Songs zu eurer momentanen Stimmung

  • Söhne Mannheims....
    Und wenn ein Lied meine Lippen verläßt,
    dann nur damit du Liebe empfängst.
    Durch die Nacht und das dichteste Geäst,
    damit du keine Ängste mehr kennst.

    Sag ein kleines Stückchen Wahrheit,
    sieh wie die Wüste lebt.
    Schaff ein kleines bißchen Klarheit,
    und schau wie sich der Schleier hebt.
    Eine Wüste aus Beton und Asphalt,
    doch sie lebt und öffnet einen Spalt.
    Der dir Neues zeigt,
    zeigt, das Altes weicht.
    Auch wenn dein Schmerz bis an den Himmel reicht.

    Und wenn ein Lied mein Lippen verläßt
    dann nur damit du Liebe empfängst.
    Durch die Nacht und das dichteste Geäst
    damit du keine Ängste mehr kennst.

    Und wenn ein Lied mein Lippen verläßt
    dann nur damit du Liebe empfängst.
    Durch die Nacht und das dichteste Geäst
    damit du keine Ängste mehr kennst.

    Dieses Lied ist nur für dich,
    schön, wenn es dir gefällt.
    Denn es kam so über mich,
    wie die Nacht über die Welt.
    Schnellt Gefahr aus der Dunkelheit,
    bin ich zum ersten Schlag bereit.
    Ich bin der erste, der dich befreit,
    und einer der letzten, der um dich weint.

    Und wenn ein Lied mein Lippen verläßt
    dann nur damit du Liebe empfängst.
    Durch die Nacht und das dichteste Geäst
    damit du keine Ängste mehr kennst.

    In unserer Sanduhr fällt das letzte Korn,
    ich habe gewonnen und hab ebenso verloren.
    Jedoch missen möchte ich nichts,
    alles bleibt unser gedanklicher Besitz.
    Und eine bleibende Erinnerung,
    Zwischen Tag und Nacht legt sich die Dämmerung.

    Und wenn ein Lied mein Lippen verläßt,
    dann nur damit du Liebe empfängst.
    Durch die Nacht und das dichteste Geäst,
    damit du keine Ängste mehr kennst.

    Und wenn ein Lied mein Lippen verläßt,
    dann nur damit du Liebe empfängst.
    Durch die Nacht und das dichteste Geäst
    damit du keine Ängste mehr kennst.

    Damit du keine Ängste mehr kennst...

  • In Extremo - Maria Virgin

    Quen a omagen da Virgen
    Et de seu Fillo onrrar?
    D'eles sera muit'onrrado
    No seu ben, que non a par.
    E de tal razon com'esta
    Vos direi, se vos prouguer,
    Miragre que fez a Virgen,
    Que sempre nosso ben quer,
    Perque ajamos o reyno
    De seu Fill'ond'a moller
    Primeiro nos deitou fora,
    Que foi malament' errar

    [FONT="Garamond"][[COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER]Being in the dark about something, I can't even tell you about experience
    I can't even tell you how scary it is[/CENTER]
    [CENTER]I would like to think that, it's not why it happened to me...
    But why was I saved?
    What else can I do now...[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]

  • System of a down - Aerials

    Life is a waterfall,
    We’re one in the river
    And one again after the fall

    Swimming through the void
    We hear the word,
    We lost ourselves
    But we find it all?

    Cause we are the ones that want to play,
    Always want to go
    But you never want to stay
    And we are the ones that want to choose
    Always want to play
    But you never want to lose

    Aerials in the sky
    When you lose small mind
    You free your life

    Life is a waterfall
    We drink from the river
    Then we turn around and put up our walls

    Swimming through the void
    We hear the wordof a d
    We lost ourselves
    But we find it all?

    Cause we are the ones that want to play,
    Always want to go
    But you never want to stay

    And we are the ones that want to choose
    Always want to play
    But you never want to lose

    Aerials in the sky
    When you lose small mind
    You free your life
    Aerials so up high
    When you free your eyes
    Eternal prize
    Aerials in the sky
    When you lose small mind
    You free your life
    Aerials so up high
    When you free your eyes
    Eternal Prize

  • The White Stripes - Why Can't You Be Nicer To Me?

    somebody's screaming
    looking at the ceiling
    everything's so funny
    i don't have any money
    people don't even know me
    but they know how to show me

    why can't you be nicer to me?

    my pride is dying
    i think i'm all done lying
    nobody's sharing
    so i stop caring
    all alone and walking
    nobody's talking

    why can't you be nicer to me?

    well the wind is blowing
    where am i going
    off a bridge and falling
    nobody's calling
    on the ground and laying
    nobody's praying

    why can't you be nicer to me?

