Songs zu eurer momentanen Stimmung

  • The sea's evaporated
    Though it comes as no surprise
    These clouds we're seeing
    Their explosions in the sky
    It seems it's written
    But we can't read between the line

    It's okay
    Dry your eye
    Dry your eye
    Soulmate dry your eye
    Dry your eye
    Soulmate dry your eye
    Cause soulmates never die

    This one world vision
    Turns us in to compromise
    What good's religion
    When it's each other we despise
    Damn the government
    Damn the killing
    Damn the lies

    It's okay
    Dry your eyes
    Dry your eyes
    Soulmate dry your eyes
    Dry your eyes
    Soulmate dry your eyes
    Cause soulmates never die

    Soulmates never die
    Never die
    Soulmates never die
    Never die...
    Soulmates never die
    Soulmates never die

    Soulmates never die
    Soulmates never die

  • Ich werde in die Tannen gehn,
    dahin wo ich sie zuletzt gesehn
    Doch der Abend wirft ein Tuch auf's Land
    und auf die Wege hinter'm Waldesrand
    Und der Wald, er steht so schwarz und leer
    Weh mir, oh weh, und die Vögel singen nicht mehr

    Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein, ohne dich
    Mit dir bin ich auch allein, ohne dich
    Ohne dich zähl' ich die Stunden, ohne dich
    Mit dir stehen die Sekunden, lohnen nicht

    Auf den Ästen, in den Gräben
    ist es nun still und ohne Leben
    Und das Atmen fällt mir, ach, so schwer
    Weh mir, oh weh, und die Vögel singen nicht mehr

    Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein, ohne dich
    Mit dir bin ich auch allein, ohne dich
    Ohne dich zähl' ich die Stunden, ohne dich
    Mit dir stehen die Sekunden, lohnen nicht
    Ohne dich

    Ohne dich

    Und das Atmen fällt mir, ach, so schwer
    Weh mir, oh weh, und die Vögel singen nicht mehr

    Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein, ohne dich
    Mit dir bin ich auch allein, ohne dich
    Ohne dich zähl' ich die Stunden, ohne dich
    Mit dir stehen die Sekunden, lohnen nicht
    Ohne dich...

    [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][CENTER]~*Lebe dein Leben, denn du lebst nur einmal*~[/CENTER][/COLOR]

  • shiver - wenn du daran glaubst

    warte noch ein wenig,
    gib mir noch ein bisschen zeit
    ich bin schon auf dem weg
    hab’ etwas geduld
    ich bin dir näher als du denkst
    ich bin schon auf dem weg

    und es wird gut
    wenn du daran glaubst
    wenn du darauf hoffst,
    wenn du darauf vertraust
    es wird gut
    wenn du davon träumst
    wenn du darauf baust,
    wenn du es willst

    schließe deine augen
    und sag’ mir was du siehst
    vergiss nie wer du bist
    spring über deinen schatten
    und finde deinen weg
    vergiss nie wer du bist

    und es wird gut
    wenn du daran glaubst
    wenn du darauf hoffst,
    wenn du darauf vertraust
    es wird gut
    wenn du davon träumst
    wenn du darauf baust,
    wenn du es willst

    wenn du daran glaubst,
    wenn du darauf vertraust
    wenn du davon träumst,
    wenn du es willst

    hey es wird gut
    wenn du daran glaubst
    wenn du darauf hoffst,
    wenn du darauf vertraust
    es wird gut
    wenn du davon träumst
    wenn du darauf baust,
    wenn du es willst

    wenn du es willst,
    wenn du es willst ...

    And I'd choose you;

    in a hundred lifetimes,

    in a hundred worlds,

    in any versions of reality,

    I'd find you and

    I'd choose you

    The Chaos of Stars

  • In Flames - Trigger

    Have we lost the spark or a guide?
    What’s the latest on the screen?
    Can’t be too late to turn around.
    I need all the help from you
    I need to find something
    to blame for a long lost time

    I’m running from something, I don’t know
    I’m searching for something, which way to go?
    I’m trying to separate what’s real
    I’m running in a wheel

    Is it dark or is it bright?
    What’s the latest on the screen?
    Can you please tell me my name
    I haven’t checked it today

    I’m running from something, I don’t know
    I’m searching for something, which way to go?
    I’m trying to separate what’s real
    I’m running in a wheel

    From green to red our days pass by
    Waiting for a sign to tell us why
    Are we dancing all alone?
    Collect some stars to shine for you
    And start today ‘cause there are only a few The sign of times my friend

    Avoid infinity?
    Are you for real?

