Hallo zusammen,
laut einem Mitglied von SnootySims scheint er Bella glaubhaft gefunden zu haben.
Hier sein Statement:
Then WHY did I post all the triggers, know how, and gave feedback to everybody that said try this? It's in this thread if you READ what other people wrote about the "bella" bubble. They too posted how they got her PUT EVERYTHING togather and it's still random. Use the elixer when needed because it's really hard without it. The golf thing toke me all day just GET THE BUBBLE. And it's random. Read the thread because I LISTED THEM ALL with other people. GEEZ people allready found her and it's posted on the BBS but like it says
OMG this bella thing was so hard and the chances to get her is slim because of all the things you have to do. 1 time I was there all night none stop and still couldn't get abducted until I was there every night from 7 to 2am and I didn't care about his needs. After the 8th day I finally got the bella above his head and then I moved to the next one which was pain and almost had enough until alex did the thought bubble. OMG i was so happy after spending all that time. So for people that can't find her just try everything because you have to spend a lot of time and never know, it might not happen the first time but keep trying.
This is what I mean by RANDOM it can take you a whole week just to get the golf thing and other things.
Dies deutet ja wohl alles darauf hin, dass man tatsächlich solche Bella-Bubbles benötigt.
Dazu wollte ich Euch nun fragen, wo ihr schon überall im Goth-Haushalt solche Bubbles gesehen habt.
Da ich kaum dort spiele, waren es noch nicht so viele, aber hier meine Liste
1. Mortimer träumt des Nachts von ihr
2. Mortimer schreibt Tagebuch
Der Thread von dem oben gesprochen wird, findet ihr bei www.snootysims.com unter Cheats and Tips. Leider ist mir nicht klar, welche Triggers es tatsächlich sein sollen. Einige, die beschrieben werden sind:
1. Golfspielen (Kassandra)
2. Irgendwas mit nem Spiegel (der teuerste)
3. Fernrohr (Mortimer)
4. Entführung
5. Cassandra soll was malen
ausserdem scheint das Bella-Bild ne Rolle zu spielen.
EDIT: Deutsche Übersetzung folgt, sobald ich Zeit dazu habe