Umfrage: The best years of our lives?

  • Hallo...

    Ich möchte euch mal um einen Gefallen bitten. :)
    Wir müssen in Englisch eine Umfrage mit 10 Fragen machen. Wir sollen insgesamt 25 Leute im Alter von 12 – 30 Jahren befragen. Da ich nicht so viele Leute kenne, dachte ich mir, ich frage doch einfach mal hier nach... Also, wenn ihr wollt, könnt ihr die unten stehenden Fragen beantworten. Bitte immer nur EINE Antwort ankreuzen, außer bei der sechsten Frage, da könnt ihr so viel hinschreiben, wie ihr wollt...
    Also...danke schon mal im vorraus...

    Hier die Fragen... (natürlich in Englisch *g*, ach ja: Kann sein, dass einiges falsch geschrieben ist...Grammatik oder was weiß ich, aber ich denke, dass ihr schon versteht, was ich damit meine... *lol*)

    Survey: The best years of our lives?

    age: _____

    1. How much pocket money do you get a month? ______

    2. What do you spend your pocket money in?

    ___ clothes ___ magazines ___ CD/DVD/video other things: ____________

    3. What do you do in your freetime?

    ___ meeting friends ___ TV/computer ___ sports other things: _____________

    4. Do you drink alcohol ?/ Do you smoke?

    ___ drink alcohol ___ smoke ___ both ___ nothing

    5. Do you have an own…

    ___ TV? ___ computer? ___ handy?

    6. What are your hopes and wishes for the future?

    7. What are your fears?

    ___ violence ___ parents splitting up ___ nothing other things: _____________

    8. Tick the band/person you’re liking most…

    ___ Die Toten Hosen ___ Atomic Kitten ___ Die Ärzte ___ Avril Lavigne

    9. What is the type of film, you find most interesting?

    ___ horror film ___ action film ___ comedy other type of film: _____________

    10. What’s your favourite subject?

    ___ sport ___ languages ___ sciences ___ art/music

  • 13
    1- 16€
    2- CD
    3- all: meeting friends, TV/computer, Sports
    4- nothing
    5- nothing
    6- a boyfriend
    7- parents, friends die
    8- Avril Lavigne
    9- horror film
    10- languages

    Ihr habt aber ne/ein super Englisch Lehrer/in, die/ der sowas mit euch macht!

  • EDIT: net richtig gelesen :)

    Survey: The best years of our lives?

    age: 13

    1. How much pocket money do you get a month?

    25 €uro

    2. What do you spend your pocket money in?


    3. What do you do in your freetime?

    meeting friends/computer

    4. Do you drink alcohol ? Do you smoke?


    5. Do you have an own…

    TV, computer, handy

    6. What are your hopes and wishes for the future?

    peace and more social justice

    7. What are your fears?


    8. Tick the band/person you’re liking most…


    9. What is the type of film, you find most interesting?


    10. What’s your favourite subject?


    avril :)

  • 1. 30 Euro
    2. other things
    3. Tv/computer
    4. Nothing (naja manchmal etwasw Alkohol aber net viel)
    5. Handy (hab aber eigentlich alles 3)
    6. A new computer
    7. Violence
    8. Die Toten Hosen
    9. horror film
    10. languages

    Ich hoff mal, dass ich's jetzt richtig gemacht hab und auch alle Fragen verstanden hab *gg*


    Grüße an:

    Mina, Hanny, Sonja, Carina, Alf, JubJub, Queen_of_the_Damned und Fr3ak.[/center][/SIZE]

  • Is ja genial, ich liebe solche Umfragen!

    1. 230 Euro

    2. other things: Greenfee(Golf), petrol, Handy and cosmetics


    5.I´ve a TV, Handy and Computer

    6. My hopes: Become a golfprofessional

    7. nothing

    8. Die toten Hosen

    9. horror film

    10. languages

  • age : 16

    1. 60 €
    2. clothes
    3. TV/Computer
    4. alcohol
    5. tv, mobile phone (und nicht etwa Handy,das ist nämlich deutsch !!), computer
    6. peace, less poverty and violence
    7. violence/war
    8. none of them
    9. other : science-fiction
    10. languages

  • Survey: The best years of our lives?