    Just scratch the surface,
    and you will find
    Something to blame for a long lost time

    From green to red our days pass by
    Waiting for a sign to tell us why
    Are we dancing all alone?
    Collect some stars to shine for you
    And start today ‘cause there are only a few The sign of times my friend

    Just scratch the surface,
    and you will find
    Something to blame for a long lost time

    From green to red our days pass by
    Waiting for a sign to tell us why
    Are we dancing all alone?
    Collect some stars to shine for you
    And start today ‘cause there are only a few The sign of times my friend (3x)

    [SIZE=1][CENTER]You wanted blood
    And now you got it
    Hey, it's only natural
    And now you got it
    And now you got it[/CENTER]

  • Wish I was
    Too dead to cry
    My self-affliction fades
    Stones to throw at my creator
    Masochist to which I cater

    You don't need to bother
    I don't need to be
    I'll keep slipping farther
    But once I hold on
    I won't let go 'till it bleeds

    Wish I was
    Too dead to care
    If indeed I cared at all
    Never had a voice to protest
    So you fed me shit to digest

    I wish I had a reason
    My flaws are open season
    For this I gave up trying
    One good time deserves my dying

    You don't need to bother
    I don't need to be
    I'll keep slipping farther
    But once I hold on
    I won't let go 'till it bleeds

    Wish I died
    Instead of lived
    A zombie hides my face
    Shell forgotten with its memories
    Diaries left with cryptic entries

    And you don't need to bother
    I don't need to be
    I'll keep slipping farther
    But once I hold on
    I won't let go 'till it bleeds

    You don't need to bother
    I don't need to be
    I'll keep slipping farther
    But once I'm gone
    I'll never live down my deceit

  • Evanescence – Missing

    Please, please forgive me,
    But I won't be home again.
    Maybe someday you'll have woke up,
    And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one:
    "Isn't something missing?"

    You won't cry for my absence, I know -
    You forgot me long ago.
    Am I that unimportant...?
    Am I so insignificant...?
    Isn't something missing?
    Isn't someone missing me?


    Even though I'd be sacrificed,
    You won't try for me, not now.
    Though I'd die to know you love me,
    I'm all alone.
    Isn't someone missing me?

    Please, please forgive me,
    But I won't be home again.
    I know what you do to yourself,
    Shudder deep and cry out:
    "Isn't something missing?
    Isn't someone missing me?"


  • Sarah Brightman - I'm going to like it here

    I am going to like it here.
    There is something about the place,
    An encouraging atmosphere,
    Like the smile on a friendly face.

    There is something about the place,
    So caressing and warm it is,
    Like the smile on a friendly face,
    Like a port in the storm it is.
    So caressing and warm it is,
    All the people are so sincere,
    Like a port in the storm it is,
    I am going to like it here.

    All the people are so sincere,
    There's especially one i like.
    I am going to like it here,
    It's the father's first son i like.
    There's especially one i like,
    There is something about his face.
    It's the father's first son i like,
    He's the reason i love the place.

    There is something about his face,
    I would follow him anywhere.
    If he goes to another place ...
    I am going to like it there.

    There is something about his face,
    I would follow him anywhere.
    If he goes to another place ...
    I am going to like it there.

    [FONT="Garamond"][[COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER]Being in the dark about something, I can't even tell you about experience
    I can't even tell you how scary it is[/CENTER]
    [CENTER]I would like to think that, it's not why it happened to me...
    But why was I saved?
    What else can I do now...[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]

