Fine. I'm just cruising (yOyO) on schülerVZ :fiu.
And how are you, dear Olli?
~*Let's talk about...- Der Englisch-Thread!*~
I feel great. yeah really perfect : D (hm, nearly ^^)
You're also registrated (Oo xD egal) in the schülerVZ?
Are you in the -
No, I'm not in it; I'm in too many groups anyway :D.
me too xDD
but I like to join new groups
Well I haven't join some for some weeks O.O
I'm busy now
hm.. I have no idea which groups I could join xD
I need banale things to search for
sorry das ich jetzt zu erst auf deutsch schriebe, ich kann nich so gut englisch darum spreche ich einfach das was ich kann auf englisch^^
lool i`m sorry i have nothing verstanden:D it`s e good theme lool^^
byby -
sorry das ich jetzt zu erst auf deutsch schriebe, ich kann nich so gut englisch darum spreche ich einfach das was ich kann auf englisch^^
lool i`m sorry i have nothing verstanden:D it`s e good theme lool^^
bybythan, what the heck, why do you try to be here? There is the "Ultimativer Unterhaltungsthread" which is in German... No use to post here if you cannot because your English is not really existing :misstrau
good morning, my lil sweethearts...:knuddel
good day susi
I like English
We need something to talk aboutLet's talk about plans for the future.. does somebody have some?
Gooooooooooooooooood mornin'
Year, I want to be Photograph in future
good day susi
I like English
We need something to talk aboutLet's talk about plans for the future.. does somebody have some?
Oh my God, I've been thinking about my future for months. Well, I've just quit school and wonder what to do now. Actually, I've stopped wondering and decided to study chemistry, get my bachelor and master of science and do a doctor's degree then. Afterwards I'll win the Nobel prize... However, there are too many universities in Germany. On the one hand, I don't want to leave home (don't laugh!) and move to another city, on the other hand I'm toying with the idea of joining an elite university which would doubtlessly enhance the "value" of my CV (curriculum vitae). Unfortunately I'm extremely shy and don't want to move to Muinch or Berlin. (I live near Cologne.)
Then you should do something, Asuka.
Just like me.
'Cause you cant say "Oh. I wanna be a photographer"
You have to choose the 'theme' like Nature or Sports or whatever.
And you cant make money with it in the first years...
You have to make plans.As you all can see I'm already a lil' sports-photographer
And I'll study Photography.
...XD -
Oh, shower you want to be a photographer,too?
That's really great!
...Year, I take some photos, too. From Brithday partys and some kind of things.But I want to have a Photostudio in future, because i like to make Photos and i reeeaaaally want to be an Photograph :D:D
Sorry for ,y errors
Argh you're stupid.
Did you never clicked on my Soccer photos?
Then you would now what i wanna do in future.I mean...taking photos of birthday XD
The last time I went to Fortuna Düsseldorf XD i was able to get on the "playground" (XXXD????) cause the manager gave me a photographers&press-pass.
And I go to local soccer teams...small ones.
They play Sundays and i always go there too and make photosyou must decide what you wanna do.
you cant say eh i wanna be a photograper ;Ddamn i just ate sth and now im hungry
What I want to do in the future? Hmm... I don´t really know.
On the one hand i want to do something with Mangas (its my biggest dream) and write books and draw all the day long.
On the other hand i want to study... but i dont really know what to study :confused:
I want be an engineer or something like that. But in last time i am really bad and lasy at school...earlier i wanted to be a architect, but they get few money and work very very long. It´s harder than most of the jobs.
And in the very past i wanter to be a dancer or an actress :roftl
I still want to be a bit an actress, but... better not.Hmm... you see, i don´t know what i want to do in my future :confused:
I have many plans... i want travel in Japan and kasachstan and and i want see america and i want my own fashion collection :rolleyes and then i buy a little island, where i can life... and and and
please overlook my mistakes in this language
earlier i wanted to be a architect, but they get few money and work very very long. It´s harder than most of the jobs.I don't agree with that. My mother is an architect and knows a lot of those guys. They're swimming in money!! Besides, it's always good to know an architect just in case you're planning to build a house. You know, such a project needs already lots of money... Furthermore, I think that mineworkers have a much harder business to do!
What I am thinking about is to do a voluntary year somewhere in the world. But there's always the "problem" boyfriend... On the one hand, I would love to see new places and meet new people on the other hand I can't stand the imagination of being seperated from him for a whole year!
Moreover, I don't know whether there is a possibility of taking him with me, so... -
I want do be a musician. *lol* Playing solo, in an orchestra, band, teaching in music school. Not a job where you know what will happen in future.
But I can't imagine me being in a buero or something like that.
I don't know. I'll end up under a bridge :p. -
That's all very depressing because I really don't know.
Of course I have dreams, I've always wanted to become a journalist or writer but I started doubting lately whether I could actually make in that business because there are soo many people who are way more talented than me.
Well, I think I'll just go to university and study abroad, probably in Sweden, and I'll just see what happens. Not a particulary farsighted (is that word actually appropriate in this context?) plan but yeah, who cares? -
@ K@hi: Oh you have great plans. I hope you will reach those things
@ Hinata, I also wanted to be an architekt... but now, after I've worked there for 3 weeks, I noticed, that I can't work in a office for 8 hours. I need something more exciting. Something we're I can work not just inside a room.
@ Livia... working in a office was really exhausting for me. I thought I could work there but... no I need more action xD
Well I have many plans for my future
first I want to learn swedish. After I'll finished school I want to study Archaelogy. I'm very interested in those old things, especially the everyday life of our ancestors. I don't know whether I'll do an education before that. Archaelogists aren't really wanted :(... And I'll need money to pay for the study. After that I will move to Sweden. A nice, little house, somewhere in the woods. They aren't that expensive in Sweden. I hope to get a Job as Archaelogist there.
But my grant wish is to live an easy life. Well I want to live with the nature.
I also want to wander longer distances, without those civilized things. Some may say I won't get an advantage from this. But I think for me it will be a great advantage. I don't like the modern way of living... but I don't want to leave it, because it will get again, if I want or not...unfortunately -
Good morning everybody, well, actually you can't say "good morning" anymore...
The Sentenced: sweden is really nice i think ^^"
i want to live in Japan in future, I know its very expensiv there but what can I do? Its my dream, though.I dont know what to study... but It will be something with japanese, I know
well then XD