    [SIZE=1][CENTER]You wanted blood
    And now you got it
    Hey, it's only natural
    And now you got it
    And now you got it[/CENTER]

  • Ben feat. Gim - Engel

    Engel weinen - oh sie leide wie jeder andere und haben Feinde

    Fühlst du nicht diesen Schmerz in mir
    Oh siehst du nicht ich kann nicht mehr - hilf mir
    Oh schau mich an, ich bemüh' mich sehr
    Was muss noch gescheh'n, dass du mich erhörst

    Ich danke dir dafür, dass du mich beschüzt
    Danke dir für all den Segen, den du mir gibst
    Ohne dich wär mein Leben nicht so, wie es ist
    Du gibst mir die Kraft zu sein, wie du es bist
    Oh ich brauch dich

    Selbst Engel weinen - Engel leiden
    Engel fühln sich mal alleine
    Sie verzweifeln wie jeder andere
    Fallen tief und haben Feinde
    Engel weinen - Engel leiden
    Engel fühln sich mal alleine
    Sie verzweifeln wie jeder andere
    Fallen tief und haben Feinde

    Fühlst du nicht diesen Schmerz in mir
    Oh siehst du nicht, ich kann nicht mehr - hilf mir
    Oh schau mich an, ich bemüh' mich sehr
    Was muss noch gescheh'n, dass du mich erhörst

    Ich schau auf die Sternenmillionen
    Wo viele von uns Engeln wohnen
    So viele Tränen, die mich quälen
    Wer rettet mich und all die Seelen
    Die Zeit vergeht - die Kraft die schwindet
    Wo ist das Licht - das uns verbindet
    In deinen Augen - möcht ich lesen, was uns beide trennt

    Ich öffne dir mein Herz
    Denn du befreist mich von Leid und Schmerz
    Ich lass dich hinein
    Denn du nimmst mir die Sorgen und wäschst sie rein
    Nur du kennst meine Geschichte
    Ebnest mir den Weg nachdem ich mich richte
    Gibst meinem Leben einen Sinn
    Und lässt mich sein, so wie ich's bin
    So führe mich aus dieser Dunkelheit
    Zeige mir den Weg, der mich befreit
    Ich will doch nur ein zeichen von dir
    Befrei' mich von all diesen Ketten hier
    Die Zeit vergeht - die Kraft die schwindet
    Wo ist das Licht - das uns verbindet
    In deinen Augen - möcht ich lesen, was uns beide trennt

    And I'd choose you;

    in a hundred lifetimes,

    in a hundred worlds,

    in any versions of reality,

    I'd find you and

    I'd choose you

    The Chaos of Stars

  • Bruce Springsteen - Streets of Philadeplphia

    was bruised and battered and I couldn't tell
    what I felt
    I was unrecognizable to myself
    Saw my reflection in a window I didn't know
    my own face
    Oh brother are you gonna leave me
    wasting away
    On the streets of Philadelphia

    I walked the avenue till my legs felt like stone
    I heard the voices of friends vanished and gone
    At night I could hear the blood in my veins
    Just as black and whispering as the rain
    On the streets of Philadelphia

    Ain't no angel gonna greet me
    It's just you and I my friend
    And my clothes don't fit me no more
    I walked a thousand miles
    just to slip this skin

    The night has fallen, I'm lyin' awake
    I can feel myself fading away
    So receive me brother with your faithless kiss
    or will we leave each other alone like this
    On the streets of Philadelphia

    [FONT="Garamond"][[COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER]Being in the dark about something, I can't even tell you about experience
    I can't even tell you how scary it is[/CENTER]
    [CENTER]I would like to think that, it's not why it happened to me...
    But why was I saved?
    What else can I do now...[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]

  • Slime - Deutschland muss sterben

    Wo Faschisten und Multis das Land regieren
    Wo Leben und Umwelt keinen interessieren
    Wo alle Menschen ihr Ich verlieren
    Da kann eigentlich nur noch eins passieren

    4x Deutschland muß sterben, damit wir leben können!

    Schwarz ist der Himmel, Rot ist die Erde
    Gold sind die Hände der Bonzenschweine
    Doch der Bundesadler stürzt bald ab
    Denn Deutschland, wir tragen dich zu Grab

    Wo Faschisten und Multis das Land regieren
    Wo Leben und Umwelt keinen interessieren
    Wo alle Menschen ih Ich verlieren
    Da kann eigentlich nur noch eins passieren

    4x Deutschland muß sterben, damit wir leben können!

    4x Deutschland muß sterben, damit wir leben können!

    Wo Panzer und Raketen den Frieden "sichern"
    AKWs und Computer das Leben "verbessern"
    Bewaffnete Roboter überall
    Doch Deutschland, wir bringen dich zu Fall

    4x Deutschland muß sterben, damit wir leben können!

    4x Deutschland verrecke, damit wir leben können!