  • Falsche Entscheidung - Fettes Brot

    Wir hörn die falschen Songs und haben auch die falschen Freunde
    wir gehen in die falschen Clubs uns mögen nur die falschen Leute
    die falsche Meinung
    die falsche Kleidung
    falsche Entscheidung
    da scheissen wir drauf scheissen wir drauf scheissen wir drauf

    alles begann damals im Kreissaal
    ich kam zur Welt ohne nen Lifestyle
    das ist im Nachhineinein grosser Scheiss weil
    ohne den Style gibt es leider keinen Beifall
    mir war das ganze damals ziemlich egal
    hab mich erstmal umgedreht noch ne Runde gepennt
    tja hätt’ ich wirklich nicht machen sollen
    denn seitdem verpasse ich zu hundert Prozent jedes coole Event

    wieso das so ist das weiß hier keiner so genau
    früher dachte ich oft ich wäre auf ner Modenschau
    wollt so sein wie die, damals hielt ich das für schlau
    klappt natürlich nie, doch ich wünschte mir GV
    ich war sexuell chronisch unterfordert
    hielt Fußball für ne komische Sportart
    bekam ich dafür einen Platzverweis
    hat ich dann verstanden was Abseits heißt

    die coolen Typen aus der Nachbarschaft gründen ne Band
    E-Gitarre, Bass und Schlagzeug
    da mach ich mit doch vorher lern ich erst n Instrument?
    denn ich weiss genau das passt zu euch
    und dann würde sich der Quatsch hier lohnen
    die Tonleiter immer weiter Mann das packst du schon
    laut aber harmlos wie Platzpatronen
    blas ich mutterseelenalone in mein Saxophon

    Wir hörn die falschen Songs und haben auch die falschen Freunde
    wir gehen in die falschen Clubs uns mögen nur die falschen Leute
    die falsche Meinung
    die falsche Kleidung
    falsche Entscheidung
    da scheissen wir drauf scheissen wir drauf scheissen wir drauf

    auf Parties hörte ich immer Walkman
    weil die Leute um mich rum meinen Musikgeschmack nicht mochten
    ich war nie auf Raves, auf Jams oder im Wellnessclub
    fall überall komisch auf mit meinem Elvis-Look
    alles was ich wollte waren nackte Frauen
    eine feste Freundin um ihr T-Shirt hochzuheben
    alles was ich fand war das nackte Grauen
    eine feste Klammer vom Kieferorthopäden
    ich war jedesmal der Mega Star
    in meinen neuen Sachen von C&A
    ich hatte keine Gang und keine Crew
    kein Amusement und kein Rendezvous
    ich wär so gern in Bars mit Fernsehstars
    schlürfe Schampus auf ner Vernisage
    das perlt im Glas was n derber Spaß!
    morgen wollen alle wissen: Björn wie war's?!

    Wir hörn die falschen Songs und haben auch die falschen Freunde
    wir gehen in die falschen Clubs uns mögen nur die falschen Leute
    die falsche Meinung
    die falsche Kleidung
    falsche Entscheidung
    da scheissen wir drauf scheissen wir drauf scheissen wir drauf

    früher war ich uncool weil ich Hip Hopper war
    später war ich dann ein uncooler Hip Hopper
    jaja wär das Leben nicht schön wenn ich son geiler Typ wär
    mit allem drum und dran in Designer Streetwear
    da geht leider nix, kann nicht so tun als ob
    es ist wie es ist, gewinn keinen Blumenpott
    wir kommen aus Halstenbek, Pinneberg und Schenefeld
    das war leider nie der Mittelpunkt der Szenewelt

    alle Mauerblümchen [rock rock on]
    alle grauen Mäuschen [rock rock on]
    alle Streberleichen [rock rock on]
    alle Pickelfressen [rock rock on]
    alle hässlichen Entlein [rock rock on]
    alle Linkshänder [rock rock on]
    alle Bettnässer [rock rock on]
    und dicke Mädchen [rock rock on]
    Muttersöhnchen [rock rock on]
    Spargeltarzan [rock rock on]
    Bohnenstangen [rock rock on]
    Mäusemelker [rock rock on]
    Brillenschlangen [rock rock on]
    Sitzenbleiber [rock rock on]
    alle Angsthasen yeah [rock rock on]
    und alle Schreckschrauben uuh [rock rock on]

    Wir hörn die falschen Songs und haben auch die falschen Freunde
    wir gehen in die falschen Clubs uns mögen nur die falschen Leute
    die falsche Meinung
    die falsche Kleidung
    falsche Entscheidung
    da scheissen wir drauf scheissen wir drauf scheissen wir drauf

    [CENTER]"[SIZE=3]Do not go gentle into that good night - rage, rage against the dying of the light"[/SIZE] Dylan Thomas[/CENTER]

  • Beatsteaks - Summer

    We burn the summer down
    it starts when we around.
    It’s down this afternoon
    We came right back from moon.

