Die Person unter mir...

  • hat da Recht (woher weißtn das? *g*)

    finden auch immer alle total nett und gut erzogen (:hehe <-hab ich von Tati geliehen :roftl)

    Freundliche Grüße


  • öhm... nö?!

    hat schon die Neueinmeldung von Bunny-Deluxe gesehen???

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • Was? Wo? :erschreck

    Geht jetzt nicht, wie ich, Sims spielen. :D (sorry Juju! :knuddel)

    Also: Nein, hab ich nicht... :misstrau sollte ich?

    Freundliche Grüße


  • ja (das sind Beleidigungen, ich würd die an D.H.s Stelle lieber wieder löschen, nur als Tipp ;))

    hat nen Bluna-smilie

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • richtich

    hat Dekate veranlasst, zumSelbsschutz die Teile zu löschen? (obwohl es echt witzig ist)

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • ...weis welche teile!

    ...weis uach nicht welche teile?

    [CENTER][SIZE=2]My 0.00000001 percent chance of marrying Alex Gaskarth still beats [/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=2] your 0 percent chance of marrying Edward Cullen. [/SIZE]

  • jop
    (welche Teile? :D)

    ... hat Hunger

    [CENTER][center]What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you
    And what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're ok
    I'm falling to pieces, yeah
    I'm falling to pieces


  • nööö :D
    kp ich weis es nicht^^

    ...gründet mit mir den ICH-WEIS-ES-NICHT-CLUB?

    [CENTER][SIZE=2]My 0.00000001 percent chance of marrying Alex Gaskarth still beats [/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=2] your 0 percent chance of marrying Edward Cullen. [/SIZE]

  • Ja!!!

    Darf man so einen Thread machen?

    ... will auch so nen Fred gründen

    [CENTER][center]What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you
    And what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're ok
    I'm falling to pieces, yeah
    I'm falling to pieces


  • nein, nie (das ist ernst gemeint) wenn dann nur sehr selten

    ... will einen ICH-WEIß-ES-NICHT-Fred gründen?

    [CENTER][center]What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you
    And what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're ok
    I'm falling to pieces, yeah
    I'm falling to pieces


  • klar, es gibt superviel, was ich nicht weiß!

    will das auch?

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • verkehrt! Ich weiß am allermeisten von ALLEN über sie! :D

    soll mal den gestrigen Dialog im UU-Fred lesen :D

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • ^^

    isn spammer wenn er hier spammt ^^



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  • sagt sowas

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]