  • From Autumn To Ashes - Short Stories With Tragic Endings

    Here you stand seething with guilt.
    Silence only justifies this act of cowardice.
    The look stapled on your face cries out for forgiveness,
    the one thing that I cannot give.

    (Did you ever see that one person
    and the way they do these things
    and it hurts you so much it's like choking choking choking
    down the embers)

    I can give you freedom from your guilt,
    with a flick of my wrist onto yours.
    I can give you peace of mind with a forced smile.
    I can give you death with the look upon my face.

    This is your freedom in a life of fallacy,
    with no last kiss and no regrets;
    you don't deserve good bye.
    This is your freedom in a life of fallacy,
    with no last kiss and no good bye.

    Here you stand seething with guilt.
    Silence only justifies this act of cowardice.

    With a short story, the one you add to daily, you are the tragic loss.
    No story book ending for this fairy tale of you.
    Just the one composed with blood taken from your pen that you hold in your
    lifeless hand.
    Cry for you. Shed tears. Mourn. Wish the end.
    Cry for you. Shed tears. Mourn. Wish the end.

    Did you ever look, did you ever see that one person,
    and the subtle way that they do these things and it hurts so much?
    So much like choking down the embers of a great blaze.
    It's that moment when your eyes seem to spread aspersions
    and to scream confessions at the insipid sky parting clouds.
    You let this one person come down in the most perfect moment.
    And it breaks my heart to know the only reason you are here now is
    A reminder of what I'll never have
    I'll never have... I'll never...
    Standing so close knowing that it kills me to breathe you in.
    Standing so close knowing that it kills me to breathe you in.
    But this table for one has become bearable.
    I now take comfort in this, and for this, I cherish you.
    Did you ever look, did you ever see that one person
    and the subtle way that they do these things and it hurts so much?
    So much like choking down the embers of a great blaze.
    It's that moment when your eyes seem to spread aspersions
    and to scream confessions at the insipid sky parting clouds.
    And you let this one person come down, come down.
    I cherish you...I cherish you.
    Just say you would do the same for me.
    Just say you would do the same for me.
    Say you would do the same...
    Just say you would do the same for me.
    For as much as I love Autumn,
    I'm giving myself to Ashes.

    [SIZE=2][CENTER]I can't feel, and I can't see
    I'm falling down what's going on with me
    Lord in heaven why am I here
    Do I live to rise or rise to fall to shed another tear

  • Sabrina Setlur - Mein Herz

    Wir ham' schon so lang nicht gesprochen.Ich bin's leid daruf, dass du mich endlich ansprichst zu hoffen, bei mir sind zich Fragen offen, ich würd gern'n paar Sachen klärn.Wir hätten Bücher voll zuschreiben, aba lassen sie leer.
    Alltägliche Dinge machtens uns schwer, Wunsch und Realität, sie klafften so sehr.
    Ich schätz ich raffte es eher, wir schafftens nicht mehr und doch hab ich noch dein Lachen so gern.
    Ich dachte wir wär'n in der Lage gegen Wände zu gehen und ich bereit dazu mein Glück in deine Hände zu legen.Ich bin mir sicher du kannst jetzt was ich denke verstehen, denn auch ich schriebs unter Tränen unser Ende zu sehen.
    In Gedanken halt ich unsre Liebe im Arm, doch wir sind halt einfach nicht mehr die, die wir mal waren.
    Ich hatt' schon so viele Narben und wollt dich nur noch hier raus.Mir gehts besser jetzt, ich hoff dir auch.

    Mein Herz
    mein Herz

    Ich schätz mich trieb auch Stolz aus der Tür, denn ich war auf's Tiefste verletzt und wollt das du spürst.Ich weiß du konnst nichts dafür, aber es trifft halt die, die man liebt, es ist immer die selbe Geschichte wenn man sich Liebe ansieht.
    So wird aus Frieden der Krieg indem es Sieger nicht gibt.
    Was bringt das wundervollste Lied, wenn es niemand mehr spielt?
    Und in mir war Stille!Außer dir gab es keinen, ich war mit mir nicht im Reinen und konnte so hier nicht bleiben.
    Das Letzte was ich wollte war dir Kummer zu bringen.Nur ich konnt nicht die Frau sein, die ich nunmal nicht bin, so ist es wohl manchmel.Das Glückes schlummert dahin.So bin ich auf und davon und such nach dem Sinn und wenn ich ihn finde, mein Herz, dann lass ich dich wissen, es gibt so vieles an dir, das ich vermisse und was mir jetzt noch bleibt, während ich den Text hier schreib, sind Erinnerungen an die beste Zeit.