    We paint the town red
    to see,what we will get.
    Don’t care about the past
    today we make it last

    we came around
    the breaking of the silence that we found ( I’m alive)

    There ain’t no place to stay,
    so why shall tell i it’s fake.

    The way – it’s sad and dark
    it leads to where I bound.


    We burn the summer down
    it starts when we around.
    It’s down this afternoon
    we came right back from moon.


    [SIZE=1][CENTER]You wanted blood
    And now you got it
    Hey, it's only natural
    And now you got it
    And now you got it[/CENTER]

  • Sarah Brightman - Away from you

    Away from you
    There is no music,
    There is no sunlight,
    The world is gray.
    Away from you
    The clocks are frozen,
    And time's a traveller
    Who's lost his way.

    The people i meet
    Might as well be statues,
    The words we exchange
    Might as well be greek.
    The room that i'm in
    May be bright and cheerful
    But to me
    It's dim and bleak.

    I'm half alive
    Until the moment
    The door swings open
    And you walk through.
    Now my world starts to glow
    Like a stained-glass window
    And what was old and cold
    Is warm and new.
    And so you see
    Why i can never be
    Away from you.

    Away from you
    The world is lifeless
    As though creation
    Has gone awry.
    The trees are bare,
    There are no flowers,
    The fields are thirsty,
    The streams are dry.

    We live, you and i,
    For a breath of sunlight,
    So brief an escape
    From a world of gray.
    Our moments of warmth
    Have been touch and go, love,
    But tonight, we'll touch
    And stay.

    The people i meet
    Might as well be statues,
    The words we exchange
    Might as well be greek.
    The room that i'm in
    May be bright and cheerful
    But to me
    It's dim and bleak.

    I'm half alive
    Until the moment
    The door swings open
    And you walk through.
    Now my soul is afloat
    On a wave of music
    That i could feel such joy
    I never knew.
    And so you see
    Why i can never be
    Away from you.

    [FONT="Garamond"][[COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER]Being in the dark about something, I can't even tell you about experience
    I can't even tell you how scary it is[/CENTER]
    [CENTER]I would like to think that, it's not why it happened to me...
    But why was I saved?
    What else can I do now...[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]

  • Kylie Minouge&Nick Cave-Where the wild roses grow

    They call me The Wild Rose
    But my name was Elisa Day
    Why they call me it I do not know
    For my name was Elisa Day

    From the first day I saw her I knew she was the one
    As she stared in my eyes and smiled
    For her lips were the colour of the roses
    They grew down the river, all bloody and wild

    When he knocked on my door and entered the room
    My trembling subsided in his sure embrace
    He would be my first man, and with a careful hand
    He wiped the tears that ran down my face


    On the second day I brought her a flower
    She was more beautiful than any woman I'd seen
    I said, 'Do you know where the wild roses grow
    So sweet and scarlet and free?'

    On the second day he came with a single rose
    Said: 'Will you give me your loss and your sorrow?'
    I nodded my head, as I layed on the bed
    He said, 'If I show you the roses will you follow?'


    On the third day he took me to the river
    He showed me the roses and we kissed
    And the last thing I heard was a muttered word
    As he stood smiling above me with a rock in his fist

    On the last day I took her where the wild roses grow
    And she lay on the bank, the wind light as a thief
    As I kissed her goodbye, I said, 'All beauty must die'
    And lent down and planted a rose between her teeth


  • It's down to this
    I've got to make this life make sense
    Can anyone tell what I've done
    I miss life
    I miss the colours of the world
    Can anyone tell where I am

    Cause now again I've found myself so far down
    away from the sun that shines into the darkest place
    I'm so far down away from the sun again
    away from the sun again

    I'm over of this
    I'm tired of livin' in the dark
    Can anyone see me down here
    The feeling's gone
    There's nothing left to lift me up
    Back into the world I know

