da hier ja immer und immer wieder fragen dazu auftauchen, hab ich mich mal auf die suche gemacht und folgendes gefunden, vielleicht macht sich ja wer die arbeit und filtert die interessanten stellen heraus, übersetzt sie und fügt sie den FAQs hinzu :rolleyes
1) Requirements
The following are the requirements for a deal to be available.
A) Necessary connections
That is power line for power, pipes for water and roads for garbage. Just
drag whatever is needed to the edge of the map and reply in the affirmative
when asked to make a connection. You should know that building or zoning on a
power line would destroy the connection.
B) Nemo dat quod non habet
This little Latin phrase simply means no one can give what she does not have.
So applying that (in a manner totally out of the phrase's context), before
you wish to buy or sell, you have to make sure that the relevant neighbour
has the supply and you the money and demand. You must at least have a year's
supply of money before a deal is possible.
C) Time
You should not need to wait long. A few days of game time should suffice,
before a deal is offered. It will appear in your little message box. A little
trick I do if I do not want the deal but want to preserve such an offer is
not to clear that particular message offering the deal.
2) Initiating the deal
There are two ways in which one might initiate a deal.
A) News Ticker Message
Sometimes a message will appear asking you to make a deal. While the message
may seem to suggest only one deal is on offer such as trash, power or water,
in reality once you click on the underlined words, all possible deals appear.
After accepting one deal you can control your deals through the budget
B) Budget Screen
I do not know whether did this occur only after Patch 1 but it seems that all
I have to do now is to press the neighbour deals button in the budget and
immediately a deal is available if you fulfil all the requirements.
3) Cancelling and altering the deal
You can cancel the deal any time by going to the budget screen. Patch 2 will
give you a warning that you are out of money before cancelling the deal
automatically if that is not resolved. Without the patch, the deal cancels
It has been argued that if the deal was cancelled because of lack of payment
you may not initiate another deal with the city for a short while.
4) Supply
The cost for each deal is not fixed. It is determined by the supply of the
neighbouring city. Therefore if they have plentiful of empty landfill for
example, the cost of exports will be lower.