Songs zu eurer momentanen Stimmung

  • Coldplay - Don't panic

    Bones, sinking like stones,
    All that we fought for,
    Homes, places we've grown,
    All of us are done for.

    And we live in a beautiful world,
    Yeah we do, yeah we do,
    We live in a beautiful world,

    Bones, sinking like stones,
    All that we fought for,
    And homes, places we've grown,
    All of us are done for.

    And we live in a beautiful world,
    Yeah we do, yeah we do,
    We live in a beautiful world.

    And we live in a beautiful world,
    Yeah we do, yeah we do,
    We live in a beautiful world.

    Oh, all that I know,
    There's nothing here to run from,
    Cos yeah, everybody here got somebody to lean on.

    And I'd choose you;

    in a hundred lifetimes,

    in a hundred worlds,

    in any versions of reality,

    I'd find you and

    I'd choose you

    The Chaos of Stars

  • white stripes
    wasting my time
    And if i'm wasting my time
    then nothing could be better
    than hanging on the line
    and waiting for an honest word forever

    And if you're saying goodbye
    please don't you think me bitter
    for recalling every rhyme
    from the book the page
    the line the word the letter

    Well the windows turning blue
    and the waters ever flowing
    and i hope i'm not a fool
    for laughing at myself
    as you are going


  • Here's the thing we started off friends.
    It was cool but it was all pretend, yeah, yeah...
    Since you've been gone...

    You dedicated you took the time, wasn't long til I called you mine, yeah...
    Since you've been gone...

    And all you'd ever hear me say is how I pictured me with you.
    That's all you'd ever hear me say.


    But since you've been gone I can breathe for the first time.
    Im so movin’ on, yeah, yeah.
    Thanks to you, now, I get what I want.
    Since you've been gone...

    How can I put it?

    You put me on?
    I even fell for that stupid love song, yeah, yeah...
    Since you've been gone...

    How come I never hear you say: I just wanna be with you?
    I guess, you never felt that way...


    You had your chance, you blew it out of sight, out of mind.
    Shut your mouth, I just can't take it again and again and again and again...


  • How sweet it is - Michael Buble

    How sweet it is to be loved by you
    How sweet it is to be loved by you

    I needed the shelter of someone’s arms, and there you were
    I needed someone to understand my ups and downs, and there you were
    With sweet love and devotion
    Deeply touching my emotion
    I want to stop and thank you baby
    I want to stop and thank you baby

    How sweet it is to be loved by you
    How sweet it is to be loved by you

    I close my eyes at night
    Wondering where would I be without you in my life
    Everything I did was just a bore
    Everywhere I went it seems I’d been there before
    But you brighten up for me all of my days
    With a love so sweet in so many ways
    I want to stop and thank you baby
    I just want to stop and thank you baby

    How sweet it is to be loved by you
    How sweet it is to be loved by you

    You were better to me than I was to myself
    For me, there’s you and there ain’t nobody else
    I want to stop and thank you baby
    I just want to stop and thank you baby

    How sweet it is to be loved by you
    How sweet it is to be loved by you

    [CENTER]"[SIZE=3]Do not go gentle into that good night - rage, rage against the dying of the light"[/SIZE] Dylan Thomas[/CENTER]