    And now again I've found myself so far down
    away from the sun that shines into the darkest place
    I'm so far down away from the sun
    that shines to light the way for me to find my way back into the arms
    that care about the ones like me
    I'm so far down away from the sun again

    It's down to this
    I've got to make this life make sense
    And now I can't tell what I've done

    And now again I've found myself so far down
    away from the sun that shines to light the way for me

    And now again I've found myself so far down
    away from the sun that shines into the darkest place
    I'm so far down away from the sun
    that shines to light the way for me to find my way back into the arms
    that care about the ones like me
    I'm so far down away from the sun again

    [CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Sarah und Slayer, ich grüße Euch[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
    [CENTER][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Indigo"]Ausserdem grüße ich auch
    Anna, Micha, Kathy, Power, Steffi, Magda, ihre Mama und den Rest meiner teuflischen Bande

    [COLOR="LemonChiffon"]- Initiative für mehr Grüße im Forum - [/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]

  • KoRn - Bottled Up Inside

    It ain't fading
    Man I got to let it out
    Am I quitting?
    Screaming nothing ever come out
    I keep feeling lost
    I'll never find my way out
    I'm not thanking them
    Unless the truth can pour out

    Give me some courage
    Beating me down the sometime
    Are you laughing at my body?
    I hate and slide
    I hate and slide

    I take this time
    To let out what's inside
    Cause I will panic
    Sometimes I wish you'd die
    Full of sorrow
    You may bestow my pride
    And all this hate is bottled up inside

    My heart is breaking
    Man you really ripped it out
    You take pleasure watching as I claw my way out

    The hurt rising
    Soon it's going to tear my soul out
    It's not kosher feeling like I'm on my way out

    Give me some courage
    Beating me down the (?) sometime
    Are you laughing at my body?
    I hate and slide
    I hate and slide

    I'll take this time
    To let out what's inside
    Cause I will panic
    Sometimes I wish you'd die
    Full of sorrow
    You may bestow my pride
    And all this hate is bottled up inside

    Feeling the haze as they cut down my spine
    Peeling your flesh like the way you've cut mine
    Do you feel happy you fucked up my mind
    You're going to pay this time

    I'll take this time
    To let out what's inside
    Cause I will panic
    Sometimes I wish you'd die
    Full of sorrow
    You may bestow my pride.
    And all this hate is bottled up inside

    I'll take this time
    To let out what's inside
    Cause I will panic
    Sometimes I wish you'd die
    Full of sorrow
    You may bestow my pride.
    And all this hate is bottled up inside

    [SIZE=1][CENTER]You wanted blood
    And now you got it
    Hey, it's only natural
    And now you got it
    And now you got it[/CENTER]

  • Christina Aguilera - Fighter

    After all you put me through
    You'd think I'd dispise you
    But in the end I wanna thank you
    'Cause you made that much stronger

    When I, I thought I knew you,
    Thinking that you were true
    Guess I, I couldn't trust
    Caught your bluff, time is up
    'cause I've Had enough
    You were there by my side, always down for the ride
    But your joy ride just came down in flames
    'Cause your greed sold me out in shame, mmhmm

    After all of the stealing and cheating
    You probably think that I hold resentment for you
    But uh uh, oh no, you're wrong
    'Cause if it wasn't for all that you tried to do,
    I wouldn't know just how capable I am to pull through
    So I wanna say thank you

    Cause it Makes me that much stronger
    Makes me work a little bit harder
    Makes me that much wiser
    So thanks for making me a fighter
    Made me learn a little bit faster
    Made my skin a little bit thicker
    Makes me that much smarter
    So thanks for making me a fighter

    Never saw it coming,
    All of your backstabbing
    Just so, you could cash in
    On a good thing before I'd realized your game
    I heard you're going 'round
    Playin' the victim now
    But don't even begin
    Feeling I'm the one to blame
    'Cause you dug your own grave

    After all of the fights and the lies
    Yes your wanting to HURT me
    But that won't work anymore, no more, uh uh, it's over
    'Cause if it wasn't for all of your torture
    I wouldn't know how to be this way now and never back down
    So I wanna say thank you
    'cause it

