Umfrage: The best years of our lives?

  • Survey: The best years of our lives?

    age: 23

    1. How much pocket money do you get a month?

    ts my own money ca. 950 €

    2. What do you spend your pocket money in?

    ___ clothes ___ magazines ___ CD/DVD/video other things: _Internet_my Car_my Friends_________

    3. What do you do in your freetime?

    ___ meeting friends _X__ TV/computer ___ sports other things: _____________

    4. Do you drink alcohol ?/ Do you smoke?

    ___ drink alcohol ___ smoke _X__ both ___ nothing

    5. Do you have an own…

    _X__ TV? _X__ computer? _X__ handy?

    6. What are your hopes and wishes for the future?

    I hope that I'm long healthy

    7. What are your fears?

    _X__ violence ___ parents splitting up ___ nothing other things: _____________

    8. Tick the band/person you’re liking most…

    _X__ Die Toten Hosen ___ Atomic Kitten ___ Die Ärzte ___ Avril Lavigne

    9. What is the type of film, you find most interesting?

    _X__ horror film ___ action film ___ comedy other type of film: _____________

    10. What’s your favourite subject?

    ___ sport ___ languages ___ sciences _X__ art/music

  • Survey: The best years of our lives?

    age: _16____

    1. How much pocket money do you get a month? __ca. 28€____

    2. What do you spend your pocket money in?

    __x_ clothes ___ magazines __x_ CD/DVD/video other things: _____cinema, drinks, disco_______

    3. What do you do in your freetime?

    _x__ meeting friends __x_ TV/computer __x_ sports other things: _____________

    4. Do you drink alcohol ?/ Do you smoke?

    __x_ drink alcohol ___ smoke ___ both ___ nothing

    5. Do you have an own…

    ___ TV? __x_ computer? _x__ handy?

    6. What are your hopes and wishes for the future?
    No plans, no hopes, no wishes. I want to be superised *g* .

    7. What are your fears?

    _x__ violence ___ parents splitting up ___ nothing other things: _____to loose someone who is very close to me________

    8. Tick the band/person you’re liking most…

    __x_ Die Toten Hosen ___ Atomic Kitten ___ Die Ärzte ___ Avril Lavigne

    9. What is the type of film, you find most interesting?

    ___ horror film ___ action film ___ comedy other type of film: _____Matrial Arts or *ähm* romantic movies playing in the past________

    10. What’s your favourite subject?

    ___ sport ___ languages __x_ sciences ___ art/music

  • Survey: The best years of our lives?

    age: __17___

    1. How much pocket money do you get a month? __50€____

    2. What do you spend your pocket money in?

    ___ clothes ___ magazines ___ CD/DVD/video
    other things: __Dancing, cinema__________

    3. What do you do in your freetime?

    __x_ meeting friends ___ TV/computer ___ sports
    other things: ____dancing, cinema_________

    4. Do you drink alcohol ?/ Do you smoke?

    _x__ drink alcohol ___ smoke ___ both ___ nothing

    5. Do you have an own…

    ___ TV? ___ computer? __x_ handy?

    6. What are your hopes and wishes for the future?
    I want to live my life

    7. What are your fears?

    _x__ violence ___ parents splitting up ___ nothing
    other things: _____war________

    8. Tick the band/person you’re liking most…

    ___ Die Toten Hosen ___ Atomic Kitten _x__ Die Ärzte ___ Avril Lavigne

    9. What is the type of film, you find most interesting?

    _x__ horror film ___ action film ___ comedy other type of film: _____________

    10. What’s your favourite subject?

    ___ sport ___ languages ___ sciences _x__ art/music

    [SIZE=1]Signaturwettbewerb 2003[/SIZE]

  • Survey: The best years of our lives?

    age: __17___

    1. How much pocket money do you get a month? _50_____

    2. What do you spend your pocket money in?

    _x__ clothes ___ magazines ___ CD/DVD/video other things: ____________

    3. What do you do in your freetime?

    __x_ meeting friends ___ TV/computer ___ sports other things: _____________

    4. Do you drink alcohol ?/ Do you smoke?

    _x__ drink alcohol ___ smoke ___ both ___ nothing

    5. Do you have an own…

    __x_ TV? __x_ computer? __x_ handy?

    6. What are your hopes and wishes for the future?

    My wishes are: peace of the world (it's a dream);
    my own car and many friends!

    7. What are your fears?

    ___ violence ___ parents splitting up __x_ nothing other things: _____________

    8. Tick the band/person you’re liking most…

    _x__ Die Toten Hosen ___ Atomic Kitten ___ Die Ärzte ___ Avril Lavigne

    9. What is the type of film, you find most interesting?

    ___ horror film __x_ action film ___ comedy other type of film: _____________

    10. What’s your favourite subject?

    ___ sport ___ languages __x_ sciences ___ art/music

    Hängt die Grünen, solange es Bäume gibt!!!

  • Age:15
    1.) 40€uro
    3.)meeting friends
    5.)TV & Computer & Handy
    6.)a boyfriend
    8.)Die toten Hosen