    age: __15___

    1. How much pocket money do you get a month? __25 Euro___

    2. What do you spend your pocket money in?

    ___ clothes ___ magazines ___ CD/DVD/video other things: HANDY!!!____________

    3. What do you do in your freetime?

    _x_ meeting friends __x_ TV/computer ___ sports other things: _____________

    4. Do you drink alcohol ?/ Do you smoke?

    _x_ drink alcohol ___ smoke ___ both ___ nothing /sometimes

    5. Do you have an own…

    __x_ TV? _x__ computer? _x_ handy?

    6. What are your hopes and wishes for the future?
    Its different, i hope that i will happy in the future!

    7. What are your fears?

    __x_ violence ___ parents splitting up ___ nothing other things: _____________

    8. Tick the band/person you’re liking most…

    ___ Die Toten Hosen ___ [GLOWBLUE]Atomic Kitten [/GLOWBLUE] ___ Die Ärzte ___ Avril Lavigne

    9. What is the type of film, you find most interesting?

    ___ horror film ___ action film __x_ comedy other type of film: _____________

    10. What’s your favourite subject?

    ___ sport __x_ languages _x__ sciences ___ art/music

    Sorry... war net immer nur eine antwort!

    [COLOR="White"][SIZE="1"]Gelegentlich zurück - vllt erinnert ihr euch ja ^^ Dürft euch dann gerne mal melden! X)[/SIZE][/COLOR]

  • Survey: The best years of our lives?

    age: 16

    1. How much pocket money do you get a month? 25€

    2. What do you spend your pocket money in?

    other things

    3. What do you do in your freetime?


    4. Do you drink alcohol ?/ Do you smoke?


    5. Do you have an own…

    handy (übrigens: das heißt "mobile phone", das Wort "handy" gibts im englischen net, bzw. heißt "handlich ;) )

    6. What are your hopes and wishes for the future?

    peace, no more fears of war and poverty

    7. What are your fears?


    8. Tick the band/person you’re liking most…

    Atomic Kitten

    9. What is the type of film, you find most interesting?

    other type of film: fantasy and science fiction

    10. What’s your favourite subject?


  • Survey: The best years of our lives?

    age: 14

    1. How much pocket money do you get a month? at the moment 15 € :/

    2. What do you spend your pocket money in?

    _x_ clothes ___ magazines ___ CD/DVD/video other things: ____________

    3. What do you do in your freetime?

    ___ meeting friends ___ TV/computer _x_ sports other things: _____________

    4. Do you drink alcohol ?/ Do you smoke?

    ___ drink alcohol ___ smoke ___ both _x_ nothing

    5. Do you have an own…

    _x_ TV? _x_ computer? _x_ handy?

    6. What are your hopes and wishes for the future?
    - health
    - education
    - love
    - contentment
    - PEACE

    7. What are your fears?

    ___ violence _x_ parents splitting up ___ nothing other things: _____________

    8. Tick the band/person you’re liking most…

    ___ Die Toten Hosen ___ Atomic Kitten _x_ Die Ärzte ___ Avril Lavigne

    9. What is the type of film, you find most interesting?

    _x_ horror film ___ action film ___ comedy other type of film: _____________

    10. What’s your favourite subject?

    _x_ sport ___ languages ___ sciences ___ art/music

    [center]be happy. be proud. be sad. be strong. be weak. be special.[/center]
    [SIZE=2][center]Das Schicksal f*** dich, wenn du breitbeinig drunter liegst.
    Komm mach aus minus plus - ist nur ein Strich Unterschied!
    Hinter jedem Berg liegt ein neuer Horizont ...[/center]

  • Survey: The best years of our lives?

    age: __24___

    1. How much pocket money do you get a month? no pocket money, "Karenzgeld": 436€

    2. What do you spend your pocket money in?

    ___ clothes ___ magazines ___ CD/DVD/video other things:Food (essen)

    3. What do you do in your freetime?

    ___ meeting friends _X_ TV/computer ___ sports other things: _____________

    4. Do you drink alcohol ?/ Do you smoke?

    ___ drink alcohol ___ smoke ___ both _X_ nothing

    5. Do you have an own…

    ___ TV? __X_ computer? ___ handy?

    6. What are your hopes and wishes for the future? Health, a life with much happyness and a second child

    7. What are your fears?

    ___ violence ___ parents splitting up ___ nothing other things: that could happen somthing bad to my family

    8. Tick the band/person you’re liking most…

    ___ Die Toten Hosen ___ Atomic Kitten _X__ Die Ärzte ___ Avril Lavigne

    9. What is the type of film, you find most interesting?

    ___ horror film ___ action film ___ comedy other type of film: Lovefilms

    10. What’s your favourite subject?

    ___ sport ___ languages ___ sciences _X__ art/music

    Mein Englisch ist net das beste, hoffe ich konnte dir trotzdem helfen. :)