    Mein Herz
    mein Herz

    Wenn ich mein Leben sag, bezieh ich dich damit ein, was zum Teil gegeben hab um endlich nicht mehr zu weinen.Ich sag nicht, dass es an dir lag, aber ich fühle mich halt allein und hätte getan was ich nur konnte um nicht mehr sichtbar zu sein.
    Wie groß'n Problem auch für mich war, ich weiß für dich war es klein und es stand zwischen zwei Seiten, kann wie Lichtjahre schein.
    Ich schätz wir beiden sehen das um zu leiden,nur leben was wir eigentlich wollten, was dann zum Schluss folgte, dass ich dich gehen lass.
    Ich dachte so wiedersteht mein Hass und vermisste die Schmerzen.Ich durfte alleine Nährten, ich war richtig fertig, aba so langsam merkt ich mein Innerstes wert sich und das wiederrum bestärkte mich darin darauf zu hören was mein Herz spricht.
    Irgendwann Richtigkeit ableben, nicht so weiter jedes harte Gefühl, das ich mal hatte verwischt die Zeit.
    Und wer auch immer wie auch immer unsere Geschichte mal schreibt, sie endet mit du bist und bleibst

    Mein Herz

  • Marylin Manson - Vodevil

    I wake up everyday on
    The wrong side of the bed
    But I won't lay down on the floor
    Like I'm the whore in your head
    Call me a failure
    Pretender, sex-offender, infector
    Say I killed all my friends
    And I deserve to be dead.
    Kiss baby kiss
    Bang baby bang
    Suck baby suck
    It's Vodevil
    Kiss baby kiss
    Bang baby bang
    Suck baby suck
    It's Vodevil
    This isn't music and we're not a band
    We're 5 middle fingers on a motherfucking hand
    This isn't music and we're not a band
    We're 5 middle fingers on a motherfucking hand
    I won't pull out I just came
    I want all of the blame
    your love is tin, faith is thin
    No concept of pain, right to complain
    All you fagazines, senile teens
    Jaw me black ball me
    Deejay yourself away and turn your back
    It will be easier to stab
    Kiss baby kiss
    Bang baby bang
    Suck baby suck
    It's Vodevil
    Kiss baby kiss
    Bang baby bang
    Suck baby suck
    It's Vodevil
    This isn't music and we're not a band
    We're 5 middle fingers on a motherfucking hand
    This isn't music and we're not a band
    We're 5 middle fingers on a motherfucking hand
    VIP ADD TRD violent shiny hate crime
    "Total Requested Dead" it's
    Version point (less) downloadable suicide.
    The only ones left standing are the ones not demanding
    This isn't a show, this is my fucking life
    I'm not ashamed you're entertained
    I'm not a puppet
    I am a grenade
    I'm not ashamed you're entertained
    I'm not a puppet
    I am a grenade
    Kiss baby kiss
    Bang baby bang
    Suck baby suck
    It's Vodevil
    Kiss baby kiss
    Bang baby bang
    Suck baby suck
    It's Vodevil
    This isn't music and we're not a band
    We're 5 middle fingers on a motherfucking hand
    This isn't music and we're not a band
    We're 5 middle fingers on a motherfucking hand

    [FONT="Garamond"][[COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER]Being in the dark about something, I can't even tell you about experience
    I can't even tell you how scary it is[/CENTER]
    [CENTER]I would like to think that, it's not why it happened to me...
    But why was I saved?
    What else can I do now...[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]

  • Vanilla Ninja- Blue Tattou

    Once upon a lifetime
    The spirits of the dark
    Came to kill the beauty
    Of our world

    Every soul was spell bound
    And prisoned into ice
    Just shining through
    Sad as a blue tattoo

    Tears have turned to ice
    As a sacrifice
    Broken voices rise
    From the age of the ice
    To the raging skies
    And they exorcise
    'Cos on judgement day
    We must hide -
    we must fight -
    we must pray - hey
    It's a blue tattoo

    But the monks of mercy
    They prayed for every soul
    'Til the sword of fire
    Took control
    In a crash of thunder
    The ice broke into two
    And shining through
    There was the blue tattoo

    Tears have turned to ice
    As a sacrifice
    Broken voices rise
    From the age of the ice
    To the raging skies
    And they exorcise
    'Cos on judgement day
    We must hide - we must fight - we must pray - hey
    It's a blue tattoo

    You know
    Down low
    There's a light
    - it's a true
    - blue tattoo
    Just go
    Down low
    Gotta hide now
    - gotta fight now -
    Gotta save your soul and pray
    Gotta break the ice away
    Gotta find the true blue tattoo

    Avril Lavigne - Nobodys home

    couldn't tell you
    Why she felt that way
    She felt that every day
    And I couldn't help her
    I just watched her make
    The same mistakes again

    What's wrong wath's wrong now
    Too many too many problems
    Don't now where she belongs
    Where she belongs

    She wants to go home
    But nobody's home
    That's where she lies
    Broken inside
    With no place to go
    No place to go
    To dry her eyes
    Broken inside