    Makes me that much stronger
    Makes me work a little bit harder
    Makes me that much wiser
    So thanks for making me a fighter
    Made me learn a little bit faster
    Made my skin a little bit thicker
    Makes me that much smarter
    So thanks for making me a fighter

    How could this man I thought I know
    Turn out to be unjust so cruel
    Could only see the good in you
    Pretended not to see the truth
    You tried to hide your lies, disguise yourself
    Through living in denial
    But in the end you'll see
    You won't stop me

    I am a fighter and I (fighter and I)
    I ain't gon stop (I ain't gon stop)
    There is no turning back
    I've had enough

    Makes me that much stronger
    Makes me work a little bit harder
    Makes me that much wiser
    So thanks for making me a fighter
    Made me learn a little bit faster
    Made my skin a little bit thicker
    Makes me that much smarter
    So thanks for making me a fighter

    Thought I would forget but I
    I remember
    Yes, I remember
    I'll remember

    Makes me that much stronger
    Makes me work a little bit harder
    Makes me that much wiser
    So thanks for making me a fighter
    Made me learn a little bit faster
    Made my skin a little bit thicker
    Makes me that much smarter
    So thanks for making me a fighter

    And I'd choose you;

    in a hundred lifetimes,

    in a hundred worlds,

    in any versions of reality,

    I'd find you and

    I'd choose you

    The Chaos of Stars

  • My Dying Bride - for you

    I will be here for you
    All I want is you
    When I see your face
    All the Angels are shamed

    Lay with me beauty
    Feel me close to you
    Take my hand to you
    Touch you softly. Your warm skin

    Cover me with you
    Over me under you
    Pull me in to you
    As one we lay entwined

    All I ever wanted
    I have, I need never wish again
    You are heaven sent

    [SIZE=1][CENTER]You wanted blood
    And now you got it
    Hey, it's only natural
    And now you got it
    And now you got it[/CENTER]

  • Linkin Park - In the end

    It starts with
    One thing, I don't know why
    It doesn't even matter how hard you try
    keep that in mind
    I designed this rhyme
    To explain in due time

    All I know

    Time is a valuable thing
    Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
    Watch it count down 'til the end of the day
    The clock ticks life away

    It's so unreal

    I Didn't look out below
    Watched the time go right out the window
    Trying to hold on, but didn't even know
    I Wasted it all just to

    watch you go

    I kept everything inside and even know I tried, it all fell apart
    What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when

    I tried so hard
    And got so far
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter
    I had to fall
    To lose it all
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter

    One thing, I don't know why
    It doesn't even matter how hard you try
    keep that in mind
    I designed this rhyme, to remind myself how

    I tried so hard

    In spite of the way you were mocking me
    Acting like I was part of your property
    Remembering all the times you fought with me
    I'm surprised

    it got so far

    Things aren't the way they were before
    You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
    Not that you knew me back then
    But it all comes back to me

    in the end

    I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
    What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I

    I tried so hard
    And got so far
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter
    I had to fall
    To lose it all
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter

    I've put my trust in you
    Pushed as far as I can go
    And for all this
    There's only one thing you should know

    I tried so hard
    And got so far
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter
    I had to fall
    To lose it all
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter

    by the way~ 666 Beitrag :D Ich bin ebil ^-^

  • Linkin Park - Runaway

    Graffiti decorations
    Under a sky of dust
    A constant wave of tension
    On top of broken trust
    The lessons that you taught me
    I learned were never true
    Now I find myself in question
    [They point the finger at me again]
    Guilty by association
    [You point the finger at me again]

    I wanna run away
    Never say good-bye
    I wanna know the truth
    Instead of wondering why
    I wanna know the answers
    No more lies
    I wanna shut the door
    And open up my mind

    Paper bags and angry voices
    Under a sky of dust
    Another wave of tension
    Has more than filled me up
    All my talk of taking action
    These words were never true
    Now I find myself in question
    [They point the finger at me again]
    Guilty by association
    [You point the finger at me again]

    I wanna run away
    Never say good-bye
    I wanna know the truth
    Instead of wondering why
    I wanna know the answers
    No more lies
    I wanna shut the door
    And open up my mind

