Asuka !!! !!!!
i am back from the camp !
i love you !!!
your hasi
~*Let's talk about...- Der Englisch-Thread!*~
Are you allright? -
yep - feeling pretty good today.
everything is aLright.and how to you do, asuka?
wait wait wait i just saw it ... there's no allright and no alright - its only all right o_O wtf?
ah okay - got it.
you can say alright when you speak but all right is formal -
i was wrong, wasn't I?
I'm pretty fine
How was you day? -
sleeping 'till 1 pm, eating, tv and now computer.
i edited the last thingy.
how was yours?
Schoool, eating, Sims2 [D!] Fotos für meine Fotostory machen [D!/E]
and now Computer -
why didnt you write "sims 2 - i made phtos for my fiction"
i think i should go out but its nearly 5 pm and i dont want to.
Sorry, I'm not good in speaking English at all.
I want to go out, but my Mom isn't at home...:( -
i give you a rose !!! -
Suki, why do you never post in the UU Fred, if English is so difficult for you?
I really can't believe that today is the day, the crucial day which ends the peaceful period of time we were enjoying. In my opinion, it is a real pitty that the - absolutely justified - warning level didn't last that long. :rolleyes
I wish to be a magician who can make rabbits vanish in a hat...
(Those who don't know what/who I'm aiming at should continue as if my comment didn't exist.)
Subtle, Kathi! :up
(:D) -
i'm going to the UU-Fred!
It's to difficult here!
love Ya :hug :kuss :knuddel -
difficult is surpreme!
not if Suki mousie baby cannot express herself
i can´t speak good english.
may I speak denglisch here? -
I actually would'nt mind, Jule, but I am afraid that would somewhat distort the actualy meaning of this thread.
Quite right. I do rather believe that denglish is not the kind of language we would approve here.
but english with "jules deutscher schlechtschreibung" is permitted?