  • Bushido - Wie ein Engel

    Dunkle Wolken, grelle Blitze und ich reite Dir entgegen,
    auf Bildern, die mich täuschen, umgeben von Fäden, die mich halten, die an mir zieh'n, die dafür sorgen, dass ich untergehe.
    Kein Tag an dem ich nich sehe, wie meine Kräfte schwinden, versuche mich zu finden in mitten all der Stimmen, die mich fesseln und vergessen lassen, ich würde hassen, wenn ich könnte, würd ich töten!
    Suche Deine Nähe, verstehe nich warum, nich wieso und nich weswegen, warum die schweren Lasten auf den Schultern, auf dein Leben is geschissen, sag wie lange ist es her, seit Du wirklich mal gefühlt hast, egal ob Freude oder Kummer, heute kletter ich nach oben - morgen fall ich runter!
    Lauf und mach dir etwas vor, doch im Gegensatz zu Dir fließen Tränen wenn ich weine, ich bin ein Mann, trotzdem fühl ich Schmerz, wenn ich blute, nehme was ich kann, kenn das Schlechte und das Gute, suche meine Feinde - such sie unter meinen Freunden, sehe meinen Schatten, warum soll ich ihn verleugnen?!
    Kenne meine Schwächen und beschütz sie mit der Stärke, Sterne fallen und sie landen tief unter der Erde, Brüder gehen doch sie leben weil ich an sie denke, Hände helfen Dir nich immer, wir sehen bald was aus Allem wird, bin ich Bauer oder König, bin ich Läufer oder Turm, denn das Leben wird vergehen wie ein Kartenhaus im Sturm!

    Ich rufe Deinen Namen, ich spüre Deinen Atem, auch wenn meine Tränen fließen, ich bleib hier und werde warten, der Schatten wird weichen, der Schleier wird vergeh'n, wie ein Engel wirst Du komm' um mir den Kummer zu nehm', denn Du weißt ich rufe Deinen Namen, ich spüre Deinen Atem, auch wenn meine Tränen fließen, ich bleib hier und werde warten, der Schatten wird weichen, der Schleier wird vergeh'n, wie ein Engel wirst Du komm´n!

    Meine Helden sterben und ich bete, dass Du an mich denkst, wenn ich falle, fängst Du mich, ich brauche Dich - siehst Du mich?!
    Ängste fallen schwer mir von der Seele, ich wähle meinen Weg, schau mir tief in meine Augen, warum glauben kleine Kinder an die Lüge, denn ich fühle, dass Du weißt, dass ich warte Du erscheinst mir, jede Nacht hör ich Dich, ewig wird es dauern bis Dein Licht durch meine Wolken bricht und ich danke Dir für jedes Deiner Zeichen, wie lange wird es reichen, wie lange muss ich noch ertragen, wie lang muss ich seh'n, wie die Illusion vergeht und mein Vater meine Mutter schlägt?!
    Mein Bruder seine Eltern hört, seine Hoffnung wird zerstört und an was soll man sich halten, wenn noch nicht mal zu seinem Blut zählt, zu viel Leid bleibt, denk zurück an das, was war, was nun ist, was noch wird, jeder stirbt irgendwann und was machst Du dann?!
    Du zweifelst an Gott, deine Worte voller Spott, du schwörst auf die Lüge, weil die Wahrheit Dir zu kalt ist, was ist, wenn du alt bist, wohin willst Du flüchten, wenn der Tod an Deinem Bett sitzt, dir seine Hand reicht und dich auf seinen armen trägt, hast Du wirklich gelebt?!

    Ich rufe Deinen Namen, ich spüre Deinen Atem, auch wenn meine Tränen fließen, ich bleib hier und werde warten, der Schatten wird weichen, der Schleier wird vergeh'n, wie ein Engel wirst Du komm' um mir den Kummer zu nehm', denn Du weißt, ich rufe Deinen Namen, ich spüre Deinen Atem, auch wenn meine Tränen fließen, ich bleib hier und werde warten, der Schatten wird weichen, der Schleier wird vergeh'n, wie ein Engel wirst Du komm' um mir den Kummer zu nehm', denn Du weißt...Bushido-oh...
    Yeah yeah, du weißt, du weißt, du siehst, du siehst, du kommst, du kommst, yeah yeah - king of kingz!

  • Tiamat - Love in chains

    I shout and call for rejoicing
    I hear the sound of angel wings
    Escape us as we close the ring
    And into the fire we will fall
    Our desire, our flame, our call
    So be it, once for all
    And you are the dream and I am the lie
    I am the devil and you're my disguise
    I'm all the pain you always tried to keep inside
    Love in chains
    We'll break free
    There is a time
    for you and me
    Not today
    And not tomorrow
    But one day our sorrow
    Shall go away
    All your being is spellbound
    A black magic hellhound
    Let us have another round for our love
    Many hours we shall wait
    But it will never be too late
    In life or death we'll integrate one day
    Through rain and stormy weather
    Shall always be together
    Together here forever
    And ever...