    Open your eyes
    And look outside
    Find the reason why
    You've been rejected
    Now you can't find
    What you've left behind

    Be strong be strong now
    Too many too many problems
    Don't now where she belongs
    Where she belongs

    She wants to go home
    But nobody's home
    That's where she lies
    Broken inside
    With no place to go
    No place to go
    To dry her eyes
    Broken inside

    Her feelings she hides
    Her dreams she can't find
    She's losing her mind
    She's falling behind
    She can't find her place
    She's losing her faith
    She's falling from grace
    She's all over the place yeah

    She wants to go home
    But nobody's home
    That's where she lies
    Broken inside
    With no place to go
    No place to go
    To dry her eyes
    Broken inside

    She's lost inside lost inside
    She's lost inside lost inside

    [CENTER][COLOR="White"]Ach, das hab ich in der Werbung gesehen![/COLOR]

    Du guckst auch nur Werbung! Ich gucke das nie.

    [COLOR="white"]Ja, man sollte mir die Augen verbinden, wie in dem einem Spot.[/COLOR]

    Ja! Den kenn ich auch.


  • Mia - Hoffnung/Mit diesem Trick

    Schlimmer als heute kann es einfach nicht mehr werden,
    ich lieg auf dem Rücken, hab mich verirrt und möchte sterben,
    wo kommen all, wo kommen all die Gedanken her?
    Ich hab keine Kraft, ich hab keine Lösung und ich hab keine Lust mehr.
    Ich will einfach, dass alles einmal anhält für einen Augenblick.
    Dann mach ich das Fenster auf und dreh das Radio laut.
    Ich sing ein Lied, dem ich mich anvertrau und ein Glück, mit diesem Trick,

    glaub ich fast wieder an alles.
    Ich brauch ein Kompliment von einer andern Frau und ein Glück, mit diesem Trick, glaub ich fast wieder an alles, an alles!

    Steh neben mir, seh mich an und hör mich klagen,
    hab heut kein Appetit und trotzdem schlägts mir auf den Magen.
    Ich muss raus, ich muss raus auf die Straße, frag mich wohin...
    Ich seh keinen Sinn, ich seh keinen Ufer und ich krieg keine Luft mehr.
    Wo kommt die Erlösung her?
    Dann zieh ich die Tür auf und bin mittendrin.
    Geh unter Leute, bevor es mich bezwingt und ein Glück, mit diesem Trick,

    glaub ich fast wieder an alles.
    Versuchs mit reden, obwohl sonst nichts gelingt, doch ein Glück, mit diesem

    Trick, glaub ich wieder an alles.

    Hoffnung, Hoffnung...

    Ich les das Horoskop (mit diesem Trick), ich glaub heut jeden Scheiß (ich glaube wieder an alles) und ein Glück, mit diesem Trick, glaub ich wieder an alles.
    Ich red mir selbst gut zu (ein Glück), obwohl ich's besser weiß, doch ein Glück, mit diesem Trick, glaub ich wieder an alles.

    Mit diesem Trick, ein Glück... alles. an alles.

    [SIZE=1][CENTER]You wanted blood
    And now you got it
    Hey, it's only natural
    And now you got it
    And now you got it[/CENTER]

  • Boomkat - Before it's too late

    I won't break
    I might bend
    But I won't break
    Spinning 'round
    I hit the ground
    And lift back up to see

    Well nothing's changed
    It's all the same

    Why can't we all just be happy
    Can't you see I'm trying
    We should just take it all away
    Before it is too late

    I will try
    I might lose
    But I will try
    'Cause at least I said I did it

    When you see the price you pay
    Then maybe we might change

    Why can't we all just be happy
    Can't you see I'm trying
    We should just take it all away
    Before it is too late

    The wide open eyes
    Emotions run dry
    The face beneath
    the rest is this the question why
    It's gonna be too late

    The wide open eyes
    Emotions run dry
    The face beneath
    The rest is this the question why
    It's gonna be too late

    The wide open eyes
    Emotions run dry
    The face beneath
    The rest is this the question why
    The lessons I can best describe
    The answers
    This lies long the one who gets to try

    Why can't we all just be happy
    Can't you see I'm trying
    We should just take it all away
    Before it is too late

    Before it is too late
    Before it is too too late
    No don't let it be late, no, no