    LG, Angelika

    Meine Tastatur will nicht immer so wie ich :kompi

  • Survey: The best years of our lives?

    age: 17

    1. How much pocket money do you get a month?

    40 €

    2. What do you spend your pocket money in?

    other things

    3. What do you do in your freetime?


    4. Do you drink alcohol ?/ Do you smoke?

    drink alcohol ;)

    5. Do you have an own…

    computer, TV, Handy

    6. What are your hopes and wishes for the future?

    Hmm... different things :D

    7. What are your fears?


    8. Tick the band/person you’re liking most…

    Avril Lavigne, (the kelly family *gg*)

    9. What is the type of film, you find most interesting?

    horror film

    10. What’s your favourite subject?



  • Survey: The best years of our lives?

    age: _17__

    1. How much pocket money do you get a month? __40___

    2. What do you spend your pocket money in?

    ___ clothes ___ magazines ___ CD/DVD/video other things: _internet und zigaretten___________

    3. What do you do in your freetime?

    _X__ meeting friends __X_ TV/computer ___ sports other things: _____________

    4. Do you drink alcohol ?/ Do you smoke?

    ___ drink alcohol _X__ smoke ___ both ___ nothing

    5. Do you have an own…

    _X__ TV? _X__ computer? _X__ handy?

    6. What are your hopes and wishes for the future? gutes Abi, studieren

    7. What are your fears?

    ___ violence ___ parents splitting up ___ nothing other things: ___nicht studieren können__________

    8. Tick the band/person you’re liking most…

    _X_ Die Toten Hosen ___ Atomic Kitten ___ Die Ärzte ___ Avril Lavigne

    9. What is the type of film, you find most interesting?

    ___ horror film ___ action film ___ comedy other type of film: _ich mag's auf historischer Basis__________

    10. What’s your favourite subject?

    ___ sport _X__ languages ___ sciences ___ art/music

    [FONT="Times New Roman"][center]i need [size="5"]BLIND FAITH AND SHELTER.[/size][size="2"]
    ★ [/size][/FONT][/center]

  • Survey: The best years of our lives?

    age: 14

    1. How much pocket money do you get a month? 30€

    2. What do you spend your pocket money in?

    ___ clothes ___ magazines ___ CD/DVD/video other things: ´


    3. What do you do in your freetime?

    ___ meeting friends ___ TV/computer ___ sports other things:

    read, zeichnen, Mangas

    4. Do you drink alcohol ?/ Do you smoke?

    ___ drink alcohol ___ smoke ___ both _x_ nothing

    5. Do you have an own…

    ___ TV? _x_ computer? _x_ handy?

    6. What are your hopes and wishes for the future? Das die Natur wieder leben kann, ohne Mensch!! Peace, Love

    7. What are your fears?

    ___ violence ___ parents splitting up _x_ nothing other things: That the nature is destroyed .

    8. Tick the band/person you’re liking most…

    Linkin Park, Three Doors down, Nine Days, The Offspring, Rammstein

    9. What is the type of film, you find most interesting?

    _x_ horror film ___ action film ___ comedy other type of film: Fantasy, Science-Fiction

    10. What’s your favourite subject?

    ___ sport ___ languages _x_ sciences __x_ art/music

  • Survey: The best years of our lives?