    [FONT="Garamond"][[COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER]Being in the dark about something, I can't even tell you about experience
    I can't even tell you how scary it is[/CENTER]
    [CENTER]I would like to think that, it's not why it happened to me...
    But why was I saved?
    What else can I do now...[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]

  • Bloodflowerz - Stand up

    I fall, stand up, no I don't never give up
    But fear, cold tears, creep like poison to my heart
    I run, try to reach the bright sun
    I call your name in the falling rain

    I hit the ground 'cause gravity keeps me down
    A real bad trip when all I try to keep runs through my hands
    Like dusty sand
    Till i understand I'll ride this turning circle
    Show me ways in the haze, show me the place
    Where the sun always shines

    Go inside

    Cold rain is falling down again
    I'm sailing on dark flows

    I still believe, but today I need relief
    I await the light, a new day follows after every night
    So go inside
    I feel the flood, my raging blood
    'can feel you
    Sad cold fear is creeping near
    But I know I have to go... inside

    Cold rain is falling down again
    I'm sailing on dark flows
    Cold rain is falling on me
    I'm sailing on dark flows
    Cold rain is falling down again
    I'm sailing on dark flows

    And the wind blows colder...

  • Schandmaul - Dein Anblick

    hätte ich einen pinsel zu zeichnen - dein antlitz,
    den glanz deiner augen, den lieblichen mund,
    ich malte die wimper, die braue, dein lächeln,
    wie ich es erkannte in jener stund'.

    hätte ich eine flöte zu spielen - die klänge,
    die von deiner anmut und schönheit erzählen,
    ich spielte den reigen der himmlischen tänze,
    wie in den gedanken, die mich seither quälen.

    doch weder bilder, noch klänge, noch wort,
    könnten beschreiben, was an jenem ort
    mit mir geschehen, als ich dich gesehen,
    du in dunkler nacht, den schein hast entfacht.

    die sonne die sterne tragen kunde von dir,
    jeder lufthauch erzählt mir von dir.
    jeder atemzug, jeder schritt
    trägt deinen namen weit mit sich mit....

    die sonne die sterne tragen kunde von dir,
    jeder lufthauch erzählt mir von dir.
    jeder atemzug, jeder schritt
    trägt deinen namen weit mit sich mit....

    hätte ich eine feder zu schreiben die worte,
    die dich umgarnen wie silbernes licht,
    ich schriebe von liebe, von nähe und hoffnung
    und schrieb die sehnsucht hinaus in das nichts.

    doch weder bilder, noch klänge, noch wort,
    könnten beschreiben, was an jenem ort
    mit mir geschehen, als ich dich gesehen,
    du in dunkler nacht, den schein hast entfacht.

    die sonne die sterne tragen kunde von dir,
    jeder lufthauch erzählt mir von dir.
    jeder atemzug, jeder schritt
    trägt deinen namen weit mit sich mit....

    die sonne die sterne tragen kunde von dir,
    jeder lufthauch erzählt mir von dir.
    jeder atemzug, jeder schritt
    trägt deinen namen weit mit sich mit....

