Hey Leutz!
Ich hab mir neulich den Brenner Burn4Free runtergeladen!
Ich konnte auch 2 CD's brennen!
Nur dann kam folgende Fehlermeldung, die ich nicht verstehe:
- Burn4Free supports a variety of audio formats that can be used to burn an audio CD. Only the following valid formats can be added to an audio compilation: mp3, wma, wav, or ogg.
- If you are ready to burn an audio CD, and the "Burn Audio" button is still gray, the compilation probably contains items that are not recognized by Burn4Free as valid audio files. Those files must be removed from the compilation before an audio CD can be burned. If it is not obvious which item is causing the problem, try adding the files one at a time. The "Burn Audio" button will turn gray following the addition of an unrecognized file.
- Your burner might not support Track at Once (TAO) write method. Try selecting Disk at Once (DAO) in Preferences/Audio-CD Writer Settings/Write Method.
- Drag and drop from an Audio CD is not supported at this time.
- If Burn4Free return this error: "there is not enough space in temporary WAV folder to expand this audio file", please make more free space in your Hard Disk (at least 700 MB) or change the "Temporary WAV files path" (in preferences - AUDIO - CD Writer settings) to another hard disk partition with sufficent disk space.
Kann mir jemand diese Fehlermeldung erklären?
Aber an dem Problem, dass ich mp3 mit wav dateien oder so gebrannt hab, kann es nicht liegen, weil alle dateien nur mit mp3 Endung enden!
Wer kann helfen?