Die Person unter mir...

  • naain ^^

    schaut sich grad popstars an?


    I know that we're takin' chances, you told me life was a risk
    but I just have one last question...
    will it be my heart or will it be his?[/SIZE][SIZE=1]?[/SIZE]

  • ja <3333

    hat auch einen


    I know that we're takin' chances, you told me life was a risk
    but I just have one last question...
    will it be my heart or will it be his?[/SIZE][SIZE=1]?[/SIZE]

  • ja meine schoki die ich grad ess <3 :applaus

    wird auch geliebt?


    I know that we're takin' chances, you told me life was a risk
    but I just have one last question...
    will it be my heart or will it be his?[/SIZE][SIZE=1]?[/SIZE]

  • ja :D

    wohnt nicht in österreich


    I know that we're takin' chances, you told me life was a risk
    but I just have one last question...
    will it be my heart or will it be his?[/SIZE][SIZE=1]?[/SIZE]

  • und wie :p

    hört auch grad musik?


    I know that we're takin' chances, you told me life was a risk
    but I just have one last question...
    will it be my heart or will it be his?[/SIZE][SIZE=1]?[/SIZE]

  • äähm nein ^^

    hat ne hohe stimme :P


    I know that we're takin' chances, you told me life was a risk
    but I just have one last question...
    will it be my heart or will it be his?[/SIZE][SIZE=1]?[/SIZE]

  • vielleicht bzw hoffendlich nach meiner mandel-OP xD

    mag kuchen :lecka

  • jaaa und wie ^^

    isst grade was?


    I know that we're takin' chances, you told me life was a risk
    but I just have one last question...
    will it be my heart or will it be his?[/SIZE][SIZE=1]?[/SIZE]

  • nein xD hol mir aba jz was

    freut sioch schon auf die schule? oO :hua


    I know that we're takin' chances, you told me life was a risk
    but I just have one last question...
    will it be my heart or will it be his?[/SIZE][SIZE=1]?[/SIZE]

  • überhaupt nicht :hua

    ist gut in mathe?


    I know that we're takin' chances, you told me life was a risk
    but I just have one last question...
    will it be my heart or will it be his?[/SIZE][SIZE=1]?[/SIZE]

  • so halbwegs ^^

    hatte eins?


    I know that we're takin' chances, you told me life was a risk
    but I just have one last question...
    will it be my heart or will it be his?[/SIZE][SIZE=1]?[/SIZE]

  • nur einen 3er (ha, du bist österreicherin, du verstehst was ich mein xD) und der war in mathe xDD

    schwimmt gerne