~*Let's talk about...- Der Englisch-Thread!*~

  • The stupid fly is still in this room.

    destroy that bitch ^^

    [CENTER][size=1][size=2][b]... egal ob Alphatier, Waffendealer oder Der Pate!


  • Hm, this thread is going to be my favorit.

    Can we please have a minute`s silence for my hamster? She died the day before yesterday and I think we should all take our hats off to her.

    Rest in peace little one.

    Back to topic.

    I am great this morning. No university, cause we have vacations here.
    The weather is..ummm...ok. No rain tho, could be worse.

    Going to move some furniture later today or tomorrow. I have much more space now that the hamster is dead. :/

    [SIZE=1]"Why be alone when we can be together baby[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=1] You can make my life worthwhile[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=1] And I can make you start to smile"[/SIZE]
    [right][SIZE=1]"Wenn Du einsam bist - rufe nur nach mir
    wenn Du mich vermisst - komme ich zu Dir"[/SIZE]
    [center][SIZE=1]Ich grüße Alfred J. Kwak, die Gummiebärenbande, die Figuren aus Es war einmal... , Bugs Bunny, Spidi Gonzales, die Chipmunks und natürlich Pucki, pauli und gwirrx![/SIZE][/center]

  • Zitat von XFACTOR

    destroy that bitch ^^

    I try ^^
    But it flies away every time i try to crash it with the phone :(

    Oh no, strippe :'( That's sad. I remember when my first 3 rabbits died, all on one day. +schweig+

  • no you can't?! :roftl what did you want to say?

    Dingens, insgesamt = altogether or something like that... so "Thore is sweet altogether" xD

    The stupid fly is still in this room.

    Oh, thank you very much simply.

    [CENTER][SIZE=1][SIZE=2]a[/SIZE] constellation of tears on your lashes [SIZE=2].[/SIZE][/SIZE]

  • Eisdingens thank you for the post in the German Uu-thread ;)
    Do you have another photos of thore? he looks so .. young.

    That photo was old. I think, I have still one. I look again.

    [CENTER][SIZE=1][SIZE=2]a[/SIZE] constellation of tears on your lashes [SIZE=2].[/SIZE][/SIZE]


    I always thought it's blue, like here > :rosen

    No, we haven't. It's 'kopiert'. XD

    Muhahaha...I forgotten that word. copy ^^

    [CENTER][SIZE=1][SIZE=2]a[/SIZE] constellation of tears on your lashes [SIZE=2].[/SIZE][/SIZE]

  • Zitat

    morning? morning? :misstrau

    Year, morning....I woke up at 12.45 o'clock.

    [CENTER][SIZE=2]My 0.00000001 percent chance of marrying Alex Gaskarth still beats [/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=2] your 0 percent chance of marrying Edward Cullen. [/SIZE]

  • I hate school!

    [CENTER][SIZE=2]My 0.00000001 percent chance of marrying Alex Gaskarth still beats [/SIZE]
    [/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=2] your 0 percent chance of marrying Edward Cullen. [/SIZE]

  • 'eisdingens & louise'
    your avatares are awesome.

    it's boring roday, should i meet a friend? i dont know.
    i've got bad vibes XD

    [SIZE="1"]"Der perfekte Moment ist der, nach dem man das langersehnte endlich bekommen hat, in seinen Händen hält und sich dieses Triumphes bewusst ist. Das davor und danach zielt lediglich auf diesen Moment ab."

  • Jenny
    Congratulations - Chemistry is one of my favourite subjects :D
    I can't understand why I chose Biology for next, I wish I could change my decision... What was the test about?

    I'm really freaked out because of my Politics teacher. We had to prepare 3! essays for today and it was a lot of work to do. But today he ignored the fact that we should talk about our homework... instead we had to talk about the film "The Perfume" for more than half an hour, which means I've done my homework for nothing... (again, it's always the same with him) I really hate this subject.

    And tonight my friends and I wanted to go to the Abiparty, but by now they all cancelled it and I've no one to go with....



  • The test was about "Alkohole"

    Oh Jasmina thats f*ck (:hypo).. that your meeting with your friends on the Abiparty is cancelled



  • YAY, stalker is online :]

    @ simplydead.
    i looked at leo and this stupid side said me, that 'tool/cool/geil' means gay..

    [SIZE=2]pink invisible unicorn vs the flying spaghetti monster![/SIZE]

  • Shit happens!

    Well, my friend has just called me - she has changed up her mind, that's why she wants to go there with me now :) I'm really looking forward to it, there will many many peope that I know, because it is the Abiparty from two schools here in town - I hope it will be fun!

    Well I need to get dressed now, there's not much time left ;)

