"'Weiße Kragen' Arbeiter"... *shudder* I guess then in the original it was "white coat" or am I mistaking that? :kopfkratz
As you mentioned pun: I love the german saying "Eifersucht ist eine Leidenschaft, die mit Eifer sucht, was Leiden schafft". The problem is, how would I tell that to an englishman/american? I could translate it word for word and explain the similarities between those words etc. But still all brilliancy of that sentence would be lost. That's so sad.
~*Let's talk about...- Der Englisch-Thread!*~
White-collar worker.
Ooh, that's hard. Sorry, can't help you either, I'm not creative enough to think of a solution :rolleyes. -
:lachen I didn't expect a solution.
That speech came to my mind and I just had the urge to voice my sadness and despair on that matter. I admit, I thought about it a while ago. I couldn't come up with something similar in english, too. It's a pity. I really love that one.
In english I like the saying "impending doom". But when I tried to use it in german once, I realized it would just sound stupid (the translation I mean). Because of that, I was suddenly at a lack of words, 'cause I didn't want to say "impending doom". (It wouldn't have made sense at that point. Wrong audience. :rolleyes) So I sat there agape, slightly closing and reopening my mouth repeatedly while I tried frantically to come up with something to finish my started sentence. What can I say, it didn't work. *busted* And still I'm trying really hard not to think about how THAT looked. :rollauge :hammer
And thanks. "white-collar worker"... hmm... Can't remember I heard that before - ever. What kind of people are those supposed to be? -
white collar workers are people like me, clarks
blue collar workers is the opposite, those are people who work mostly physically. -
In english I like the saying "impending doom". But when I tried to use it in german once, I realized it would just sound stupid (the translation I mean). Because of that, I was suddenly at a lack of words, 'cause I didn't want to say "impending doom". (It wouldn't have made sense at that point. Wrong audience. :rolleyes) So I sat there agape, slightly closing and reopening my mouth repeatedly while I tried frantically to come up with something to finish my started sentence. What can I say, it didn't work. *busted* And still I'm trying really hard not to think about how THAT looked. :rollauge :hammer
Things like that happen to me aaall the time, it's terrible really. When I'm surrounded by my family - no problem, they know me well enough to just accept (now and again) an English word coming their way :D, but even with my friends, or persons who know me even less ... I just don't want to insert an English word, so I'll just sit there, agape :D, like you. -
Thanks, s'Keral. That means I'm a white collar worker too. Nice to know. Although it still sounds strange.
Yeah, Heldin. Family is great.At least the closest ones don't mind your quirks all that much. Unfortunately (of course) it wasn't family but colleagues. :hua But then again: They would have looked funny, if I had used the english phrase too. Well... I guess I'll just book that as the price of socializing with others.
Fortunately I usually don't have black-outs at work (work-related oder otherwise).
Have you seen The Simpson-film at the Cinema?
my Friend told me theres a spiderschwein. -
Well, you don't need to watch the movie to know about spider pig, the trailer's enough :D.
To answer your question - no, haven't seen it yet. I'd like to, but my friends and my sister don't like Simpsons that much, and my brother won't be with me till Christmas ;). -
Haven't seen it either. Neither am I going to. I don't mind seeing an episode on TV once in a while, but a whole movie? :misstrau Besides, what the trailer told me so far, I wouldn't enjoy it. Just overly unrealistic (not that, the TV-Cartoon is realistic but... well... yeah). I just can't enjoy movies like that.
Did you see it Suki? Or are you going to? -
NO, i haven't seen it either.
My Friends love Simpsons but im not interested in it.
I don't like them at all. -
Simpsons are very funny but I didn't have seen the film jet. I think I'll wait until there's the DVD. Another funny thing is that I start thinking in English because I'm on holiday in England.
Many people I know don't really like the Simpsons. Although there seem to be many many other people who do.
Thinking in english! :applaus I know that one. I read many fanfictions and other things or watch DVDs in english. Often times I start thinking in english too and it will stay that way for a while. It's odd to halt in your thoughts and realize: "You just thought that in english! Why did you do it? It's not your mother language and there is no-one around you could speaking english to." :misstrau Disturbingly enough those afterthoughts are often times in english too. :lachen -
I once wrote "word" instead of "Wort" (because I just thought of the English word) - good thing that doesn't happen in essays in school (!) but only when I don't concentrate. -
Yeah, that's truely a good thing.
I guess I can be happy, that I didn't have to think about things like that, when I was still in school. Back then I barely had anything to do with english out of school (besides school? alongside school? :kopfkratz :nixweiss). Otherwise I might have run into one or another problem there too. I can't remember ever being focused all that much in school. XD
Oh, Maiga, sorry, I (of course) forgot to ask that: How is your stay in england. How long are you there already and how much longer will your stay be? I hope you are enjoying it. I would like to visit england too. The landscape there seems to be nice. And I just hope the people there are as well. -
Hello people!!
Well, it's great! And sorry, if I'll make some typing errors or grammar errors but I'm not so good in the English speech...
So I'll try it. -
Hello, 4-Pfoten. :wink And welcome.
I don't think anyone here will mind all that much. You are new in this part of the forum, aren't you? I can't remember meeting you here somewhere before.
Your Ava is nice. Is it from a PC game? Kind of looks like it. -
Hello Maelie,
nice to meet you.No I'm not a newbie here. *g* But I haven't posted here in the off topic board before.
Yeah, I like those ava too. It's Spyro. A character of the same called sort of video games on the PlayStation. It's my favourite video game - I adore it.
I like it as much as Sims 1. -
Hi all around.
I've begun with learning French. That is really fun, but it's also a lot of working. I hope I will keep to it and won't get bad marks in it :hua.
But like I work nowatimes it can't go bad *hoping*. -
Hello Livia,
yeah, French is funny. But in our school we've not got those subject. I'm glad about that somehow. *g*
Because I think French is a very difficult language. So it's my own opinion.Uh, and because of my ava: I got it from my girl friend. (normale Freundin?)
4-Pfoten - you just say "friend" (or probably "buddy" but it's more a 'Kumpel').
Your girlfriend would be your love.