ich weiß nicht ob es schon jemand Raus gefunden hat... Aber ich wollte
es trotzdem noch einmal "Posten". Als ich neulich im Spiel festhing, dachte ich mir
ich hole mir Hilfe. Also gab ich einfach oben in der Cheatleiste "Hilfe" ein, es passierte nichts -
Also gab ich "help" ein. Und herraus kam eine Lange Liste mit allen möglichen Cheats die in diesem Spiel Klappen. Den Text unten habe ich koppiert aus der Cheatleiste. Ist zwar auf Englisch, aber mit einem Englisch übersetzter kriegt man das hin. (
ZitatAlles anzeigenTSCheatSystem: addNeighborToFamilyCheat: Usage: addNeighborToFamilyCheat <on|off>
TSCheatSystem: AgeSimsCheat : Usage: AgeSimsCheat <on|off>
TSCheatSystem: aging : [on|off] - Turns aging on or off
TSCheatSystem: aspirationLevel : Sets the aspiration level of the selected sim [0-5].
TSCheatSystem: aspirationPoints : [num] give the selected sim some extra aspiration reward points.
TSCheatSystem: autoPatch : [-on|-off] enable or disable checking for available patches via content browser
TSCheatSystem: bloom : [R G B X] Changes color of screen visual. RGB is color [0,1], and X is the bloom amount [0,1]. Must use 'boolProp enablePostProcessing true' first.
TSCheatSystem: changeLotZoning : [residential | community | greek | dorm | secretsociety] changes the zoning type of the lot.
TSCheatSystem: deleteAllCharacters : This cheat will delete all characters in the current neighborhood; it also only works when in the neighborhood.
TSCheatSystem: exit : Hide the cheat console window
TSCheatSystem: expand : Expands or contracts the output portion of the cheat console.
TSCheatSystem: faceBlendLimits : [-on|-off] turns on / off facial blending limits
TSCheatSystem: familyFunds : Use 'familyFunds [familyName][value]' to set the amount of funds. Use 'familyFunds [familyName] [+/-][value]' to add/subtract from current funds.
TSCheatSystem: filmGrain : [X] X is the film grain value [0,1]. Must use 'boolProp enablePostProcessing true' first.
TSCheatSystem: forcetwins : no description
TSCheatSystem: help : [wildcard] [-all] Logs this help output.
TSCheatSystem: letterBox : [X] letterbox the screen (add black borders on top and bottom). X is the letterbox value [0,0.4]. Must use 'boolProp enablePostProcessing true' first.
TSCheatSystem: lockAspiration : lockAspiration [on/off]: Locks/Unlocks the aspiration score of sims on the lot.
TSCheatSystem: maxMotives : Sets all the motives to maximum for all sims on the lot
TSCheatSystem: motiveDecay : motiveDecay [on/off]: Turns motive decay on/off for all sims on the lot
TSCheatSystem: moveObjects : [on|off] Allows user to move objects that are normally unmoveable.
TSCheatSystem: PlumbBobToggle : Toggle the showing of plumbBob
TSCheatSystem: roofSlopeAngle : Slope Angle in Degrees [15 - 75] (45 is default)
TSCheatSystem: setHighestAllowedLevel: [level] Sets the highest allowed level
TSCheatSystem: setHour : [0-23] sets the hour of the day
TSCheatSystem: setLotLightingFile : [filename.txt] or [clear] override some of the parameters present in the lighting.txt file with filename.txt file present in lights folder, clear clears if any file is present
TSCheatSystem: showHeadlines : [on|off] - Shows/Hides all thought bubbles, speech ballons etc
TSCheatSystem: slowMotion : [0-8] slows the animation timer (0=normal speed)
TSCheatSystem: stretchSkeleton : [factor] stretches skeleton of the selected Sim - factor=1.0 indicates no stretch (factor<1.0 makes shorter, factor>1.0 makes taller.
TSCheatSystem: terrainType : Changes terrain type (Temperate/Desert/Dirt/Concrete)
TSCheatSystem: unlockCareerRewards : Unlocks all career reward objects for the selected sim.
TSCheatSystem: vignette : [centerX centerY X] Blur rendering from specified center (upper left is 0,0, lower right is 1,1). X is the amoung of blurring [0,1]. Must use 'boolProp enablePostProcessing true' first.
TSCheatSystem: vsync : [on|off] Enables/disables vertical sync - can improve performance, but will sometimes cause visual artifacts if of