    I'm gonna run away and never say good-bye
    Gonna run away, gonna runaway
    I'm gonna run away and never wonder why
    Gonna run away, gonna runaway
    I'm gonna run away and open my mind
    Gonna run away, gonna runaway (mind)
    Gonna run away, gonna runaway (mind)
    Gonna run away, gonna runaway (mind)
    Gonna run away, gonna runaway

    I wanna run away
    Never say good-bye
    I wanna know the truth
    Instead of wondering why
    I wanna know the answers
    No more lies
    I wanna shut the door
    And open up my mind

    I wanna run away
    (And open up my mind)
    I wanna run away
    (And open up my mind)
    I wanna run away
    (And open up my mind)
    I wanna run away
    (And open up my mind)

  • Garbage - Why do you love me?

    I'm no Barbie doll
    I'm not your baby girl
    I've done ugly things
    And I have made mistakes
    And I am not as pretty as those girls in magazines
    I am rotten to my core if they're to be believed

    So what if I'm no baby bird hanging upon your every word
    Nothing ever smells of roses that rises out of mud

    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me
    It's driving me crazy

    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me
    It's driving me crazy

    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me
    It's driving me crazy

    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me

    You're not some little boy
    Why you acting so surprised
    You're sick of all the rules
    Well I'm sick of all your lies
    Now I've held back a wealth of shit
    I think I'm gonna choke
    I'm standing in the shadows
    With the words stuck in my throat
    Does it really come as a surprise
    When I tell you I don't feel good
    That nothing ever came from nothing man
    Oh man ain't that the truth

    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me
    It's driving me crazy

    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me
    It's driving me crazy

    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me
    It's driving me crazy

    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me

    I get back up and I do it again
    I get back up and I do it again
    I get back up and I do it again
    I get back up and I do it
    Do it again

    I think you're sleeping with a friend of mine
    I have no proof
    But I think that I'm right

    And you've still got the most beautiful face
    It just makes me sad
    Most of the time

    I get back up and I do it again
    I get back up and I do it again
    I get back up and I do it again
    I get back up and I do it
    Do it again
    Do it again
    Do it again
    Do it again

    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me
    It's driving me crazy

    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me
    It's driving me crazy

    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me

    Why do you love me
    Why do you love me

    And I'd choose you;

    in a hundred lifetimes,

    in a hundred worlds,

    in any versions of reality,

    I'd find you and

    I'd choose you

    The Chaos of Stars

  • Schmetterling

    Du siehst so hübsch aus, wenn du neben mir liegst, ein Blick und ich weiss, ich bin der, den du liebst. Du schenkst mir mehr als ich dir jemals wiedergeben kann. Halt mich fest und mach dass ich wieder leben kann, wieder sehen kann, ich bin so blind ohne dich. Bitte deck mich zu, ich bin wie ein Kind ohne Dich. Wie ein kleiner Junge, der mit Licht einschläft, dass Licht anlässt, weil er ohne nicht einschläft. Wie kann es sein, du bist ein Engel auf Erden, ich wollte niemals glauben, dass Engel auch sterben. Du bist die Sonne, die am Himmel scheint, du allein bist der Grund, warum der Himmel weint. Wenn die Wolken sich auftun, ist es so, als wenn du mich anlächelst und die Wolken sich ausruhn. Glaub mir eins, ich werd mich gerne bemühn, denn ich lieb dich so sehr, dass wir wie Sterne verglühn.

    Ich guck dich an, als wärst du von nem anderen Stern,
    so wie wir beide sind, wärn die anderen gern.
    Du bist mein Schatz, ich lieb dich wie mein eignes Leben,
    ich vergess die ganze Welt und seh nur uns zwei im Regen.
    Uns zwei, wie wir nur noch uns zwei haben. Ich Schenk dir
    Tausend weiße Tauben, wenn wir uns heiraten. Du hast
    Nicht gewusst, dass ich ein Rapper bin, doch ich wusste
    Damals schon du bist mein Schmetterling.