    [SIZE=1][CENTER]You wanted blood
    And now you got it
    Hey, it's only natural
    And now you got it
    And now you got it[/CENTER]

  • weil mir meine Freundinnen eine CD geschenkt haben mit dem Lied drauf (weiter habe ich noch nicht gehört... hebe ich mir für's Flugzeug auf XD)

    Titiyo - Come Along

    Play with it while you have hands
    Dust settles, cities turn to sand
    Trespassing this is their land
    Time flies, make a statement, take a stand
    Come along now, come along with me
    Come along now, come along and you'll see
    What it's like to be free
    Come along now, come along with me
    Come along now, come along and you'll see
    What it's like to be free
    Come along now, come along with me
    And I'll ease your pain
    Come along, come along with me
    And let's seize this day
    Come along, come along with me
    Stay out stay clear but stay close
    Friends, foes, God only knows
    Let's be the thorn on the rose
    Time flies, make a statement, strike a pose
    Come along now, come along with me
    Come along now, come along and you'll see
    What it's like to be free
    Come along, come along with me
    Come along now, come along and you'll see
    What it's like to be free
    Come along now, come along with me
    And I'll ease your pain
    Come along, come along with me
    And let's seize this day
    Oh, come along with me
    Time flies, make a statement, take a stand (3x)
    Time flies, take your chance
    Come along now, come along with me
    Come along now, come along and you'll see
    What it's like to be free
    Come along, come along with me
    Come along now, come along and you'll see
    What it's like to be free
    Come along now, come along with me
    And I'll ease your pain
    Come along, come along with me
    And let's seize this day
    Oh, come along with me
    Oh, come along with me

    [COLOR="White"][Center][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Doch die Welt vor mir ist für mich gemacht!
    Ich weiß sie wartet und ich hol sie ab!
    Ich hab den Tag auf meiner Seite, ich hab Rückenwind!

    [SIZE="1"]Peter Fox - Haus am See[/SIZE]

    Grüße an Josi, Siri, Mixi, nille und Anna[/FONT][/center][/COLOR]

  • Ich hab da auch en song, den find ich total klasse. hm, ob der nu zu meiner stimmung passt... nya

    Die Fantastischen Vier - Geboren





    wo gehn wir hin? wo kommen wir her?
    was ist der sinn? ist da noch mehr?
    gibt's da nen tunnel? ist da ein licht?
    ey mann was fragste mich? ich weiß es nicht!

    Und Ich atme ein, und ich atme aus.





    wo gehn wir hin? wo kommen wir her?
    was ist der sinn? ist da noch mehr?
    gibt's da nen tunnel? ist da ein licht?
    ey mann was fragste mich? ich weiß es nicht!
    wo gehn wir hin? wo kommen wir her?
    was ist der sinn? ist da noch mehr?
    gibt's da nen tunnel? ist da ein licht?
    ey mann was fragste mich? ich weiß es nicht!

    Und Ich atme ein, und ich atme aus.
    Und Ich atme ein, und ich atme aus,
    ein, aus, ein, aus


  • Bushido - Denk an mich

    Denk an mich, wenn deine Freundin ganz weit weg ist,
    du kein Geld für Essen hast und jeden Tag nur Dreck frisst,
    denk an mich, wenn deine Eltern nicht mehr da sind und wenn dich deine besten Freunde auf einmal verraten,
    denk an mich, wenn es irgendwas zu denken gibt,
    denk an mich, wenn dein Leben nur bedenklich ist,
    denk an mich, wenn du sogar deine Schule verkackst,
    obwohl du jeden Tag lernst und deine Schule nicht schaffst,
    denk an mich, wenn du ein ganz normaler Mensch bist,
    wenn du merkst, dass du ganz schwer zu Lenken bist,
    wenn du der Meinung bist, ganz alleine dazustehen,
    denk an mich, wenn jemand sagt, du bist hart im Nehmen,
    denk an mich, wenn sich auf einmal alles wendet,
    wenn auf einmal dein Leben doch nicht endet.
    Denk an mich, wenn ich sage, dass die Hoffnung nicht stirbt,
    mit der Hoffnung, dass Gott dich erhört!

    Denk an mich, wenn du down bist und dich jeder disst,
    denk an mich, wenn jeder will, dass du ein Schläger bist,
    denk an mich, wenn du alleine in dein Leben gehst, mach deine Augen zu, mein Freund und denk an mich!