    And I'd choose you;

    in a hundred lifetimes,

    in a hundred worlds,

    in any versions of reality,

    I'd find you and

    I'd choose you

    The Chaos of Stars

  • Green Day - Warning

    This is a public service announcement
    This is only a test
    Emergency evacuation protest
    May impair your ability to operate machinery
    Can¹t quite tell, just what it means to me
    Keep out of reach of children
    Don¹t talk to strangers
    Get your philosophy from a bumper sticker
    Warning: Live without warning
    Warning: Live without warning
    Better homes and safety-sealed communities?
    Did you remember to pay the utility?
    Caution: police line: you better not cross
    Is it the Cop or am I the one that`s really dangerous?Sanitation, Expiration date, Question Everything?
    Or shut up and be the victim of authority
    Warning: Live without warning
    Warning: Live without warning
    Better homes and safety-sealed communities?
    Did you remember to pay the utility?
    Caution: police line: you better not cross
    Is it the Cop or am I the one that`s really dangerous?Sanitation, Expiration date, Question Everything?
    Or shut up and be the victim of authority
    Warning: Live without warning
    Warning: Live without warning
    This was a public service announcement
    This was only a test

    [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="1"]

  • Aaliyah - We need a resolution

    Verse - 1
    Did you sleep on the wrong side?
    I'm catching a bad vibe
    And it's contagious, What's the latest?
    Speak your heart, Don't bite your tongue
    Don't get it twisted, Don't misuse it
    What's your problem?
    Lets resolve
    We can solve, What's the causes?
    It's official, You got issues
    I got issues, but I know I miss you

    Chorus - 1
    Am I supposed to change? Are you supposed to change?
    Who should be hurt? Who should be blamed?
    Am I supposed to change? Are you supposed to change?
    Who should be hurt? Who should be ashamed?
    Am I supposed to change? Are you supposed to change?
    Who should be hurt? Will we remain?
    You need a resolution, I need a resolution,
    We need a resolution, We have so much confusion.

    Verse - 2
    I want to know: Where were you last night?
    I fell asleep on the couch, I thought we were going out
    I want to know: Were your fingers broke?
    If you had let me know, I wouldn't have put on my clothes
    I want to know: Where'd you go instead?
    Cause it was 4 in the morning, When you crept back in the bed
    I want to know: What was in your head?
    Or what was in my head? Am I supposed to change?

    Chorus - 2
    Am I supposed to change? Are you supposed to change?
    Who should be hurt? Who should be blamed?
    Am I supposed to change? Are you supposed to change?
    Who should be hurt? Who should be ashamed?
    Am I supposed to change? Are you supposed to change?
    Who should be hurt? And will we remain?
    You need a resolution, I need a resolution,
    We need a resolution, We have so much confusion.

    Am I supposed to change? Are you supposed to change?
    Who should be hurt? and who should be blamed?
    Am I supposed to change? Are you supposed to change?
    Who should be hurt? Who should be ashamed?
    Am I supposed to change? Are you supposed to change?
    Who should be hurt? Will we remain?
    You need a resolution, I need a resolution,
    We need a resolution, We have so much confusion.

    Bridge - Aaliyah
    Baby let me know, You'll let me know (I will)
    You'll let me know, You'll let me know (I will)
    You'll let me know, You'll let me know (I will)
    You'll let me know, You'll let me know (I will)
    You'll let me know, You'll let me know (I will)
    You'll let me know, You'll let me know (I will)
    You'll let me know, You'll let me know (I will)

    Rap - Timbaland
    Girl holla!!
    You give me bits and pieces
    You tryna blame me when I don't even know the reason
    I think it's just the season, Maybe the month, Maybe the building
    Now tell me what's the reason? Stupid yo? Looks are deceiving
    So, cut the crying, Cut the coughing, Cut the weazing, Girl
    Quit the blaming, Cut the naming, Cut the sleeping, Girl
    I think you need some prayer, Better call the deacon, Girl
    So, get your act right or else we won't be speaking, Girl
    So, what's it gonna be? Fikifiki... Me and you?
    Or is it gonna be who blames who?
    I'm tired of these things, I'm tired of these scars
    I think I'm gonna get me a drink, I'll call you tomorrow

    [FONT="Garamond"][[COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER]Being in the dark about something, I can't even tell you about experience
    I can't even tell you how scary it is[/CENTER]
    [CENTER]I would like to think that, it's not why it happened to me...
    But why was I saved?
    What else can I do now...[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]

  • Basis - Wenn ich nur noch einen Tag zu leben hätte

    hey, wasn mit dir los?
    ich weiss nicht, was das soll -
    was mein krankes hirn ausspucken kann.
    was wär, wenn ich nur noch einen tag hätte, was wär dann??

    am letzten tag wüd' ich mit sicherheit nicht zur schule gehen.
    warum mich ärgern lassen
    von lehrern, die mich nicht verstehen
    stattdessen will ich meinen exfreund nicht vergessen
    wir haben noch 'ne rechnung offen
    ich werd' ihn richtig stressen

    ich würd' mit meinen jungs eine kleine tüte bauen
    es gäbe keinen grund, die letzten stunden zu versauen
    verhaun ham' wir oft genug den typ, den alle fertigmachen
    ich würd ihn einladen und nicht über, sondern mit ihm lachen

    wenn ich nur noch ein
    wenn ich nur noch einen tag
    wenn ich nur noch ein
    wenn ich nur noch einen tag
    zu leben hätte -
    was würd' ich tun, was würd' ich tun?
    was dann, was dann?