    age: _13____

    1. How much pocket money do you get a month? __20€____

    2. What do you spend your pocket money in?

    ___ clothes __x_ magazines __x_ CD/DVD/video other things: ____________

    3. What do you do in your freetime?

    _x__ meeting friends ___ TV/computer ___ sports other things: _____________

    4. Do you drink alcohol ?/ Do you smoke?

    ___ drink alcohol ___ smoke ___ both _x__ nothing

    5. Do you have an own…

    ___ TV? __x_ computer? _x__ handy?

    6. What are your hopes and wishes for the future?
    Eine Famile zu haben inkl. Frau und kind natürlich

    7. What are your fears?

    _x__ violence _x__ parents splitting up ___ nothing other things: _____________

    8. Tick the band/person you’re liking most…

    ___ Die Toten Hosen ___ Atomic Kitten ___ Die Ärzte _x__ Avril Lavigne

    9. What is the type of film, you find most interesting?

    ___ horror film ___ action film __x_ comedy other type of film: _____________

    10. What’s your favourite subject?

    ___ sport __x_ languages ___ sciences __x_ art/music


  • age: 16
    1.about 30€
    2. beer and other alcohol, cinema
    3. Mainly, I meet friends or play @ my computer
    4. drink alcohol, don't smoke since 15 days
    5. TV & PC mobile telephone not at the moment
    6. NOt to get ill die
    8. from these: Die toten Hosen
    9. action
    10. maths & physic

    In memory of Tupac Shakur. Peace!

    :: Wyverny :: Hannaaa :: Queen_Of_The_Damned :: Blitziii ::

  • Survey: The best years of our lives?

    age: 19

    1. How much pocket money do you get a month? I earn my own money: 502,- €

    2. What do you spend your pocket money in?

    x clothes
    x magazines
    x CD/DVD/video

    3. What do you do in your freetime?

    x meeting friends
    x TV/computer
    x sports
    other things: watching TV, calling my boy-friend

    4. Do you drink alcohol ?/ Do you smoke?

    x drink alcohol
    x smoke (sometimes)

    5. Do you have an own…

    x TV?
    x computer?
    x handy?

    6. What are your hopes and wishes for the future?
    I just wanna be happy! :)

    7. What are your fears?

    loosing my boy-friend

    8. Tick the band/person you’re liking most…

    x Die Toten Hosen

    9. What is the type of film, you find most interesting?

    x comedy

    10. What’s your favourite subject?

    x art/music

  • Survey: The best years of our lives?

    age: 15

    1. How much pocket money do you get a month? 20€

    2. What do you spend your pocket money in?
    CD/DVD/video other things

    3. What do you do in your freetime?

    4. Do you drink alcohol ?/ Do you smoke?

    5. Do you have an own…
    TV? yes computer? yes handy? yes

    6. What are your hopes and wishes for the future?
    I want to know my familiy all my life. And I want to have a good job to get a lot of money and my own familiy.

    7. What are your fears?
    violence and parents splitting up

    8. Tick the band/person you’re liking most…
    Avril Lavigne

    9. What is the type of film, you find most interesting?
    horror film

    10. What’s your favourite subject?

  • age: _14____

    1. How much pocket money do you get a month? _20_Euro____

    2. What do you spend your pocket money in?

    ___ clothes __x_ magazines ___ CD/DVD/video other things: ______books______

    3. What do you do in your freetime?

    ___ meeting friends __x_ TV/computer __x_ sports other things: _____________

    4. Do you drink alcohol ?/ Do you smoke?

    ___ drink alcohol ___ smoke ___ both _x__ nothing

    5. Do you have an own…

    ___ TV? _(with my brother)__ computer? _x__ handy?

    6. What are your hopes and wishes for the future?

    Peace and no Dead-Punishment
    7. What are your fears?

    ___ violence ___ parents splitting up ___ nothing other things: __War, murder___________

    8. Tick the band/person you’re liking most…

    __x_ Die Toten Hosen ___ Atomic Kitten _x__ Die Ärzte __x_ Avril Lavigne

    9. What is the type of film, you find most interesting?

    ___ horror film ___ action film ___ comedy other type of film: ____Drama_________

    10. What’s your favourite subject?

    __x_ sport ___ languages ___ sciences __x_ art/music

    [GLOWORANGE] Spezielle Grüße richte ich Kiarah, Dindi1987, Massiver Ton, Honey und Calandra aus!

  • Hallo...

    Erst einmal "Danke" an die, die sich hier die Mühe gemacht haben und die Fragen beantwortet haben.
    Es wäre nett, wenn noch ein paar mehr antworten können, denn insgesamt sollen wir 25 Personen "befragen"! Darum schieb' ich den Thread jetzt mal hoch! :D

    Mfg Sim

  • [FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="1"]If you stay too long inside my memory
    I will trap you in a song tied to a melody.[/SIZE][/FONT]