    Denk an mich, wenn auf einmal alles gut wird,
    denk an mich, wenn dich all dieser Ruhm nervt.
    Denk dran, dass du Gott immer danken musst und dass du immer nach Familie und Verwandten guckst.
    Denk dran, dass es kranke auf der Welt gibt,
    denk an mich, wenn du armen Menschen Geld gibst.
    Wenn du fest dran glaubst wird dein Traum wahr.
    Denk an mich Homie, dein Leben wird traumhaft.
    Wenn du was erreichen willst musst du hart kämpfen,
    gib nicht auf mein Freund, lass dich nicht abbremsen.
    Denk an mich ,wenn du heute wieder jemand bist,
    denk an mich, wenn du weisst wer dein Krieger ist.
    Denk dran, dass du immer wieder denken musst,
    dein ganzes Leben lang immer wieder denken musst.
    Denk an mich, wenn ich sage, dass die Hoffnung nicht stirbt,
    mit der Hoffnung, dass Gott dich erhört!

    Denk an mich, wenn du down bist und dich jeder disst,
    denk an mich, wenn jeder will, dass du ein Schläger bist,
    denk an mich, wenn du alleine in dein Leben gehst, mach deine Augen zu, mein Freund und denk an mich!

    Ja, ich denk die ganze Zeit an dich! ...

  • Dido - Hunter

    With one light on in one room
    I know you're up when I get home
    with one small step upon the stair
    I know your look when I get there
    if you were a king up there on your throne
    Would you be wise enough to let me go
    for this queen you think you own

    Wants to be a Hunter again
    I want to see the world alone again
    to take a chance on life again
    So let me go.

    The unread book and painful look
    The TV's on, the sound is down
    one long pause, then you begin
    Oh look what the cat's bought in
    if you were a king up there on your throne
    Would you be wise enough to let me go
    for this queen you think you own

    Wants to be a hunter again
    I want to see the world alone again
    to take a chance on life again
    So let me go, let me leave

    For the crown you've placed upon my head feels too heavy now
    And I don't know what to say to you but I'll smile anyhow
    And all the time I'm thinking, thinking

    I want to be a hunter again
    I want to see the world alone again
    to take a chance on life again
    So let me go.

    I want to be a hunter again
    I want to see the world alone again
    to take a chance on life again
    So let me go, let me leave, let me go.

    And I'd choose you;

    in a hundred lifetimes,

    in a hundred worlds,

    in any versions of reality,

    I'd find you and

    I'd choose you

    The Chaos of Stars

  • Anastacia - Pretty little Dum Dum

    Floating in a circle of illusion and deceit
    Drifting far beneath the skin
    The taste of bittersweet
    Giving in to fantasies
    Playing every card
    It's so hard to brake away
    From what he says you are

    He calls you pretty little dum dum
    He says he loves you but he lies
    Oh no
    He says that you're the one one
    But that's eleven in his eyes

    Whatever happends from one through ten
    Don't be a victim of his past tense
    Pretty little one one
    Don't, don't, don't be a pretty little dum dum

    Never ending silence
    In an ever ending sleep
    Walking through the darkness
    Complicated melody
    Praying for a change of heart
    And looking for a sign
    It's so hard to find the love you want
    In broken times

    He calls you pretty little dum dum
    He says he loves you but he lies
    He says that you're the one one
    But that's eleven in his eyes

    Whatever happends from one through tens
    Don't be a victim of his past tense
    Pretty little one one
    Don't be a pretty little dum dum

    Oh, it's so hard to be what you wanna be
    (And you wanted to be the one
    But you know that you have to run)
    Oh oh
    Your life's incomplete
    It's so bittersweet
    (And you wanted to be the one
    But you know that you have to run)
    Oh it's so hard to be what you want to be
    Baby, oh

    He calls you pretty little dum dum
    He says he loves yeah
    He says that you're the one one
    But that's eleven in his eyes
    Oh yeah

    Whatever happends from one through ten
    Don't be a victim of his past tense
    Oh, pretty girl
    Don't be a pretty little dum dum
    Oh, pretty dum dum

