Insomnia by Stephen King.
~*Let's talk about...- Der Englisch-Thread!*~
My parents love Stephen King.
We have films and books and and and...
xD -
Parents who love Stephen King, really weird but cool.
:lachenI must go to bed now, good night.
Parents who love Stephen King, really weird but cool.
what, please, is weird about that? It's what they read when they were young :misstrau
My Mom loves Stephen King, too.
Me too.
Can't understand what could be weird about that. -
you're completely right, Chérie. And as someone who probably has about the age of your parents, I felt pretty upset for a moment when I read Livia's post.
Life does not stop once you're over twenty!
Sarah Kuttner said something great about Stephen King [sorry, can't translate that, that's just Sarah and it has to stay exactly the way she said it :D]: "Ich habe gerade 'Puls' von Stephen King gelesen. An dieser Stelle kann das Literatur-Ressort der geschätzten SZ ruhig die Nase rümpfen und einen Schluck ungesüßten grünen Tee trinken, aber ich habe schon seit mindestens zehn Jahren eine, jetzt nicht mehr so heimliche, Leidenschaft für Stephen King."
...I love her. And I boycott MTV. Suckers. -
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Mornin'
Aah, whenever I go clubbing I somehow always end up speaking English, mostly even to native speakers, that's soo weird. Last night we met a Swedish emo boy who spoke hardly any German and who we bothered with getting a new hair cut.
(Arrrgh, it's really hard to write in English when one's tipsy and somewhat exhausted... I nearly wrote hair gut...)
And I boycott MTV, too.
gotv - be part of it! -
I'm still woke up 20 Minutes ago.xD
Snus! gotv is the best!
GOTV!!! -
Zitat von Livia
Insomnia by Stephen King.
You are reading it in english? Is there a specific reason to do so?
I got it in german. But once I started it several years ago, I stopped after the 30th page (I think) because I got the feeling it would end up the same as "Friedhof der Kuscheltiere" (don't know the english title): me having nightmares every night until I'm through. :hua :hua
But Stephen King is a great writer. I have The Dark Tower too, but I haven't read the last 3 yet. I'm afraid I'll have to read the first 3 books again to know what's going on.It's been so long. And I discovered this problem with Diana Gabaldon already. It took some time until I got a hold of book 3 and after I started it, I had to put it away again. I just didn't know most of the people besides the two lead characters anymore.
I will have to start with book 1 all over again. :suse
I bought it at a second hand english books store in Amsterdam :D.
Aha. Well then...
I guess you don't get nightmares from books, do you? But I have to admit that is what got me hooked on King. His words made my imagination turn everything into a movie so real like no-one before.
I don't get nightmares because I don't understand everything in the book and I can't really "be sucked in it" because of the language :lachen.
That's an interesting idea. I should try to read it in english. :lachen Well, what I read that one day sounded interesting. (And that was a long time ago. I should be able to read it know without getting spooked. I hope...)
Good night, Melanie. -
You got a new nick... nice.
Thank you very much. (Although it took some time for me to answer.)
my signature is completely in english *proud*