Congrats to me, too :D. But my teacher is not at all competent, so it's not really not an achievement - and I'm not being immodest (:thiva don't say anything, Juju! :D) when I say that ... well ... her English isn't one bit better than mine. And I thought my former English teacher was bad ... :rolleyes
Don't get me wrong, she's great, nice, sweet, but not at all an expert.
~*Let's talk about...- Der Englisch-Thread!*~
everybody is one word.
außer = except
forgot has only one "t"
thread is a noun, and nouns don't start with capitals.
yeah, why don't we? Suki-mousie, how are you doing today? Are you okay? Has peace come back?
Yeah, peace is here at all. I was only angree because my brother was here and....he's so stupid
ZitatYes, I was quite surprised when I read your posts yesterday, Asuka ! Listening to Sido? Talking about 'shitty' music of others? Didn't sound like you at all :hug.
xD :lollen :lachen :kuss -
sweet cuddly Suki turned out to be a werewolf deep inside
I think so,too
But I must go know Bye! -
I am seeing a lot of videos in English and it's pretty fun... The name of the Video is Hunterxhunter... so I can learn a lot of English!
Did I already mention that my English teacher told me that I have a really bad pronounciation? E.g. I put the stress on the wrong syllable. She told me to hear audio books in English.
I have already one - Harry Potter 5, I couldn't stand the book because it was boring, so now I will hear the audio cd. But then sometimes I have the problem that I don't really listen anymore to it without noticing, e.g. I think about somenthing else and then after a few minutes I notice that I don't have a clue of what is happening now in the story. :rolleyes -
Livia, you are so nice! :knuddel
I like o read English Mangas -
Beacuse you are really nice and lovly and you are soooo coool :hug
I must go to bed now, bye bye -
I'm nice because I'm really nice :lachen.
Good night, Asuka.
What the heck happened to this nice little thread? I simply had to push it a little higher, didn't I?
Thanks for pushing it. Actually, I was too lazy to start a new conversation thus I prefered to neglect this thread.Livia: Congratulations. I tended to stress the wrong syllables, too. Eventually I learned that it's the first syllable which is stressed normally.
Hmm, I'm bored again. I think I should read a book, however, I can't decided which one to read. I started reading Meteor by Dan Brown (2 deaths already), anyway, today a novel in English arrived thanks to amazon and my postman. I could also start reading this book. Hmmmmmm. :rolleyes
Oh, I love books with 2 or more deaths in it *_*
I'm currently reading "Die zärtliche Zeugin" - forgot the author sorry.
It's a pretty good book - not amazing, but good.And 2 deaths !
Oh i cant sleep..the animals are too loud!
its 12.40 am not time to go sleeping
good morning everybody. How are you doing today on this cool and grey morning? A little feelin of autumn in the air...
@K@hy: I read half of the Meteor, it was soo boring, I wouldn't recommend you to read it.
@s'Keral: I was busy in the morning - was in school till 2:15 pm.
By now, it's warm and sunny :). Hope that'll last a bit. I don't like heat (...that's an understatement, actually), but this permanent grey was getting on my nerves.
@ Livia: and I am still at work...
Heldin, as always, I am thinking like you. I love my weather nice and sunny, but I despise temperatures being high... 25 ° C are quite okay, anything more ... I do not need -
Have some imaginary karma, Juju!
Wow, today's a nice day. And tomorrow's gonna be a nice day too. Only two "real" lessons, plus one lesson shooting some scenes for a film, plus one lesson of watching 'Pride & Prejudice', plus one ... er ... free lesson? *laughs* -
and little Joe must work all day :suse