    [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="1"]


    Turn on channel seven at a quarter to eight
    You see the same damn thing it's just a different day and
    No one really knows why this is happening
    But it's happening
    And everywhere you go it's just a different place
    You get the same dark feeling
    See the same sad faces
    No one really cares that this is happening

    We come into this world
    And we all are the same
    In that moment there's no one to blame

    But the world is black
    And hearts are cold
    And there's no hope
    That's what we're told
    And we can't go back
    It won't be the same
    Forever changed
    By the things we say, say

    Living in this place it's always been this way
    There's no one doing nothing so there's nothing changed
    And I can't live when this world just keeps dying
    It's dying
    People always tell me this is part of the plan
    That God's got everybody in his hands
    But I can only pray that God is listening
    Is he listening?

    We're living in this world
    Growing colder everyday
    Nothing can stay perfect now I say

    But the world is black
    And hearts are cold
    And there's no hope
    That's what we're told
    And we can't go back
    It won't be the same
    Forever changed
    By the things we say say say

    We come into this world
    And we all are the same
    And in that moment there's no one to blame
    But we're living in this world
    Growing colder everyday
    Nothing can stay perfect now I say

    The world is black
    And hearts are cold
    There's no hope
    That's what we're told
    And we can't go back
    (We can't go back)
    It won't be the same
    (It won't be the same)
    Forever changed
    (What will ever change)
    By the things we say say say

    Turn on channel seven at a quarter to eight
    You see the same damn thing it's just a different day
    And no one really knows why this is happening

    [SIZE=4][SIZE=1]Banner by Tina86[/SIZE]

  • Linkin Park - In the end

    It starts with one thing
    I don't know why
    It doesn't even matter how hard you try keep that in mind
    I designed this rhyme
    To explain in due time
    All I know
    Time is a valuable thing
    Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
    Watch it count down to the end of the day
    The clock ticks life away
    It's so unreal
    Didn't look out below
    Watch the time go right out the window
    Trying to hold on, but didn't even know
    Wasted it all just to watch you go
    I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
    What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when

    I tried so hard
    And got so far
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter
    I had to fall
    To lose it all
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter

    One thing, I don't know why
    It doesn’t even matter how hard you try, keep that in mind
    I designed this rhyme, to explain in due time
    I tried so hard
    In spite of the way you were mocking me
    Acting like I was part of your property
    Remembering all the times you fought with me
    I'm surprised it got so (far)
    Things aren't the way they were before
    You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
    Not that you knew me back then
    But it all comes back to me (in the end)
    You kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
    What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I

    I’ve put my trust in you
    Pushed as far as I can go
    And for all this
    There's only one thing you should know

  • Wish I was
    Too dead to cry
    My self-affliction fades
    Stones to throw at my creator
    Masochist to which I cater

    You don't need to bother
    I don't need to be
    I'll keep slipping farther
    But once I hold on
    I won't let go 'till it bleeds

    Wish I was
    Too dead to care
    If indeed I cared at all
    Never had a voice to protest
    So you fed me shit to digest

    I wish I had a reason
    My flaws are open season
    For this I gave up trying
    One good time deserves my dying

    You don't need to bother
    I don't need to be
    I'll keep slipping farther
    But once I hold on
    I won't let go 'till it bleeds

    Wish I died
    Instead of lived
    A zombie hides my face
    Shell forgotten with its memories
    Diaries left with cryptic entries

    And you don't need to bother
    I don't need to be
    I'll keep slipping farther
    But once I hold on
    I won't let go 'till it bleeds

    You don't need to bother
    I don't need to be
    I'll keep slipping farther
    But once I'm gone
    I'll never live down my deceit

  • Tiamat - Wings of heaven

    I'll be your master and I'll be your slave
    Until the day that you will dance avidly on my grave
    Seems like a lifetime we've been living this lie
    But I can't help keep lying when you undress before my eyes

