
  • Das ist irgendwas mit "Ma vie j'ai la joue...a blablabla comme l'amour, je ne peux pas avoir le talent tous les jours"

    Das heißt soviel wie...weiß ich nicht...aber das zweite ist: "Ich kann das Talent dafür nicht immer haben"

    Dimmi, dov'è il tuo ICQ??

    [FONT="Times New Roman"][center]i need [size="5"]BLIND FAITH AND SHELTER.[/size][size="2"]
    ★ [/size][/FONT][/center]

  • Hello...

    avril: Oh...the name "avril's dollhouse" sounds very good! :applaus But "ice crystall" sounds good, too! I'll visite your page in a few minutes... :D Oh...before I forget it...thank you for writing in my guestbook! :D *g*

    You talk about "Oli P."...sorry, but I hate Oli P. and his music. He only search a woman who sing "the chorus" *g* and of course the text of the song isn't good...my opinion...

    Well, I have searched the songtext from "Beim ersten Mal tat's noch weh"...but you needn't expect that I translate the text... *g*

    Here is it:
    "Meme si ma vie je la joue a pile ou face, come l'amour, J'peux pas avoir le talent tous les jours."

    Also...das erste hat was mit Leben und spielen zu tun. *gg*

    Mfg Sim

  • Zitat

    Original geschrieben von *Weihnachtsfee-Isa*
    No, I mean "Das erste Mal tat'S noch weh". There's a small part of french in the chorus, but Chrissie tried to translate it. But, she really only TRIED!!! *gggg* :D

    Oh, no I hate hering this guy.
    He doesn't even have a trace of talent, so why do so many people by his records?
    I don't no it either, but would do you say? Do you like him?

  • No, I don't like him. I just want to know it, cause french always sound so romantic and I just interested in the meaning of the words.

    But I have to say, I like the guy. I think he's funny. Everytime I see him on TV, he's really funny and entertaining, you know. But actually I don't like the music... ;)


  • I'm back :) Yesterday I wasn't here because i had school till 5 o'clock and then i had to go to a musical in Stuttgart :) "Tanz der Vampire" :) And i came home at half past 1 :( But it was really great!! First row ;) And today , in the second lesson, we've written an english class test :( reading comprehension and an exercise with the tenses-gg-

  • Zitat

    Original geschrieben von Lari
    Hello, my friends.
    avril: Sorry I didn´t write before.
    This name is great.

    Bye, yours Lara

    Oh, no concern...I'll survive it! :D

    Yeah, you're right, he even can't sing the refrain! He always needs this silly woman...what's her name? Tina Frank? Okay, maybe, her voice is good, but the rest...I don't need to say anything more! :D

    Avril :ciao

  • Zitat

    Original geschrieben von Rentier-Vally
    Finally, i visited your site!
    How lovely! öhmm, haven't you say that there were dolls on the side?
    I was looking for them but eventually I don't find them at all!

    I know! :D
    I'm not finished already, I haven't got so much time to make Dolls! Today and tomorrow, it's weekend, so I'll do some in these two days. ;)


  • Ich hatte vor 20 Jahren mal nen Kurs an der VHS und würde es gerne wieder auffrischen. :)

    [glowwhite]Greets from out off space[/glowwhite][/center]

    [center][glowwhite]ehemals Layla - Li - wenn´s denn interessiert ;)[/glowwhite][/center]

  • Weißt du warum?
    Ich wollt ja damals mal hinziehen - die Menchen dort sind sehr viel offnener und freundlicher als in Deutschland.
    Eine Familie hat uns in unserem damaligen Urlaub für eine Nacht in ihr Gästezimmer aufgenommen - als wir sie nach nem Campingplatz fragten. Und dazu wurden wir noch köstlich bewirtet! :)

    [glowwhite]Greets from out off space[/glowwhite][/center]

    [center][glowwhite]ehemals Layla - Li - wenn´s denn interessiert ;)[/glowwhite][/center]

  • Schade - ist so ne witzige Sprache. :D

    [glowwhite]Greets from out off space[/glowwhite][/center]

    [center][glowwhite]ehemals Layla - Li - wenn´s denn interessiert ;)[/glowwhite][/center]

  • Also ich spreche es nicht...da ich aber direkt an der Grenze quasi wohne, verstehe ich mittlerweile alles...das ist aber auch simpel...*g*

    [FONT="Times New Roman"][center]i need [size="5"]BLIND FAITH AND SHELTER.[/size][size="2"]
    ★ [/size][/FONT][/center]