Okay, ich habe jetzt mal eine Antwort erhalten zum Thema Bewertungssystem:
Reputation Administration
User Reputations are similar to what is known as Karma on many sites such as SlashDot. It is a way of rating users based on the quality of their posts. Users can opt to not have their reputation displayed, but they cannot opt to not be rated. The reason for this is quite simple: if a user posts something inflammatory, and had the ability to turn off rating of his posts, he could do so before posting, wait a few weeks, and turn it back on, and his reputation would be none the worse despite his subpar post. This way, if a user turns their display back on, their bad post would still count against them.
Currently the user rating is for information only - there is no mechanism to filter posts by reputation level. However, each user may keep an "ignore list", whereby posts by users on the list are not displayed to the user. The reputation could also be used as a basis for inclusion of the user in the Tachy Goes to Coventry list, which allows a "global" ignore list to be kept, where the posts of users on that list are only viewable to the user doing the posting, and no one else.
Das bedeutet man kann für Beiträge Punkte erhalten
User können 1 Punkt positiv wie negativ vergeben, Moderatoren 2 Punkte und Administratoren 10 Punkte
Es wird somit eine Gewichtung der Beiträge durchgeführt und man erkennt sofort ob ein Beitrag sinnvoll oder unsinnig ist. Zudem steigt der User in Bewertungsstufen auf. Dies wird noch entsprechend übersetzt.