Hey, ist es eigentlich möglich, dass Fotoalbum (samt Texten) zu importieren, ohne es gleich hochzuladen?
Fotoalbum importieren?
das würde mich auch interessieren, ich habe jetzt alle meine fotos schön beschriftet und so ... wie komme ich da denn dran, außerhalb des Spiels?
Also kann uns keiner helfen???
Es gibt ein Programm namens Sims2Blog, dass die Bilddateien aus dem Storytelling Ordner als HTML Album exportiert. Allerdings scheinen die Comments unberücksichtigt zu bleiben.
Hier ist der Inhalt der ReadMe:
DescriptionThis program will create a webentry_.xml.htm file for each family, and a sims2blog.htm index file.
This program requires the .NET Framework 1.1
Please read the license and disclaimer before downloading. By choosing to download, install and/or use this software, you are agreeing to its license agreement. lukeharless.com ("developer") hereby grants you ("user") a non-exclusive personal license to use the standard version of sims2blog ("software") and its documentation subject to the following disclaimer, terms and conditions: USER AND ANY INVOLVED PARTIES AGREE NOT TO DISTRIBUTE, reproduce, transmit or transfer, in whole or in part, any version of the software or its documentation without express prior permission from the developer. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS-IS" BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. DEVELOPER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL DEVELOPER BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF DEVELOPER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH POTENTIAL LOSS OR DAMAGE. USER AGREES TO HOLD DEVELOPER HARMLESS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LOSSES, LIABILITIES AND EXPENSES
Unzip the Sims2blog.exe file into the \my documents\ea games\the sims 2\storytelling directory
run the program, and then load sims2index.htm in your favorite browser
Homepage & Download: http://www.lukeharless.com/sims2blog.htm