    The wings of heaven are descending
    The touch of her naked skin's amending
    The skies will collide
    Only for a little while
    And it will take us through the night

    Thank you my angel like belly dancing concubine
    Like Cleopatra you're sleeping save in your royal shrine
    Thank you for the blood and tears and for the table-dance
    Wholeheartedly I thank you dear for our short romance

    [FONT="Garamond"][[COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER]Being in the dark about something, I can't even tell you about experience
    I can't even tell you how scary it is[/CENTER]
    [CENTER]I would like to think that, it's not why it happened to me...
    But why was I saved?
    What else can I do now...[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]

  • La vie en rose - Edith Piaf

    Des yeux qui font baiser les miens,
    Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche,
    Voila le portrait sans retouche
    De l'homme auquel j'appartiens

    Quand il me prend dans ses bras
    Il me parle tout bas,
    Je vois la vie en rose.

    Il me dit des mots d'amour,
    Des mots de tous les jours,
    Et ca me fait quelque chose.

    Il est entre dans mon coeur
    Une part de bonheur
    Dont je connais la cause.

    C'est lui pour moi. Moi pour lui
    Dans la vie,
    Il me l'a dit, l'a jure pour la vie.

    Et des que je l'apercois
    Alors je sens en moi
    Mon coeur qui bat

    Des nuits d'amour a ne plus en finir
    Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place
    Des enuis des chagrins, des phases
    Heureux, heureux a en mourir.

    Quand il me prend dans ses bras
    Il me parle tout bas,
    Je vois la vie en rose.

    Il me dit des mots d'amour,
    Des mots de tous les jours,
    Et ca me fait quelque chose.

    Il est entre dans mon coeur
    Une part de bonheur
    Dont je connais la cause.

    C'est toi pour moi. Moi pour toi
    Dans la vie,
    Il me l'a dit, l'a jure pour la vie.

    Et des que je l'apercois
    Alors je sens en moi
    Mon coeur qui bat

    [CENTER]"[SIZE=3]Do not go gentle into that good night - rage, rage against the dying of the light"[/SIZE] Dylan Thomas[/CENTER]

  • Tiamat - Love in chains

    I shout and call for rejoicing
    I hear the sound of angel wings
    Escape us as we close the ring
    And into the fire we will fall
    Our desire, our flame, our call
    So be it, once for all
    And you are the dream and I am the lie
    I am the devil and you're my disguise
    I'm all the pain you always tried to keep inside
    Love in chains
    We'll break free
    There is a time
    for you and me
    Not today
    And not tomorrow
    But one day our sorrow
    Shall go away
    All your being is spellbound
    A black magic hellhound
    Let us have another round for our love
    Many hours we shall wait
    But it will never be too late
    In life or death we'll integrate one day
    Through rain and stormy weather
    Shall always be together
    Together here forever
    And ever...

    [FONT="Garamond"][[COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER]Being in the dark about something, I can't even tell you about experience
    I can't even tell you how scary it is[/CENTER]
    [CENTER]I would like to think that, it's not why it happened to me...
    But why was I saved?
    What else can I do now...[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]

  • Blink182 - I Miss You

    Hello there, the angel from my nightmare
    The shadow in the background of the morgue
    The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley
    We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
    Where you can always find me
    We'll have Halloween on Christmas
    And in the night we'll wish this never ends
    We'll wish this never ends

    (I miss you I miss you)
    (I miss you I miss you)

    Where are you and I'm so sorry
    I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
    I need somebody and always
    This sick strange darkness
    Comes creeping on so haunting every time
    And as I stared I counted
    Webs from all the spiders
    Catching things and eating their insides
    Like indecision to call you
    and hear your voice of treason
    Will you come home and stop this pain tonight
    Stop this pain tonight

    Don't waste your time on me you're already
    The voice inside my head (miss you miss you)
    Don't waste your time on me you're already
    The voice inside my head (miss you miss you)

    Don't waste your time on me you're already
    The voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)
    Don't waste your time on me you're already
    The voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)