I have to admit, I'm not so fond of english signatures. But that one is good. :up Even though I still think it would sound good in german too. Did you translate it yourself?
~*Let's talk about...- Der Englisch-Thread!*~
I have an english signature, too.
I like the one you got, herzsprungi !
"Friedhof der Kuscheltiere" (don't know the english title)
It's "Pet Sematary".
Mh, I never get nightmares about books or movies.
My nightmares often have something to do with school. I don't know why, I can see no reason. -
Cemetery, chérie?
No, it's semetary, because children maked that cemetary and wrote on a sign "Pet Semetary".
oi, thank you Livia, I only read it in German
No, it's semetary, because children maked that cemetary and wrote on a sign "Pet Semetary".
To be exact, it's spelled sematary.
Yay, I knew something better than a mod! -
Just out of couriosity: Does anyone here read english books or other text' too? I own some english ones (and partially read them already) but only because there isn't a german version and probably never will be.
By the way: Isn't that "made" that cemetary? -
By the way: Isn't that "made" that cemetary?
That's what I thought, too.
I read books in English (my friends often joke about this ^^).
I don't know why I started this, but I think it's fun. -
I think it's fun too. Plus it told me more about the english language than my english teachers ever could besides the basics. (:p <- to my former teachers.)
i also watch my dvds in english, read books in english, sounds a bit strange but i like it this way.
i love the original version of a film. -
i also watch my dvds in english, read books in english, sounds a bit strange but i like it this way.
i love the original version of a film.
Me too.
And I also love to know the actors' original voices. -
Wow. :eek: And there I was thinking, I'm pretty much one of very few who watch DVDs in english. That's so cool. I love to hear their original voices too. Often times they sound better. And it doesn't look funny because the words match the mouth-movements. Besides there are sometimes Special Editions with extras only in english. GO DVD GO! :jeah
Yay, I knew something better than a mod!
Zitat von MaelieBy the way: Isn't that "made" that cemetary?
Yeah, I don't know, why, but I do this mistake very often. E.g. in the last english exam :hammer.
Sorry, I just had to write that. -
Sorry, I just had to write that.
Mods are only people!!! There humans like us, too. (My english is still bad, im sorry)
:lachen -
Zitat von Livia
Yeah, I don't know, why, but I do this mistake very often. E.g. in the last english exam
Most likely because past tense usually is with an added "ed".That's what I hate about it. It's like our exceptions to rules. Sometimes I just can't remember them.
Kinda annoying...
Your english isn't that bad, Suki. (It's "they're". ;)) You should muster up some courage and write more. I find it one of the easiest ways to learn it. Most times (at least when you read english text's) you can tell something is wrong just by looking at the word you wrote.
I read many Fanfictions and TV-Series/Episodes-Guides and the like (english of course). The only annoying thing is, when I find too many spelling errors in the (fanfiction)text's. :misstrau I think I just take it too seriously. :rolleyes And sometimes I don't know the meaning of used phrases. But I guess people with another motherlanguage got that problem with "foreign" languages too. -
Thank God, I finished the english book :).
Now I read Anna Frank's Diary in German, because on Thursday I was in the concentration camp in Bergen-Belsen.
But I still can't way to start reading "Der menschliche Dämon". It's a story that is very similar to the one of Jack the Ripper. -
Congratulations. But it's kinda sad, that you seem to be that relieved to be done with it. I have the strong believe that when you read a book (no matter what language or a "real" book or Comic/Manga) you should enjoy it entirely. Well, of course there are books you don't like but hopefully those are very very few.
You were in Bergen-Belsen? School thing or just because?
Jack the Ripper... :hua I saw "From Hell" in the cinema (at the cinema?). Horror movies. You can't watch them but you can't walk away from them either. Me anyway... -
bye, bye.
I'll see you.