    ich würd' gern mit michael j. um ein paar körbe spielen
    und um mein letztes taschengeld mit meiner mutter dealen
    ich würd' noch einmal klamotten kaufen gehen
    damit lass' ich mich dann auf meiner letzten party sehn

    den letzten tag will ich mit meinem freund verbringen
    ich leg ihn flach
    es mag komisch klingen
    aber ausserdem würd' ich gern mit ex-schwester s auftreten
    am liebsten gleichzeitig in allen städten
    Wenn ich nur noch ein
    Wenn ich nur noch einen Tag
    Wenn ich nur noch ein
    Wenn ich nur noch einen Tag
    Zu leben hätte -
    was würd' ich tun, was würd' ich tun?
    was dann, was dann?

    ich würd' gern mit michael j. um ein paar körbe spielen
    und um mein letztes taschengeld mit meiner mutter dealen
    ich würd' noch einmal klamotten kaufen gehen
    damit lass' ich mich dann auf meiner letzten party sehn

    den letzten tag will ich mit meinem freund verbringen
    ich leg ihn flach
    es mag komisch klingen
    aber ausserdem würd' ich gern mit ex-schwester s auftreten
    am liebsten gleichzeitig in allen städten

    wenn ich nur noch ein
    wenn ich nur noch einen tag
    wenn ich nur noch ein
    wenn ich nur noch einen tag
    zu leben hätte -
    was würd' ich tun, was würd' ich tun?

    was dann, was ist denn schon so'n tag?
    ich würd' ne party geben und feiern bis zum schluss
    will nochmal fett abgehn bevor ich weggehen muss
    doch was für'n stuss
    das alles macht mich froh
    warum leb' ich dann nicht immer so, immer so?

    was ist denn schon ein tag?

    And I'd choose you;

    in a hundred lifetimes,

    in a hundred worlds,

    in any versions of reality,

    I'd find you and

    I'd choose you

    The Chaos of Stars

  • [...]

    I want to lay you down on a bed of roses
    For tonite I sleep on a bed on nails
    I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is
    And lay you down on bed of roses


  • Christina Aguilera - Keep on singing my song

    Oohhh, Yeah, Oooh Huh
    I woke up this morning with a smile on my face
    & Nobody's gonna bring me down today
    Been feeling like nothings been going my way lately
    So I decided right here and now that my outlooks gotta change

    That's why I'm gonna
    Say goodbye to all the tears I've cried
    For everytime somebody hurt my pride
    Feeling like they won't let me live life
    & Take the time to look at what is mine

    I see every lesson completely
    I thank God for what I got from above
    I believe they can take anything from me
    But they can't succeed in taking my inner peace
    They can say all they wanna say about me

    But I'm gonna carry on
    Keep on singing my song

    I never wanna dwell on my pain again
    There's no use in reliving how I hurt back then
    Remembering all of the hell I felt when I was running out offaith
    Every step I vowed to take was towards a better day

    Cos I'm about to
    Say goodbye to every single lie
    & All the fears I've held too long inside
    Everytime I felt I could try
    All the negativity I had inside

    For too long I've been struggling. I couldn't go on
    But now I've found I'm feeling strong and moving on
    I believe they can take anything from me
    But they can't succeed in taking my inner peace
    They can say all they wanna say about me

    But I'm gonna carry on
    I'm gonna keep on singing my song

    Whoa, & everytime I tried to be what they wanted from me
    It never came naturally
    So I ended up in misery, wasn't able to see
    All the good around me
    They wasted so much energy on what they thought of me
    Simply just remembering to breathe

    I'm human, I ain't able to please
    Everyone at the same time, so now I find
    My peace of mind living one day at a time

    I'm human and I answer to one god
    It comes down to one love
    Until I get to heaven above

    I've made the decision
    Never to give in
    Til the day I die no matter what

    I'm gonna carry on & keep on singing my song.....

    (They can't take anything from me)

    I believe that they can do what they wanna.
    Say what they wanna say

    (They can say what they wanna)

    But I'm gonna keep on
    (Keep on )
    I believe it
    That they can take from me
    But they can't take my inner peace

    Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,

    Say what you wanan say, but I'm gonna sing my song
    Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

