" />
teleporter... wie funktioniert der?
tag auch
kannst damit was anfangen???
greetz linus
Teleporter readme.
Download Teleporter.iff and place it in "C:\program files\maxis\the sims\downloads", or wherever your sims has been installed.
Look for the teleporter under the electronics category in buy mode. It's icon will have a red background. Place it somewhere. (Yes it looks like a shower. Someday when blueprint comes out <img border="0" title="" alt="[Lächeln]" src="smile.gif" /> I'll fix it).
To teleport a Sim from another house, click on the teleporter and choose the sim you want to summon. The menu interface is the same as the phones but "unhoused" will appear after some families to indicate as such. Also, if there are too many family names, use the <tab> key to get to the next set of names.
If you place a second teleporter, it's menu will contain options to "Get rid of" sims. Choosing a sim from this menu will cause him to go home immediately via the teleporter.
To uninstall the teleporter, just delete the file teleporter.iff.
For questions, comments, concerns, and suggestions, send e-mail to
ja danke dir! werds heut gleich mal probieren!
die erklärung hab ich wohl übersehen... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Schüchtern]" src="rolleyes.gif" />