    Wie eine Träne im Meer, komm ich mir vor, wenn ich dran denke, was wär, wenn dein Segen nicht wär, denn ein Tag ohne Dich, wär wie ein Ende ohne Anfang, wie ein Tag ohne Licht. Und ich will nie mehr alleine raus in die Welt weil's mir schon lange nicht mehr draußen gefällt. Du hast dich so sehr um mich gesorgt und ich schulde dir so viel du hast mir so viel geborgt. Guck hier, ich hab dir alles von mir anvertraut, du bist die einzige Frau, der man vertraut, weil ich weiss, was dein Lächeln bewirkt, bete ich jeden Tag, dass dein Lächeln nicht stirbt, mein Schatz, du bist und bleibst mein Schatz, du hast tief in meinem Herzen bis zum Schluss deinen Platz. Du nimmst mir die Angst, weil du so Wirklich bist, du bist unendlich süß, weil du mein Pfirsich bist.

    Ich guck dich an, als wärst du von nem anderen Stern,
    so wie wir beide sind, wärn die anderen gern.
    Du bist mein Schatz, ich lieb dich wie mein eignes Leben,
    ich vergess die ganze Welt und seh nur uns zwei im Regen.
    Uns zwei, wie wir nur noch uns zwei haben. Ich Schenk dir
    Tausend weiße Tauben, wenn wir uns heiraten. Du hast
    Nicht gewusst, dass ich ein Rapper bin, doch ich wusste
    Damals schon du bist mein Schmetterling.

    Gib mir deine Hand, sag den andern du willst hier sein, sag den andern, du willst nur noch mit mir sein. Du weißt genau, ich lass dich nie wieder gehn. Bitte sag mir du wirst mir nie wieder fehlen. Gib mir deine Hand, sag den andern du willst hier sein, sag den andern, du willst nur noch mit mir sein. Du weißt genau, ich lass dich nie wieder gehn. Bitte sag mir du wirst mir nie wieder fehlen.

    Ich guck dich an, als wärst du von nem anderen Stern,
    so wie wir beide sind, wärn die anderen gern.
    Du bist mein Schatz, ich lieb dich wie mein eignes Leben,
    ich vergess die ganze Welt und seh nur uns zwei im Regen.
    Uns zwei, wir wir nur noch uns zwei haben. Schenk dir
    Tausend weiße Tauben, wenn wir uns heiraten. Du hast
    Nicht gewusst, dass ich ein Rapper bin, doch ich wusste
    Damals schon du bist mein Schmetterling.

  • Saltatio Mortis - Daedalus

    Siehe Adler das Werk ist vollbracht
    Der Sprung in die Freiheit aus Federn gemacht
    Leg an diese Flügel der Plan ist verwegen
    Wir fliegen gemeinsam dem Himmel entgegen

    Wild zerren die Winde an meinen Schwingen
    Der himmlischen Kräfte unbändiges Ringen
    betörendes Rauschen entfesselt den Geist
    Kann jetzt erst erkennen was Freiheit verheißt

    Siehst du die Sonne
    Spürst du das Feuer
    Du fliegst zu hoch, die Sonne brennt heiß,
    Will hoch hinaus das ist mein Streben
    Aus deinen Flügeln tropft Wachs wie Schweiß
    Wer niemals wagt wird niemals leben
    Du fliegst zu hoch, die Sonne brennt heiß,
    Will hoch hinaus das ist mein Streben

    Deine Schwingen sie schmelzen die Federn verbrennen
    Zu sicher und stolz die Gefahr zu erkennen
    Fällst lichterloh brennend dem Meere entgegen
    Empfange den Preis für vermessenes Streben!

    Meine Schwingen, sie schmelzen die Federn verbrennen
    Zu sicher und stolz die Gefahr zu erkennen
    Und fall ich auch brennend dem Meere entgegen
    Ist Freiheit niemals ein vermessenes Streben!

    Siehst du die Sonne
    Spürst du das Feuer
    Du fliegst zu hoch, die Sonne brennt heiß,
    Will hoch hinaus das ist mein Streben
    Aus deinen Flügeln tropft Wachs wie Schweiß
    Wer niemals wagt wird niemals leben
    Du fliegst zu hoch, die Sonne brennt heiß,
    Will hoch hinaus das ist mein Streben

    Und fiel ich auch brennend dem Meere entgegen
    Ist Freiheit niemals ein vermessenes Streben!

    [SIZE=1][CENTER]You wanted blood
    And now you got it
    Hey, it's only natural
    And now you got it
    And now you got it[/CENTER]