  • Gary Jules feat. Michael Andrews - Mad World

    All around me are familiar faces
    Worn out places
    Worn out faces
    Bright and early for the daily races
    Going no where
    Going no where
    Their tears are filling up their glasses
    No expression
    No expression
    Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow
    No tomorrow
    No tomorrow
    And I find it kind of funny
    I find it kind of sad
    The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had
    I find it hard to tell you
    I find it hard to take
    When people run in circles its a very very
    Mad world
    Mad world
    Children waiting for the day they feel good
    Happy birthday
    Happy birthday
    And I feel the way that every child should
    Sit and listen
    Sit and listen
    Went to school and I was very nervous
    No one knew me
    No one knew me
    Hello teacher tell me what’s my lesson
    Look right through me
    Look right through me
    And I find it kind of funny
    I find it kind of sad
    The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had
    I find it hard to tell you
    I find it hard to take
    When people run in circles its a very very
    Mad world
    Mad world
    Enlarging your world
    Mad world

    And I'd choose you;

    in a hundred lifetimes,

    in a hundred worlds,

    in any versions of reality,

    I'd find you and

    I'd choose you

    The Chaos of Stars

  • Eminem - like toy soldiers
    Step by step, heart to heart, left right left
    We all fall down
    Step by step, heart to heart, left right left
    We all fall down like toy soldiers
    Bit by bit torn apart We never win
    But the battle wages on for toy soldiers]

    I’m suppose to be the soldier who never blows his composure
    Even though I hold the weight of the whole world on my shoulders
    I ain’t never suppose to show it, my crew ain’t suppose to know it
    Even if it means going toe to toe with the Benzino, it don’t matter
    I never drag ‘em in battles that I can handle less I absolutely have to
    I’m suppose to set an example, I need to be the leader
    My crew looks for me to guide ’em
    If some shit ever just pop off I’m suppose to be beside ‘em
    That Ja shit, I tried to squashed it, it was too late to stop it
    There’s a certain line, you just don’t cross it, and he crossed it
    I heard him say Hailie’s name on a song and I just lost it
    It was crazy, this shit went way beyond some Jay Z and Nas shit
    And even though the battle was won, I feel like we lost it
    I spent so much energy on it, honestly I’m exhausted
    I’m so caught it I almost feel like I’m the one who caused it
    This ain’t what I’m in hip-hop for, it’s not why I got in it
    Now it’s never my object to for someone to get killed
    Why would I wanna destroy something I helped build
    It wasn’t my intentions, my intentions were good
    I went through my whole career with out ever mentioning ____
    And that’s just outta respect for not running my mouth
    And talking about something that I knew nothing about
    Plus Dre told me stay out, just wasn’t my beef, So I did
    I just fell back, watched and gritted my teeth while he’s all over TV
    Now I’m talking a man who literally saved my live, like fuck it
    I understand, this is business and this shit just isn’t none of my business
    But still knowing this shit could pop off at any minute

    It used to be time when you could just say a rhyme
    And wouldn’t have to worry about one of your people dying
    But now it’s elevated cause once you put someone’s kids in it
    Shit gets escalated, it ain’t just words no more, is it
    It’s a different ball game, call names and you ain’t just rapping
    We actually tried to stop the 50 and Ja beef from happening
    Me and Dre had sat with him, kicked it and had a chat with him
    And asked him not to start it, he wasn’t gonna go after him
    Until Ja start gabbing in magazines how he stabbed him
    Fuck it 50, smash him, mash him, and let him have it
    Meanwhile my intentions pulley’d in other directions
    Some receptionist said the source who answers phones at his desk has an erection for me and thinks that I’ll be his resurrection
    Tries to blow the dust of his mic and make a new record
    But now he’s fucked the game up cause one of the ways I came was through that publication, the same one that made me famous
    Now the owner of it got a grudge against me for nothing but fuck it
    That motha fucker can get it too, fuck ‘em then
    But I’m so busy being pissed off, I don’t stop to think
    That we just inherited 50’s beef with murder inc
    And he’s inherited mine, which is fine, ain’t like either of us mind
    Still have soldiers that is on the front line that's willing to die for us
    As soon as we give the orders, never to extort us
    Strictly to show they support us
    Maybe shout ‘em out in a rap or up in chorus to show we love ‘em back
    And to let ‘em know how important is to have Runyon Avenue soldiers up in
    our corners
    Their loyalty to us is worth more then any award is
    But I ain’t trying to have none of me people hurt or murdered
    It ain’t worth it, I can’t think of a perfecter way to word it
    Then to just say that I love y’all too much to see the verdict
    I’ll walk away from it all before I’ll let it go any further
    Now don’t get it twisted, it’s not a plea that I’m coping
    I’m just willing to be the bigger man
    If y’all can quiet popping off at the jaws with the knocking
    Cause frankly I’m sick of talking
    I’m not gonna let someone else’s coffin rest on my conscious

    [CENTER][COLOR="White"]Ach, das hab ich in der Werbung gesehen![/COLOR]

    Du guckst auch nur Werbung! Ich gucke das nie.

    [COLOR="white"]Ja, man sollte mir die Augen verbinden, wie in dem einem Spot.[/COLOR]

    Ja! Den kenn ich auch.
